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On 10/17/2024 at 1:48 PM, manson said:

Izašao demo ovoga na Steamu, kratak, odigrao, dobro je, svet mi se svidja, ali ne mogu baš da sudim previše. Stavio u listu želja, pa možda uzmem nekom prilikom, da ne igram 🙂 

izasao Ea, 15ak eur

mnjah batalio sam EA 





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, manson said:

sajt igre, ova slika, ima neki vičer vajb 🙂 https://dawnwalkergame.com/me/en/home


a da, ovo su ovi rebel wolves, ispratih to ... pazi, dosta je interesantno kad tako dođe situacija da neka grupa devova ode iz neke firme, u kojoj je radila deceniju i dosta toga napravila itd. tu više 99% pare nisu pitanje, nego očigledno "međuljudski odnosi" i generalni pravac firme. što možda stvarno znači da će ko zna šta da urade sa vičerom.

3 hours ago, manson said:

Ex CDPR ekipa, valjda će da bude dobro 🙂


to oni namerno na srpsku novu godinu, da nas ispoštuju!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Malo više infoa o igri.

Razviće mehaniku koju smo viđali u starijim Witcherima - u svakom delu si imao veliku odluku po poglavlju koja utiče na dalju igru. Oni žele da to dignu na sledeći nivo:

  • Dan i noć imaju različit uticaj na gameplay, i ne smenjuju se prolazom vremena
  • Umesto toga, smena dana i noći se dešava završavanjem zadataka
  • Igra je ograničena na 30 dana, odnosno 60 izbora/zadataka
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Ovo bi moglo da bude dobro, plus ima i neki The Expanse vajb 🙂


C-Beams is a top-down space action RPG where you pilot your ship through a perilous black hole system. Navigate treacherous anomalies, engage in intense ship-to-ship combat, and upgrade your vessel to face ever-greater challenges.




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  • 4 weeks later...


After more than 20 years, the story of the Hero of Neverwinter finally continues in this epic new adventure from Luke Scull, fantasy author and lead designer of Tyrants of the Moonsea!

In the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale, the Hero of Neverwinter awakens. Stripped of their recent memories and left to die by a mysterious power, they must survive a dire threat to the dale as they seek the truth behind their abduction. The answers they discover will shape the very fate of the Forgotten Realms.

Explore the arctic wilderness of the infamous Icewind Dale. Fight snow goblins, ice trolls, yetis, and worse as you navigate the frozen tundra and icy wastes and uncover a sinister plot to unleash a rage-filled godling upon the North. Only with the aid of friends old and new will the legendary Hero of Neverwinter be able to recover their memories and prevent the Doom of Icewind Dale…

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9 hours ago, voodoo_ said:


After more than 20 years, the story of the Hero of Neverwinter finally continues in this epic new adventure from Luke Scull, fantasy author and lead designer of Tyrants of the Moonsea!

In the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale, the Hero of Neverwinter awakens. Stripped of their recent memories and left to die by a mysterious power, they must survive a dire threat to the dale as they seek the truth behind their abduction. The answers they discover will shape the very fate of the Forgotten Realms.

Explore the arctic wilderness of the infamous Icewind Dale. Fight snow goblins, ice trolls, yetis, and worse as you navigate the frozen tundra and icy wastes and uncover a sinister plot to unleash a rage-filled godling upon the North. Only with the aid of friends old and new will the legendary Hero of Neverwinter be able to recover their memories and prevent the Doom of Icewind Dale…

haha, pa pola ovih što su radili igru u penziji :))) plus koliko se svašta tu radilo, zanimljiv je ovaj info o devovima i publisherima, a verovatno ni to nije final 🙂

Developers: Obsidian Entertainment, Beamdog, BioWare, Cryptic Studios, Ossian Studios, Floodgate Entertainment
Publishers: Beamdog, BioWare, Aspyr, Atari SA, Atari, Inc., Sega 

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Bukvalno su original igre portali na mobilne i - nije tako loše. Inače košta 10 dolara i zaobilazio sam ga u nadi da će objaviti ovu verziju za PC koju najaviše. Nažalost to je otkazano.

Igrao sam sat juče jer zaista nisam fan igranja na mobilnom, i iako je u početku malo wonky, skroz lepo ide posle.

Mada nisam siguran da ću kroz toliki broj sati igranja progurati 😁

Edited by shpanac


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11 minutes ago, shpanac said:

Bukvalno su original igre portali na mobilne i - nije tako loše. Inače košta 10 dolara i zaobilazio sam ga u nadi da će objaviti ovu verziju za PC koju najaviše. Nažalost to je otkazano.

Nije otkazano, i dalje se radi na tome. Mada koliko sam shvatio vrlo je verovatno da neće biti pre 2027... 

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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