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izashao novi trejler za terminatora


i pored toga shto pochinje da lichi na meshavinu skrimersa, transformersa i madmaxa opet sam ovlazhio :)

Skrimersi + mad max, šta fali tome :))))

Što je dobro kad snime film za sve pare i kad ne štede ni na čemu, izgleda preodlično :O

Nego, Bail koji napušava jednog od saradnika za vreme snimanja T4 kad mu je ovaj sjebao scenu:


Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Lepo sve to izgleda, ali poenta Star Treka nikada nije bilo Starwarsoliko napucavanje u svemiru (sto samo po sebi nije nista lose), vec je akcenat u ST uvek bio na interakciji izmedju likova i po pravilu dobroj i interesantnoj prici. Ako ne useru pricu, ima potencijal da bidne dobro (najvise zbog JJ ABramsa).

Mada, realno, kako god da bude, bolje da su za te pare snimili drugu sezonu nikad prezaljenog Firefly-a... [:(]

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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vidim ima sve, neko kao prcanje, borbu prsa u prsa, eksplozije, pucnjavu u svemiru. lepo, ko voli. bilo mi je nekako sranje u stomaku dok sam gledao trejler, nema ovo veze sa star trekom...

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Rumors of Russell Brand ("Forgetting Sarah Marshall") being involved in a fourth 'Pirates' film may not have been so unfounded after all. Brand tells Access Hollywood that "there’s been some talk of doing a Pirates movie...it’s a possibility", but his scheduled is packed so tight right now that he doesn't "know if there’ll be time to be a pirate."

Rambo V

The British tabloid The Sun is reporting that Sylvester Stallone is keen on getting Mickey Rourke to play the villain in an upcoming fifth "Rambo" feature.

Ja mislim da bi Rambo V bio toliko banalan i jadan da bi samo izazvao sazaljenje kod publike. :(



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au kako se nalozih na st :) kakve sve face glume ! je je je

pucanje u svemiru

gole ribe



erik bana kao bed gaj,

shtash vishe

brzo ce maj

i naravno da ce biti bogatije pucanje, ipak je ovo 2009, da su imali tada ovu tehnologiju sigurno bi je iskoristili ... a i ovo je napucano za nove tinejdzere a ne gik generaciju koja bi da se shetka u slip kombinezonima po kuci i igra elite





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