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Konachno, jedna od indie igara koju smo dugo chekali i od koje puno i ochekujem(o?) izlazi sutra.



Info u spojleru:

Eschalon: Book I is a classic role-playing game experience that will take you across massive outdoor environments and deep into sprawling dungeons as you seek to uncover the mystery of who - or what - you are.

A tile-built, turn-based game world where the result of absolutely every action is rolled, calculated or statistically determined. Strategy is paramount to success; careful skill management, equipment selection and magic usage will win your fights, not rapid button clicking. We are very pleased to say this is not another "action RPG".

Hundreds of items and dozens of creatures await your discovery. A combination of randomly generated treasure and carefully hidden goodies means that no two games will play the exact same way.

Unlimited character development style: Choose from 24 unique skills to make the character you want and 8 base attributes that affect your character's every action throughout the game. The game world does not scale or adjust itself to match anyone's play style, so the ease or difficulty of the game is directly related to how successful you are at developing your character.

Combat plays out at your pace. Eschalon: Book I features a turn-based system that allows you to roll through combat as fast or slow you want...make it fast and furious, or analyze every option for maximum advantage.

A non-linear storyline means that the game world is open to explore as you desire. Follow the storyline or don't...it's up to you. Just be careful where you go and who you choose to trust- the world of Eschalon can be a deadly place for an inexperienced adventurer.

An epic adventure that you must face alone...a single-player RPG carefully designed to feel like the great old school RPGs of the past such as Ultima®, Might & Magic®, and Wizardry®.

RPGWatch prevoo

Highlights (aka redding is teh hard! :( ):

The first thing that strikes you is the production values – this is a beautifully crafted game that doesn’t just set a new benchmark for indie CRPGs, it would be perfectly at home on retail shelves if it wasn’t for the fact that 2D games have been long abandoned.

Samo u 800x600 rezoluciji. Ima windowed mode shto znachi da je savrsheno za igranje na poslu.

Character creation is a key part of the game, despite only being able to play a human male.

Doesn't get any more ol' skool than that! iconsalut.gif

Some of the more interesting skills include alchemy and cartography (the automap requires the cartography skill to function), as well as the expected collection of weapon, armour and magic options. Mercantile is the only speech skill.

Svi Oblajvon-komrad-kompas-help-me fegeti su upravo pobegli sa topic-a.

Dungeons so far have been reasonably complex affairs with lots of switches, traps and locked doors. A particular feature of Eschalon dungeoneering is dealing with the dark – without a torch or other light source it’s literally pitch black. There’s a real sense of adventure as you stock up on equipment and head into the dark, with your torch casting a pitiful illumination…or when deep into the labyrinth the torch burns out and you realise you’ve only got a couple left.

Speaking of the dark, rogues and similar characters get a lot of love with skills such as pick locks, skulduggery (traps), find hidden, move silently, hide in shadows and dodge. Quests yield far more experience than combat, so using the shadows to slip past monsters is a valid approach or together with a Cat’s Eyes potion, the darkness can be used to great effect to attack enemies who suffer a big penalty with no light.


Jedina zabrinjavajuca stvar:

Sooner or later, you’ll need to engage in some combat. Eschalon uses an unusual turn-based system but we need to see a lot more to understand how it develops throughout the game. So far, rather than a traditional action-point system, each combatant gets a single movement or attack and then the turn automatically ends and switches to the other side. This leads to a fast-moving system than can almost appear real-time if the player clicks fast enough. For example, going head-to-head with a monster in melee, a single click performs a standard attack. The turn ends instantly, the monster attacks and it’s back to the player – and so on. It’s simple and fast but lacks the tactical depth of action-points – although this may change with higher skill levels. Magic, potions and equipment can all add extra depth for the right characters.


Anyway, me uzbudjen. [:)] Nadam se da ce opravdati ochekivanja i poplochati put za TBH i AoD. Down with teh Shitseda!!11!one

Ima trail0rz i dl link za trail0rz na jednoj od onih strana, al' ajd' i ovde -

Edited by Wulfgar

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Izgleda odlično, samo da lokacije ne budu generički grinding poligoni.

I kad misle da okače linak za demo, kad sutra izlazi, cccc.... [:D]

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Izgleda odlično, samo da lokacije ne budu generički grinding poligoni.

