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Rare Alfred Hitchcock film footage uncovered

The British director was 24 when he made the 1923 silent film, The White Shadow.

The three reels were found among some unidentified American nitrate prints, which were left at the New Zealand Film Archive in 1989.

Hitchcock was the writer, assistant director, editor and production designer on the drama, which starred Clive Brook and Betty Compson.

He went on to make classics including Psycho, The Birds and North by Northwest and died in 1980.

David Sterritt, chairman of the National Society of Film Critics, called the find "one of the most significant developments in memory".

"These first three reels offer a priceless opportunity to study his visual and narrative ideas when they were first taking shape," he added.

The film archive described the movie as "a wild, atmospheric melodrama".

Compson played the role of two twin sisters, one of whom was good and the other was evil.

The family of New Zealand projectionist and film collector Jack Murtagh sent the highly flammable prints to the organisation for safe keeping after his death in 1989.

Murtagh's grandson Tony Osborne said: "From boyhood, my grandfather was an avid collector- be it films, stamps, coins or whatever.

"Some would view him as rather eccentric. He would be quietly amused by all the attention now generated by these important film discoveries."

It is not known where the remaining three reels are and no other copy is thought to exist.

The footage will be preserved at Park Road Post Production in Wellington.

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The Darkest Hour:

Film snimljen u 3D u Moskvi proshle godine, prisustvovao sam na nekoliko lokacija kada su snimali.

mali off, ali meni je zanimljivo kako je starbucks u moskvi starbaks kofe, na cirilici, i mcd fish roll - fis rol, opet na cirilici :) kod nas sve na eng :)

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Fazon je u tome shto je '90-ih bio neki zakon u Rusiji da sve mora da bude na cirilici - pa si imao Рибок, Найк, Сникерс i slichna ludila. Danas se vec normalno koristi latinica, ali se obichno ispod originalnog imena dodaje kako se to pishe cirilicom :tf:

А в чем сила, брат?

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Stunt double photos:



edit: Ajd' i ovo... baš dugo nisam čitao da se ovaj izlomio negde, svojevremeno je svake nedelje imao neku saobraćajku:

TV comic legend Rowan Atkinson cheated death last night after a collision in his McLaren F1 supercar, it has emerged.

He was hospitalised with a shoulder injury after his vehicle left the A605 at Haddon, around 7.30pm.

The 56-year-old Blackadder and Mr Bean star was reportedly driving when his high-performance car spun around several times, ran into a tree and a lamppost and caught fire.

The actor is said to have walked from the vehicle and was with a passing motorist until emergency services arrived.

A spokesman for Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals today said Atkinson was in a stable condition and is expected to be released later today.

A spokesman for the star has not yet commented on the incident.

Atkinson, known to be a car enthusiast, recently topped the leader’s board on Top Gear’s Star in a Reasonably Priced Car contest.

He told presenter Jeremy Clarkson he was keen on racing and was currently driving a 1964 Ford Falcon.

But his racing background did nothing to quell his nerves before taking on the challenge, he admitted.

In a clip of the show uploaded on to YouTube by the BBC on July 22, Atkinson said people would “assume that in the reasonably priced car I will be very good when there’s absolutely no guarantee of that whatsoever”.

The star notched up the fastest time on the show, completing the circuit in 1 minute 42.2 seconds.

Atkinson is best known for his work on Not The Nine O’Clock News, Blackadder and Mr Bean, in which his hapless character drives an old Mini.

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