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*gasp* da li je ovo rasprava u kojoj ce clnicky pobediti!?!? ;o)

lw je polako u drugom a potpuno u trecem delu prestao da sebe shvata ozbiljno, zato sledeci deo, ma kako bio losh ne mozhe biti toliko razocharavajuci kao indy 4... =o)

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Fishburne Finalises Investigation On Petersen Replacement

18 August 2008 12:00 PM, PDT

Latest: Actor Laurence Fishburne has won the casting war to replace William Petersen in the hit U.S. TV show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Fishburne - who was said to be battling for the role with legendary screen star John Malkovich - will play a forensics scientist in the series.

The actor said in a statement: "I am elated and delighted to be joining the cast of CSI," adding his new work will be a "wonderful collaboration".

Show executive producers Carol Mendelsohn and Naren Shankar said in a joint statement: "Without hesitation, we said (to CBS bosses) Laurence Fishburne (should take the part). He is a powerful and intense actor, with an incredible range."

Petersen has been with the series since its 2000 debut and will remain an executive producer on the show.

Fishburne will be introduced in the show's forthcoming 10th season, set to debut in October.

Izgleda da cu gledati novu sezonu.


nema vise zezanja


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ima josh jedan slichan film, sa slichnom tematikom i sa istih prostora, mada mi kod ovog smeta sto se u njemu pojavljuje Tarantino koji bi trebao da bude manje ispred a vishe iza kemere i da vishe ne snima "omaz" filmove.


It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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postao je paris hilton u svetu filma

ahaha kakav opaki hejt =o)

jebiga, tarantino ce uvek patiti od toga sto, ma koliko bili dobri za sebe, nakon dogsa i fictiona svi njegvi filmovi konstantno drzhe silaznu putanju...

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the good, the bad and the weird

ovo ce biti prekrasno :) od lika koji je snimio pricu o dve sestre. male su sanse da ce ovo doci u bioskope, mozda 3% da ce doci na fest sledeci

aarghhh kakav trejler, ne skida mi se kez sa lica 20 minki


јујујујују, дигао ми се, ааааааа... брррррррррркррррљ...

свршићу јеботеееееееееееееееееееееееееее...


a tarantino mi sve vise ide na kurac, postao je paris hilton u svetu filma



smorio je stone vise

не знам...

могао бих да погледам ово Ф.А.Г. пропагандно издање...


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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uw3 je prequel, rhona ce da glumi viktorovu cerku (onu koja gine i chiji medaljon lucien nosi oko vrata)

no, realno, ko sto stija reche - gievf kate! (koja u poslednje vreme samo neke krimije i drame snima, nista "utegnuto" ;o))

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