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Biće dobar District 9, sve što liči na filmovani Halflife 2 ne može da ne valja.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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fantastican... u svakom pogledu i smislu te reci... vracali smo jednu scenu 40 puta i gusili se od smeha (bili smo normalni)

avion leti i ulece u neku oluju i sad ono prolazi stjuardesa i svima govori kao da vezu pojaseve, jedan lik kaze "e mi smo vencani dva dana" totalno nepotrebno, i nista izlece on iz te oluje i onako "zabezeknut" "OH MAJN GOTT" dok ajkula iskace iz okeana i prozdire avion.... znaci jebeno epic

sharkzilla for the win... lorenzo lamas "Now if we don't find the bible means of stopping this fucker, sharkzilla is gonna own the seas."

ceo film je toliko lose snimljen, toliko losa pokusaja glume, da je to jebeno fantasticno!

must have

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Novi trejler za 2012. Ladno igra Kjuzak, prs'o čovek načisto. I valjda nisu u trejler ubacili sve što će da valja u filmu, kao po običaju.


"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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"An academic researcher leads a group of people in a fight to counteract the apocalyptic events that were predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar."

film bi bio kul samo, i to mozda, samo ako bi se radilo o nekom post-apokaliptichnom obrtu, a ne o jednom coveku koji nekako hoce da sprechi totalnu katastrofu koja, po kadrovima, guta gradove, lomi kontinente...

bice sranje na nivou 10000 bc ili kako se vec zvao usrani film. Roland Emerih je za mene Uve boll sa mnogo vishe para ali i dalje malo talenta.

"Remember, whatever happens we'll stay together"....

koji lol od filma

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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