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Terminator 4

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uf mogutja slastica :P kristijan faking bejl!

samo da se shto pre ispere ukus t3-ke [puke]

After the comparatively lackluster T3: Rise of the Machines, more than a few people left the Terminator series for dead -- but as it turns out, the franchise may just be catching its second wind.

Aside from The Sarah Connor Chronicles, the Fox spinoff series debuting next month, Terminator fans have a fourth film, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, to look forward to -- and after months of scoffing at the very idea of another sequel, let alone one directed by McG, looking forward to it is exactly what many of those fans are doing. All it took was Christian Bale stepping in as arguably the franchise's central character, resistance fighter John Connor.

So. Now that everyone's excited about T4, and filming is only a few months away, how about we get started on some spoilers?

Yes indeedy, plot details for the latest installment are already leaking out, and CHUD's Devin Faraci's got 'em. If you want to know nothing about the new Terminator going in, avert your eyes now! Spoilers come in many forms, sometimes even as italicized fonts:

John Connor is not the main character of Terminator 4; that character is someone named Marcus. Marcus was put 'out of commission' before the nuclear holocaust on Judgment Day and he wakes up about 15 years before the future we see in the original Terminator films, which puts the movie at about 2015 or so. Marcus is a bad ass - think along the lines of Riddick - and what he finds is a blasted world filled with horror. Radiation poisoning, starvation, rampant jaywalking - all the things you expect post-apocalypse. There's also John Connor, who is trying to build a utopian society while running the human resistance.

Connor's role is apparently bigger in the second film; whoever they hire for Marcus (my understanding is that the part is not yet cast) will be around for all three films. Terminator 4 is going to be the most male-centric of all the Terminator films, but there is a butt busting female character by the name of Blair, a pilot for the human resistance.

They're going to need some buttkickers, because the scope of the action in Terminator 4 is HUGE. Lots of machine action in this film, including some battles with the T-600s. Yup, the rubber skin Terminators. And there's another familiar character that shows up - Reese shows up in a scene with John Connor. I don't know what his involvement in the next two films will be, though.

A big aspect of the story is the degrees of difference between a human and a Terminator. By which I mean cyborgs. By which I mean human brains in robot bodies.

source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/terminator_4/news/1698329/

imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0438488/

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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onaj mali napatjeni nick stahl i claire daines su potpisali "opciono josh 3 filma" nakon 3ke tako da se nikad ne zna dokle ce da muzu umirucu kravu =o)

mislim ono...win some loose some...cameron je u plusu sa parama kako god se okrene

bilo bi super da je bale u ovome ali opet meni zhao kad ga vidim da ga zovu sa zvaku drugu glupost da vadi sranje nekog scenariste imba glumom...ne zhelim josh jedan 3:10 da gledam...

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pa mislim mogu lagano da izvuku jos tri dela

jer su se roboti u ljudskom liku pojavili tek dosta kasnije u tom svetu

tako da mogu da izvuku fajt sa robotima, a bice neka spika da ce mozak tog glavnog pozitivca biti originalni bionicki mozak terminatora

mark my words


If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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shta umirutja krava, este vi normalni ? pa ta pricha o pochetku rata i njegovom razvitku do radnje iz drugog dela kad su poslali nazad t-600 ima 20 godina koliko se setjam ? tu mogu da se snime 10 filmova ..

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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umirutja u smislu treci film je bio shitty, serija je zomfg glupost sa klincem iz beverli hilsa u ulozi cool baye, ne meshajte ovo sa onim...ow well...samo cemo proshiriti onaj spisak "postoje 2 SW filma i 1 matrix" sa " super sto je linda hamilton glumila u svim terminator-related produkcijama" ;oP

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kad je besmisleni troll bio razlog i za chiji wrath?..imash rech komercijalni ispred te rezhiseri jer imash ljude tipa rolanda emericha i imash ljude tipa kevina smitha (jovo su samo 2 od recimo 10ak tipova =o))...i jedan i drugi ne prave hevi djuti umne filmove i jedan i drugi posluju pozitivno i nastavljaju da rade u tom holivudu zbog tog profita ali emerich je komercijalni rezhiser, smith nije...

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umirutja u smislu treci film je bio shitty, serija je zomfg glupost sa klincem iz beverli hilsa u ulozi cool baye, ne meshajte ovo sa onim...ow well...samo cemo proshiriti onaj spisak "postoje 2 SW filma i 1 matrix" sa " super sto je linda hamilton glumila u svim terminator-related produkcijama" ;oP

u devetoj epizodi je scena kada swat upada jednom od terminatora na gajbu. jedna od najboljih scena nasilja gde se ne vidi akcija.

generalno serija (tj. ono shto je do sad izashlo) nije zomfg glupost, ali nije nishta posebno (za razliku od Losta i Prison Breaka koji su sa svakom epizodom sve gluplji). autistichna riba iz firefly me najvishe drzhi da gledam dalje

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u devetoj epizodi je scena kada swat upada jednom od terminatora na gajbu. jedna od najboljih scena nasilja gde se ne vidi akcija.

generalno serija (tj. ono shto je do sad izashlo) nije zomfg glupost, ali nije nishta posebno (za razliku od Losta i Prison Breaka koji su sa svakom epizodom sve gluplji). autistichna riba iz firefly me najvishe drzhi da gledam dalje

Serija je ok ... samo me najvise nervira riba kiborg koja im pomaze ... ne zna da glumi , taj kiborg nacin ponasanja nije objasnjen i razjasnjen do kraja i takodje nacin komunikacije itd ... blabla to da su razradili bilo bi bolje ... ali je dobra zabava slazem se.

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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kali, summer glau jeste ubava za oko, ali to samo za sebe nije dovoljno da opravda gledanje serije...besides, i lost i pb kad te vishe ne drzhe - prestanesh da gledash kao mnogi (mada, gledanje bez tona i radnje u e.lilly > gledanje bez tona i radnje u s. glau ;o)), mene pilot ovoga nije ubedio da treba da pogledam drugu epizodu (mada jesam, nazhalost...mislim...brian austen green ffs...)

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umirutja u smislu treci film je bio shitty, serija je zomfg glupost sa klincem iz beverli hilsa u ulozi cool baye, ne meshajte ovo sa onim...ow well...samo cemo proshiriti onaj spisak "postoje 2 SW filma i 1 matrix" sa " super sto je linda hamilton glumila u svim terminator-related produkcijama" ;oP

3 sw kole 3 sw :) mogao bih da budem bezobrazan da kazem da ih ima 4 ali ajde necu :)

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S obzirom da sam Terminator 3 pogledao pre 10-ak dana, ovo za T4 mi dodje super vest nekako. I nije mi toliko los T3 koliko su mi svi govorili, al nije ni nista posebno, uglavnom dovoljno da me zainteresuje za cetvorku.

Samo toliko da su sjebali zaokruženu priču iz prva dva dela. Od priče o poludelim robotima napraviše patetičnu narodnoameričkooslobodilačku akciju sa sve predsedničkim bunkerom i mahanjem američke zastave. Užas bre. Švarcija su ofarbali ali se i dalje vide bore ko u dede, naročito na HD snimku.

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generalno serija (tj. ono shto je do sad izashlo) nije zomfg glupost, ali nije nishta posebno (za razliku od Losta i Prison Breaka koji su sa svakom epizodom sve gluplji). autistichna riba iz firefly me najvishe drzhi da gledam dalje

Take it back za Lost! Lost kida u cetvrtoj sezoni, za razliku od prethodne dve u koje su smorili... i to shto 'uzmesh' nazad slobodno isprozivaj josh vishe PB :)

sorry za offtopic...

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