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The Hobbit, 3 filma, prvi u bioskopima 2010.

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pa jedino sto mogu da naprave kao nastavak hobita je pad vesca iz angmara tj izbacivanje saurona iz njegove prve kule pre nego sto je pobegao u mordor i tamo se skucio

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Mozda ce u drugom filmu da predstave i Aragorna i njegova putovanja, izmedju ostalog.

ima tu gomila materijala(60godina u srednjoj zemlji...)svasta moze da se ispricha

Nekako osecam da ce Del Toro da odradi bolji posao od Dzeksona...ishle su mi na kurac mnogobrojni gej detalji iz LOTR, a nisam hardcore fan knjige.

a i hobit je mnogo jednostavnija knjiga i mnogo se lakshe preprichava od gp. Meni je najbitnije da Dwarfovi budu baje i u filmu :)))

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Aragorna i njegova putovanja

koliko se secam a davno to bejase, aragorn je bio jedan od ucesnika u borbi protiv vesca kralja, kao i gandalf, kao i saruman, za bilba se nesto ne secam, i jos par patuljaka je bilo u tom fajtu.

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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tolkinvih beleshki naravno...

kao sto je silmerilion objavljen posthumno, kompiliranjem njegovih beleshki, tako je JRRov sin christopher nastavio sa kompliranjem materijala i popunjavanjem praznina u timelineu i imash hiljade i hiljade strana zvanichnog materijala ( i to nije nesto od pre 5 dana, vec tipa 20-30 godina je "out there"

znachi niko nece nista d'izmislja nego sve po materijalu koji je napisao neko po sa prezimenom tolkin =o)

also ne vidim zasto ljudi hejtuju unapred film koji pravi del toro...pa jebote ako njegovi filmovi nisu bolji od jacksonovih onda ne znam...

da, ali ovde je cisto u pitanju moj subjektivni trip, jednostavno ne mogu vise da gledam bilo sta sa trunkom 'lec hant som orks', a del toro nije mihalkov ili neko takav, tako da mislim da ce mi film biti gadan:) doduse, verujem da cu moci da ga gledam jednom i tu cu verovatno biti overvelmd rezijom, efektima i tim tripovima, pa ce mi biti do jaja.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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More mislim da je covek koji je glumio Sarumana i Grofa Dukua (jebem ti mastovitog Lukasa sa tako idijotskim imenima) umro pre nekog vremena.

Koliko sam ja shvatio, drugi flim bi trebalo da obradi bitke na severu (Zelezna Brda, Dol i tako to) i prema Lotlorijenu u okviru Rata za Prsten.

Jer ako ubace Adventures of Aragorn u medjuratnom periodu... najebali smo. Em ce morati da se pojavi Legolas, ili bar Agent Smit, em ce morati da bude vidjanja sa Liv Tajler...

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IGN dao lep pregled sta sve mozhe da se nadje u tom "drugom hobit filmu"...

samo bez nerviranja molim ;o)

UK, February 8, 2008 - Like most movie fans, IGN UK was delighted by the recent announcements that a) there would be two whole films based Tolkien's Lord of the Rings prequel The Hobbit, and b) that bearded Hellboy helmer Guillermo Del Toro will direct them (probably). However, we were a bit puzzled about the idea of a 'bridge movie' set between The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring.

Peter Jackson himself told Entertainment Weekly recently: "One of the drawbacks of The Hobbit is that it's relatively lightweight compared to LOTR... There... (are) a lot of sections in which a character like Gandalf disappears for a while. From memory - I mean, I haven't read it for a while now - but I think he references going off to meet with the White Council, who are actually characters like Galadriel and Saruman and people that we see in Lord of the Rings. He mysteriously vanishes for a while and then comes back, but we don't really know what goes on."

Well, IGN UK was intrigued by this, so we decided to don our geek hat (who are we kidding, we're always wearing our geek hat), leaf through Tolkien's works, and look at some of the plot lines Jackson, Del Toro et al might include in the Hobbit films.

Sauron Returns to Mordor

First off, the big villain from LOTR. He never actually shows up in the flesh in The Hobbit - he's merely mentioned as 'the Necromancer' – but he's certainly busy behind-the-scenes. The dark lord begins The Hobbit in hiding in his fortress of Dul Guldur, in Mirkwood Forrest, building up his strength and already searching for The One Ring.

