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to je to, moralo je da se desi...doso sam pred kraj u arkanumu i nesto treba da se fajtam i reko daj da vidim dal mogu da ih ponabadam bez taktike samo da uletim, kviksejvujem, napadnem, operu me i sekund pre nego sto cu da umrem...kviksejvujem:(

jebem ti F7 i F8 i sve u kurac...loadujem najskoriji ne-kvik sejv i brate lol, naravno, sejv je petnes nivoa ranije...

jebote, trebace mi bar deset dana da se rehabilitujem, pa da pocnem ponovo...

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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iscimaj nekoga ko je stigao tu negde gde i ti da raruje svoj sejv i pošalje ti to. možda već i ima na netu.

komentar oko rpg-a je zbog toga što to ne bi bilo smisla uraditi sa iole kompleksnom igrom, zbog razvoja lika, stori arkova i tako toga

ja volim da pijem kafu ujutru ^___^

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ovaj, what dzi sed:)

mislim, otprilike jedina igra gde je svaki sejv istog levela kod drugog coveka razlicitiji nego kod FO (zbog toga sto je laksa igra i zbog magija-tech tripa):) tipa moj i tvoj sejv veze, ali veze ne bi imali jedan s drugim i to bas, bas, tipa ja sam bio u beogradu i smederevu i upoznao peru i simu, a vodim sa sobom miku, a ti si bio na zlatiboru, u paracinu i u nisu, nisi upoznao nikoga i ides sam:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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to je to, moralo je da se desi...doso sam pred kraj u arkanumu i nesto treba da se fajtam i reko daj da vidim dal mogu da ih ponabadam bez taktike samo da uletim, kviksejvujem, napadnem, operu me i sekund pre nego sto cu da umrem...kviksejvujem:(

jebem ti F7 i F8 i sve u kurac...

F5 QS, F9 QL, pa nismo deca....

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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to je to, moralo je da se desi...doso sam pred kraj u arkanumu i nesto treba da se fajtam i reko daj da vidim dal mogu da ih ponabadam bez taktike samo da uletim, kviksejvujem, napadnem, operu me i sekund pre nego sto cu da umrem...kviksejvujem:(

jebem ti F7 i F8 i sve u kurac...loadujem najskoriji ne-kvik sejv i brate lol, naravno, sejv je petnes nivoa ranije...

jebote, trebace mi bar deset dana da se rehabilitujem, pa da pocnem ponovo...

Ne znam dal postoji ista gore dok igras rpg.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Interplay izbacuje Planscape Torment na DVD-u



a videcemo sta ce se desiti sa tuzbom Bethesde koja tereti Interplay zbog prodaje Fallout 1, Fo2 i Tactics naslova bez konsultacija sa njima jer su navodno tim ostetili prodaju sranjastog FO3, i zbog distribucije istih talnim putem i +za oduzimanje fo licence jer nisu nista uradili na FO MMO igri... Naravno odmah je usledila kontra tuzba po kojoj IPLY nije potpisao takav ugovor i da se rad na MMO naslovu odvija kako treba i traze da se oduzme licenca bethesdi lol





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lol IPLY dobio prvi deo sudjenja u tuzbi sa Bethesdom/Zenimaxom

evo ga sta se desava na tom polju

For the uninitiated in law a preliminary injunctionis when one party (Bethesda) asks the courts to restrain another party(Interplay) of going forward with their activities (publishing Fallout,working on FOOL) until such time as the case has been decided. Bethesdawas denied its request for a preliminary injunction according toInterplay investor frymuchan,and this would seem to be the case as Interplay has started publishingV13 concept art. NMA has a copy of Interplay's proposed order denyingthe preliminary injunction (though not the ruling) and - of moreinterest - Interplay's opposition to said motion, including itsarguments.

Interplay had to argue on four points (the traditional four forpreliminary injunctions). The one of the most interest to us is that"Bethesda cannot show a clear likelihood of success on the merits ofits claims". The case is about the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) - bywhich Interplay sold Fallout but retained the right to publish theolder titles - and the Trademark License Agreement (TLA) - by whichInterplay licensed back the limited rights to produce FOOL.

