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jbte sto voli da igra maratonske gemove... :D


lol za kraj,elem definitivno jelena mora da popravi igru na svoj servis,pogtovo i sam servis,gubi dosta tako setova,a ima dobar ritern tako da uzima dosa brejkova,kad bi to jos popravila ne bi joj bilo RAVNE!1

Edited by alfa_muzjak
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Vidi ovog Wulfija sto je ljubomoran na moju ljubomoru. Ccc.

Inace, gledao sam sinoc i Djoku i Fedija. Cudna stvar. Ljudi oko mene komentarisu: kako ima srece ovaj Fedi, jao, jao, kako je odvratan, veze nema, i sl. I sad sve bi to bilo ok, ne moze svako da prepozna vrhunskog tenisera, nego, nekako se javio taj kompleks zvani Federer. Medjutim, ono sta je zanimljivo je kako bi svi voleli da Fedi prsne totalno i onda da se vrati u velikom stilu. Kakvi pubertetski stavovi.


nema vise zezanja


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Inace, gledao sam sinoc i Djoku i Fedija. Cudna stvar. Ljudi oko mene komentarisu: kako ima srece ovaj Fedi, jao, jao, kako je odvratan, veze nema, i sl. I sad sve bi to bilo ok, ne moze svako da prepozna vrhunskog tenisera, nego, nekako se javio taj kompleks zvani Federer. Medjutim, ono sta je zanimljivo je kako bi svi voleli da Fedi prsne totalno i onda da se vrati u velikom stilu. Kakvi pubertetski stavovi.

Voli rulja dramu. Imho, nishta chudno.

Is it just me ili je ona Wozniacki jebozovna jako?

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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"I've got to feel good," Roddick said, thinking ahead. "He's got about 16 injuries right now."

After Roddick jokingly tossed out a few possible additions to Djokovic's long list of ailments - "bird flu, Anthrax, SARS" - he was asked whether he believed the Serbian was exaggerating his problems.

kakav saljivdzija ovaj Roddick:D

this is a journey this is a journey this is a journey

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Q. With the way he plays and his style, does it almost mandate that it's going to be a grind? Because it's not easy to knock Djokovic out of points early, even if you're playing well.

ANDY RODDICK: Oh, sure. You're going to have to go to work. He goes to work pretty much every point, and, my service game, he's going to put returns in, he puts guys in pressure. It seems like a lot of times there'd be breaks back and forth with him. You know going in that you're going to have to go to work.

Q. When asked about his injuries today, mentioning the right ankle as opposed to the left ankle, the other day ‑‑

ANDY RODDICK: Isn't it both of them? And a back and a hip?

Q. And when he said there are too many to count.

ANDY RODDICK: And a cramp.

Q. Do you get the sense right now that he is...


Q. Lot of things. Beijing hangover.


Q. He's got pretty long list of illness.

ANDY RODDICK: Anthrax. SARS. Common cough and cold.

Q. Got a lot of things going on with him.


Q. Do you think he's bluffing?

ANDY RODDICK: No, I mean, I'm sure ‑‑

Q. The way you're saying it, almost means you feel like...

ANDY RODDICK: No, if it's there, it's there. There's just a lot. You know, he's either quick to call a trainer or he's the most courageous guy of all time. I think it's up for you guys to decide.

The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God — it's full of stars!

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kao i Federer sa njegovim "Djokovic? Joke-ovic, he is a joke" forama...

stvarno cenim kod Nadala njegovu skromnost.. kada su ga kada je bio na tipa 500 poena od Federera pitali da li primecuje nagli uspon i da li ocekuje skoro da ga prestigne, on je odgovorio da je veca verovatnoca da njega prestigne Djokovic koji je imao dosta manje poena od njega.. mislim, naravno da to nije mislio :) ali sve jedno, zasto da se kurci ako moze da ispadne korektan..

zbog toga mi je 100 puta lakse kad Djokovic izgubi od Nadala nego od Federera..

Roses are #FF0000 violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you.

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ma i rodja raicevic (roger) i rokurac (ro ddick) u kurac obojica xD

roger mi je jednostavno patetican sa svojim ovogodisnjim izjavama a roddick mi je oduvek bio smesan do daske kao kad je (npr) prosle godine rekao da moze da naruci picu i obavi par telefonskih razgovora dok joke-ovic servira :d

:D koji kloshar

Nema tu nista vezano za nas mentalitet vec za mentalitet interneta i foruma gde je svako jak i svakome je pisa mnogo velika pa moze da se kurci jer zna da ga nece drmnuti neka pesnica iz monitora i sasuti mu sve zube niz grlo ( mlechne zube naravno ).

ovog dakija ovnuju svuda jebote
by Pesma-Mrtve-Dece
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