I kad misle da okače linak za demo, kad sutra izlazi, cccc.... [:D]


edit - ^ disregard that, I suck cocks

Moram da proverim...

edit 2 - Hm, oduvek sam pretpostavljao da je u pitanju SS model, al' ovi izgleda rade neshto drugachije. Full igra ce svakako biti dostupna istog dana kad i demo (sutra jel' te), ali izgleda da postoji dodatni download da bi se igra podigla na full, znachi nije kao SS... bah, smislice haxz0ri neshto, mada, kao shto rekoh isprva, stvarno cu se krivo osecati ako piratizujem ovo, a ispadne da je igra dobra. :/ Vudi za to vreme kupuje originalni NWN i Voblion i podrzava sranja koja se njemu dopadaju.

Edited by Wulfgar

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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hehe stvarno deluje totalno oldskul , ali 800x600 od chega je pola ekrana UI sa TB borbom u kojoj imash prednost ako brze klikces? wtf?

ne znam da li film/knjiga ima veze sa ovom igrom?

steta sto se ne odradi fallout u windowed modu, ili jos bolje da neko uradi neku igru sa FIFE endzinom to bi bio pogodak... nekako vise ocekujem od AoD, e da wulfi brate sta je TBH?





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hehe stvarno deluje totalno oldskul , ali 800x600 od chega je pola ekrana UI sa TB borbom u kojoj imash prednost ako brze klikces? wtf?

Neko od nas dvojice nije dobro razumeo. Koliko ja kapiram nemas prednost kad brze klikces, nego jednostavno brzim kliktanjem mozes brze zavrsiti borbu (pod uslovom i da brzo razmisljas :) ).

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hehe stvarno deluje totalno oldskul , ali 800x600 od chega je pola ekrana UI sa TB borbom u kojoj imash prednost ako brze klikces? wtf?

Istripov'o si. :) Nemash prednost ako brze klikcesh. Turn-ovi su, samo shto je nameshteno da je jedna akcija = jedan turn, znachi ne mozesh da namestish fast attack i dva udarca machem u jednom turn-u, vec uvek samo jedna akcija za jedan potez. Nema dubinu. Jel' tako beshe bilo u Age of Wonders?


nekako vise ocekujem od AoD, e da wulfi brate sta je TBH?

Ma ovo je skroz drugachiji trip od AoD... mojne tako da joj pristupash.

The Broken Hourglass. BG2 im je glavni uzor. Cela radnja ce se odvijati u jednom gradu. Magic combat sistem koji na papiru deluje ultra zanimljivo i kao nishta shto sam ja do sad video.

Brate vulfi vrati se ti igranju wow-a

Necu. Fegeti me suspenduju i ne daju mi da se zovem Wifebeater. I onda me posle ignorishu kad im pishem zalbu. Ispizdeo sam. >:( Ako uspem da nadjem gamecard za EVE u Bg-u, prelazim u tvoju sektu. [:D]

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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E ljudi skinuo sam demo i moram da priznam da mi se mnogo svidja igra.Pravi je dungeon crawl bas mi lici na ultimu.Inace grafika je jako simpaticna da ne kazem lepa.

Jedino moram da se pozalim na to da je sve suvise sitno ako se igra u prozoru moram da corim na mojoj 19ici da bi nesto video.

Toliko za sada igrao sam samo oko sat vremena napisacu vise veceras.

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topik ociscen, svo smaranje prebacheno OVDE

E ljudi skinuo sam demo i moram da priznam da mi se mnogo svidja igra.Pravi je dungeon crawl bas mi lici na ultimu.Inace grafika je jako simpaticna da ne kazem lepa.

Jedino moram da se pozalim na to da je sve suvise sitno ako se igra u prozoru moram da corim na mojoj 19ici da bi nesto video.

Toliko za sada igrao sam samo oko sat vremena napisacu vise veceras.

na to sam uglavnom ciljao, al dobro kad vec gubimo vid pred monitorom da to radimo sa dobrim razlogom ;)





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Ovaj stigoh do dela gde kaze:

"purchase game and continue your adventure" , nije lose !:)

Smeta mi sto se karakter krece sporo, i sto nema mapa, il bar ja nisam dosao do dela sa mapom, ko zna mozda kartograph skil moze da pomogne . Sve ostalo je na nivou i izgleda zarazno ebo mamu .

Kako da nadjemo full verziju !? :))


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Bah zavrsio sam demo ima samo 2 zone otvorene but i want moar!

Inace kartografija utice na minimapu i to na lvl1 crtaju se obrisi ali sve istom bojom,na lvl2 isto obrisi ali ovog puta drvece je zeleno a zgrade braon, a na lvl3 iscrtava se i podloga i dalje od toga nisam dosao :)

geografija sedi 1 znachi a? [:D]

Granice mogućeg možemo odrediti samo onda, ako ih pređemo odlaskom u nemoguće.


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