While it does not contain convincing instances of what frymuchan wouldno doubt call "sleazy interference" from Bethesda, it does cite a fewinstances of how Interplay and Bethesda would interact on the use ofthe Fallout license. The biggest example is Interplay's website:Interplay had initially submitted for approval a website thatprominently featured Fallout Online, but no permission for this wasgiven by Bethesda. They then switched from FOOL to Project V13 andresubmitted for approval, Bethesda noting that the art "relates to apossible MMOG based on Fallout". Interplay removed said art, but nevergot a response from Bethesda on further approval requests.

When it comes to Fallout Online itself, Interplay notes it has "morethan 600 pages of extensive game design documents detaling, withoutlimitation: characters, character abilities, equipment and in gameitems, weapons, concept art, story outlines, and environmentdescriptions, among other game information." Interplay claims to haveentered full production with Masthead prior to the deadline set by theTLA and to have created a demo that "included a playable portion of the3-D game environment, which was based upon the game design documentsand showcased the art style selected by the team." Interplay sentnotice on April 2 to Bethesda that they had satisfied the TLAconditions. Bethesda unilaterally revoked Interplay's rights under theTLA on April 7, claiming Interplay was not allowed to use independentcontractors and rejecting Interplay's financial arrangements. Bethesdaalso claimed Interplay was not allowed to use digital distributionchannels under the APA.

Interplay argues:

  1. Interplay's distribution methods do not breachthe APA, as the APA does not limit bundling of the games orsublicensing to publishers and digital distribution channels.
  2. Interplay did not violate the Merchandising Rights approvalprovision, as said provision was only to give Bethesda the rights tosee if Interplay's packaging did not "use, refer to, trade upon,reflect the look and feel of or otherwise exploit any of the Falloutgames or products...developed by or for Bethesda or its licensees."
    And here's an interesting point I've tried to make clear before:Interplay's packaging predates Bethesa's approval right. Interplay wasusing the packaging "Fallout Trilogy" and "Saga Fallout" for Fallout 1,2 and Tactics bundles before the APA was signed, and thus saidpackaging is not bound to Bethesda's approval. Furthermore the packageclearly shows it does not contain Fallout Interplay further claims thatwhile it acted in good faith, Bethesda's refusal to let Interplayannounce and promote its MMOG using the Fallout mark has a directnegative impact on the functioning of the company and is done in badfaith by Bethesda.
  3. The APA is an "entire contract". This is a bit of legalisethat basically states that given certain terms a contract can only bewholly undone, not partially. The opening language of the APA almostexactly follows that of an earlier contract that was declare to beentire by the courts, giving Interplay a strong case to argue the sameis true here. If such is the case, then the rights of Interplay todistribute the pre-existing Fallout games can not be undone without theentire APA being undone and Bethesda and Interplay reverting to theearlier Exclusive Licensing Agreement.
  4. Interplay can not be in violation of trademark as the APA is not yet invalidated.
  5. Interplay satisfied the terms of the TLA. Now this is asomewhat hilarious read, as Interplay takes the imprecise language ofthe TLA and just stretches it every which way.
    Interplay argues that "full production" is an undefined term taken tojust mean the "production stage" of development, which Interplay hasentered with Masthead technology.
    Then Interplay argues the 30 million USD in the TLA is not defined ashaving to be held in Interplay's account, or that "the entirity of thefunding must be received in a single installment or a single line ofcredit", and that "no provision of the TLA requires Interplay to spendUS$30,000,000, or any other amount, to create the game. Thus, thefunding requirement serves no material purpose." Hence Interplay claimsthe funding requirement served only a quality control function, andInterplay's arrangement with Masthead satisfied the financialconditions.
    You don't need to be a legal wizz to see that this is a nebulous,nonsensical argument that stands and falls only on inexact language ofthe contract.
Theremaining arguments, dealing with balance of harm and public interest,are of no extensive interest to us as readers. The countersuit byInterplay is not discussed in this document as it is not a part of thepreliminary injunction hearing. There are no doubt rows of courtdocuments NMA has not laid eyes on, but going from this, Interplay'sarguments regarding the APA and their right to publish pre-existingFallout games in perpetuity is strong, but I can't really take theirarguments regarding the TLA and the funding for FOOL seriously.Regardless, they won the claim based on the above arguments.





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