Gandalf and the White Council eventually decide to attack the 'stronghold of evil', and the wily wizard ensures that the siege coincides with the mission to kill Smaug (the main story of The Hobbit), to stop Sauron and the dragon teaming up. He is driven from Dol Guldur and returns to Mordor to begin preparing for war. The Hobbit filmmakers could also show the villain beginning to corrupt white wizard Saruman, which lead to the dissolution of the White Council (an alliance of various wizards, including Gandalf, Galadriel and Saruman and IGN UK fave Radagast the Brown).

The Failed Colonisation of Moria

Another of the big plot points mentioned extensively in LOTR is the attempted Dwarf colonisation of the mines of Moria – scene of Gandalf's epic fight with the Balrog at the end of Fellowship of course. Apparently, after the events of The Hobbit, Balin, one of the dwarves who accompanied Bilbo, lead a company of his kinsmen to re-take the mine. The ensuing battle lead to the destruction of the colonies and Balin's death, and would surely make a cracking battle scene.

Aragorn Back-story

A Hobbit/LOTR bridge-film would also give the filmmakers the chance to tell Aragorn's extensive back-story. Around 50 years before the war of the ring began, he was told about his heritage (next in line to the throne of Gondor), and the be-stubbled hero began to rove middle-earth. It was at this time he served in the armies of both Rohan and Gondor, fighting several battles and generally acting as a kind of warrior trouble-shooter for the increasingly embattled kingdoms of men, as Sauron's armies grew.

During this period he also fell in love with Arwen and met Gandalf for the first time, where together they guarded The Shire, suspecting the One Ring may be there. All-in-all, Viggo Mortensen – who has expressed a desire to reprise his role as the character – would have plenty to do.

Gollum Gets Captured. Twice.

Andy Serkis has also said he would like to return to Middle Earth, telling Empire: "I'd find it very hard to turn down [playing] Gollum again, as he's very much become a part of me." This is good news, as Gollum has a fairly major role in the LOTR back-story. Obviously his role in The Hobbit is well known – he gave away the one ring to Bilbo after losing a game of riddles – but the slimy creature also managed to get into a world of trouble in the following years, namely spying for big spider Shelob, before getting himself captured several times.

First by Orcs while skulking around Mordor, when he revealed the name and location of the hobbit who stole Sauron's digit attire ("Baggins! Shire!"). His orc captors eventually let him go, but Gollum soon found himself imprisoned again. Aragorn found him lurking in the Dead Marshes and dragged the spindly wretch to Mirkwood, where again he was interrogated, but he managed to escape.

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Earlier this week, the estate of author J.R.R. Tolkien sued New Line Cinema over profits from the studio's Oscar-winning, blockbuster Lord of the Rings trilogy, a move that cast doubt on the possibility of their feature film adaptation of Tolkien's The Hobbit. The estate is seeking a court order giving them the right to terminate any rights New Line may have to make films based on other works by Tolkien, including The Hobbit.

Guillermo del Toro was in talks to direct both The Hobbit and a follow-up film when the suit was filed. IGN UK got the chance to speak with del Toro today about the project and the pending litigation.

"I hope it gets resolved and I hope it happens. I hope we get to do it, but so far it's not a reality. We are still in talks about it, so it's not a fact that we are set in stone to do it," del Toro told IGN. "This is a setback that is keenly timed I feel, but not necessarily on something that was a reality for me. So I cannot feel disappointed about something I'm yet to have."

Del Toro continued, "I would love to do it though. It would be a dream. But at the moment I am completely at the mercy of the forces of destiny. I'm finishing Hellboy II and then, obviously, I can do one of my smaller more obscure films. I'd be perfectly happy to do so - I will never, never chase a big project endlessly. Either it happens or I move on and do a small, tight-budget film on my own."

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pametni ljudi... skotali su da ce ovi da se popisaju po celoj "kulturi" tolkina pa hoce da im lepo zabrane da imaju pravo na sve sto je iz tolkinova uma izaslo... mudro mudro..

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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btw zar nije Dumro onaj lik sto glumi Gandalfa? Ili mozda Sarumana?

Not sure...


On ima i Tamnu Stranu i Moć Saurona u svom ćošku. Čak ni Kastro nema toliku moć!

pametni ljudi... skotali su da ce ovi da se popisaju po celoj "kulturi" tolkina pa hoce da im lepo zabrane da imaju pravo na sve sto je iz tolkinova uma izaslo... mudro mudro..
Ja sam lično više zapanjen činjenicom da sam platio 500 RSD knjigu koja na nekoliko stotina stranica razglaba o nečemu što je prilično efektno opisano u Silmarilionu.
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