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do sad najteze na hardu mi je bila ona prva archeospora na koju igrac nailazi, ona u swampu, imao sam blizzard + wolf + swallow +runa budza na machu i dalje me je prebila jedno 10 puta

Ja sam za njih koristio isključivo sekiru, i to vrlo efikasno - kad sam 1 na 1 protiv nje, kidam je bez potiona.

edit: izvini, tek sad videh da si igrao na hard :)

Edited by voodoo_
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Juju ju... koji bag....

elem, na pocetku act2 sam skocio dole u sewers i sabio Cockatrice... problem je sto nisam loot-ovao onaj Maal'Kad kamencic i sad ne mogu da ga nadjem... treba mi jos 3 komada... od kojih je jedan taj, jedan je u pecini u Swampu i poslednji je valjda protiv tog tower keepera.... pronasao sam samo na nekom forumu da ako ubijes cockatrice i lutujes samo glavudzu a ne i Maal'Kad (npr. zbog punog inventara) ne mozes da napredujes u igri.

Nisam kopao da vidim da li ima nekog resenja tu, mozda neko od vas zna?

Get smart or die dumb!

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Maal'Kad ne ide u inventar normalni nego u onaj quest inventar gde su kocke, knjige, pisma itd. stoga ni ne mozes da imas manjka mesta za njega jer je taj invetar beskonacan tj. scroll-uje se levo-desno. Proveri ti osim ako si aspostrumpfno siguran da ga nisi uzeo da ti nije negde u tom inventaru.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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ovo sam nasao na zvanicnom (valjda forumu) u sekciji za List of problems...

If you don't loot the Maal'kad stone off the cockatrice at the start of Act II (not knowing it's importance and with a full inventory) there is no way to get it back - thereby stopping progress in the game...

4ti post


ne znam kolko je to tacno, ali meni izgleda tkao.

Get smart or die dumb!

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Proveri ti osim ako si aspostrumpfno siguran da ga nisi uzeo da ti nije negde u tom inventaru.

Ahahhaaha, caru!

Za archeospore da dodam: u pauzama prženja ignijem, lemati ih najobičnijom bakljom, nezdravo ih odvaljuje.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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ovo sam nasao na zvanicnom (valjda forumu) u sekciji za List of problems...

4ti post


ne znam kolko je to tacno, ali meni izgleda tkao.

Pa vec dvoje ti je odgovorilo ovde. Inventar u koji ide taj kamen ne moze da bude pun IKAD tokom igre a quest loot ostaje na zemlji u obliku vrece. Sad osim ako smo nas dvoje totalno prsli ili kod nas radi a dok tebe ne onda :

1. Nazad u kanalizaciju i pogledaj po vodi.

2. Ucitaj save pre toga. Osim ako si jedan od hardcore igraca koji ne snimaju osim na jedno jedino mesto i to posle 5+ sati igranja bez prestanka. :)

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Ma kad sam poceo da trazim ostalo kamenje provalio sam da sam:

1) loot-vao taj kad sam ubio cockatrice

2) na bum se molio na shrajnu Melitele (dao neku hranu) i dobio jos 3 sephirota

3) prilikom prvih par questova po swampu sam stavio maal;kad u obelisk ne znajuci sta se dobija time...

4) igrao mega dugo posle toga ne radeci main quest...

tako da ispade da sam sve uradio...

evo, treba mi samo jos golema da ubijem, narucio sam lightning rod.

btw, na hardu je megazajebano ubiti ono govno od biljke sto izlazi iz zemljei i pljuje te otrovom .... i 2 wyverna odjednom su problem (da ne pricam 3 :)....

Get smart or die dumb!

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Još si u II chapteru, mani se te biljke. Liči na archeospore ali se drugačije zove i pravi nenormalan damage i pljuje nekakve strelice.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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evo, treba mi samo jos golema da ubijem, narucio sam lightning rod.

Da se ne mučiš oko njega,

nemoj ga udarati kad oživiš, nego aktiviraj dva stuba, navuci golema između stubova pa aktiviraj treći i golema će roknuti grom (ti se naravno skloni iz trougla). I tako triput.

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sta sa njim? boksujes sa njim, pobedis ga pa mozes da bijes sledeceg boksera?!

u svakom chapteru imas po jednog boksera koga treba da prebijes

Edited by Joe Kerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Ko to kaže, ko to laže da su RPG-ovi neprofitabilan žanr :D Sve što treba jednog igri su rado davajuće žene i mračno okruženje, i uspeh ne može izostati :)

CD Projekt RED is proud to announce that the company's debut video game production, The Witcher, has sold more than 600,000 copies worldwide in just three months.

Adam Kicinski, CD Projekt RED Joint CEO, commented on the sales results: We are very happy with The Witcher's performance to date. Our goal was - and still is - to reach one million copies sold during the first year. 600,000 games sold in just three months brings us much closer to this ambitious goal.

It's a great success for us, made all the more impressive by the fact that The Witcher was created by a completely new team and it is our debut both as a game developer and in bringing our products to a global audience. The task was not easy, as The Witcher brand was completely unknown in many markets, and it was released in a busy season alongside franchises that have been on the market for many years. Yet, I can confidently say that we've passed this trial victoriously. Actually, only now - as we've conquered many of the initial barriers - can we spread our wings, which, of course, we intend to do. Such success wouldn't be possible without our publishers' support - Atari, Noviy Disk and the publishing branch of CD Projekt. They all put a lot of work into the game's promotion in individual markets.


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