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Ovo dete ako te usere ima max 13 godina.

Klipovi su wtf,ali ono...razvila se chak strana diskusije na tu temu :D

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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MRirian (Magi) is a pedobear-attracting loli video-maker shit on YouTube; she's nowhere close to looking Asian at all and claims to live in Japan on her profile on youtube when in fact she lives in America. On her Myspace, she lists her interests as "Manga, Anime, Pocky, Ramen, Cute Things..." which just shows her extreme lengths to reformulate her own genetic code in order to become Japanese. The content of her videos mainly consist of her looking at the webcam or randomly looking around the room, and angling the camera to make her eyes look more pointy. She claims to be 21, but she looks like a 12-year-old. what?

She lives in rural Pennsylvania and works at a CVS Pharmacy. She did not go to college so she can spend all her minimum wage earnings on Nintendo DS games and other stupid shit, and is currently residing at her parent's house. It has recently been rumored she is a mother of two children. In some of her clips it looks like she filmed herself in what looks like a nursery with stuff toys in the background. Another scene showed a baby pram/stroller in the background.


Edited by Urgh

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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