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update oko tuzbe sa bethesdom, bila je pogresna informacija od pre neki dan

You will not often hear from me, but as Interplay's in-house lawyer I feel the need to set the record straight here...

The Court has not ruled on Bethesda's Motion for Prelminary Injunction.A proposed order was filed with our Opposition to the Motion, but thatis not the same as an Order of the Court. The hearing is weeks away.Interplay will issue an official statement if there is a materialdevelopment that needs to be addressed. Please do not rely on rumor orspeculation.

In the meantime, we all appreciate your enthusiasm and support.





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Interesantna intervju sa vodecim RPG developerima

Prenosimo ceo clanak zahvaljujuci divnoj saradnji sa sajtom 1up.com, ciji vlasnik je shurak Luckyevog strica sa sedam kobasica


The Future of Single-Player RPGs, with Bill Roper (Cryptic Studios), Alan Miranda (Ossian Studios),Marcin Iwinski (CD Projekt) and Feargus Urquhart (ObsidianEntertainment)

Dragon Age: Originsis the biggest singleplayer role-playing game release of the season.It's also the only big-budget singleplayer RPG coming out this season.The RPG is one of the oldest genres in gaming, but big releases arebecoming rarer each year.

We examine the state of the big-budget single-player RPG with agroup of RPG developers. Each comes from a different facet of themarket. Is it dying?Are the tastes of RPG gamers changing? What role do MMOs, consoles, andhandhelds play? Is there hope in the indie scene? And how do thedifferences in American, European, and Japanese RPGs affect the overallmarket.

1UP: How have the market and player expectations for single-player RPGs changed since the heyday of the late 1990s/early 2000s?

Bill Roper: The expectations of consumers acrossalmost every style of game have increased greatly in the past 10 years.The increased quality of development systems, tools, and 3D engines, aswell as the PC and console systems, means that players want more fromtheir games.

Single-player RPGs have become more story-driven because of theincreased ability and quality of voiceover and in-game cinematicsequences. The gameplay mechanics and controls have become moresophisticated, and the addition of online components such as sharinggameplay video, achievements, and so forth mean that even [those whoplay single-player RPGs] are creating communities and connecting witheach other.

Feargus Urquhart: The largest change really has todo with graphical expectations. In the past many RPG players would saythat they were fine if an RPG did not look as graphically advanced asother games that came out that year. Recently, possibly due to more ofthe RPGs being on consoles now, there is more of an expectation thatRPGs look as good as any other game that comes that year.

As for more specific RPG aspects, I was going to say that playershave more of an expectation of having choice and an open world, butRPGs have been doing that since Ultima, Fallout, and Baldur's Gate.

Marcin Iwinski: Those were the days.... What has changed? A lot...especially as far as the platform and the way of playing is concerned.

In the late '90s we were all -- or at least I was -- playing thegreat PC RPGs, not thinking much about any other platforms. Baldur'sGate, Fallout, Planescape: Torment -- if you look at them right now,they do look retro; the interface seems quite cumbersome, and the wholegameplay would be judged as a hardcore experience by modern consoleplayers. Still, in terms of the key aspect for a single-player RPG,which is the story, not that much has changed.

I believe nowadays players expect a much smoother experience in astunning visual and audio setting. Also, as console gaming is amass-market thing, they really want pick-up-and-play entertainment witha smooth learning curve and instant out-of-the-box enjoyment. Look atMass Effect, for example -- it's more of a movie than an old-school RPGexperience. You do not see that much of the mechanics, stats, etc., andthis way you can get hold of significantly more modern gamers.

Still, great RPGs are judged by their stories and the way they aretold. Whether you are playing the modern Fallout 3 or good-old Fallout1, you still play a big part of the game in your imagination. I thinkthat proof of this is the best-sellers list on our Good Old Gamesplatform, GOG.com, where RPGs like Fallout are in the top 10 everysingle month.

Alan Miranda: I think RPGs are incrementallychanging every year from all kinds of things that are evolving in thegame industry. For example, there has been a tendency to have shortergames, so the 100-plus hour RPGs are becoming fewer. This may berelated to the next point, which is the increasing age of gamers.

A couple of years back, the [Entertainment Software Association]came out with a stat saying that the average gamer age is 33, and I'malways hearing from the older gaming crowd that they have less and lesstime to play games, especially mega-epicly-long RPGs. So shorterones are better. Being more mature also means that their tastes haveevolved to want to see more mature themes in games instead of just thegood ol' teen orc-bashing games of yore, so that's another changingfacet.

Lastly, I'll mention that when I worked with the Baldur's Gatefranchise, creating your own character and having lots of dialogue textoptions in an RPG was a great thing, needing only a relative sprinklingof [voiceover]. Almost 10 years later, the norm is to have full VO in agame for the main character, which means that you see shorter dialoguelines. But this has also prompted a push toward the single developer-created main character instead of the player-created one.I recall seeing one press reviewer being taken aback about the factthat the main character in Dragon Age was mute! Of course it is -- it'sa player-created character, so how could it have VO? Back in the late'90s, I doubt that would have even been noticed.

1UP: Do MMORPGs really take players away from single-playerRPGs, or do they tend to attract a different kind or player? Are thereenough RPG players to support both single-player and MMO RPGs?

BR: The single-player RPG market certainly hasn't diminished, even in the face of the massive popularity of MMORPGs. Games like BioShock, Fallout 3, and Fable 2proved this on the consoles over the past year. I think there areeasily enough players that don't want the lifestyle and time commitmentrequired by most MMOs to keep single-player RPGs thriving.

FU: MMORPGs can take away from single-player RPGs,but I think that all depends on timing and the type of games [people]play other than MMORPGs. What I mean by timing is that if it's been sixmonths since the release of the latest expansion pack for their MMO,then there is more of a chance that they are looking for something toplay instead of that MMO.

As for the audiences, the number of people buying games like Mass Effectand Fallout 3 has not seemed to have diminished, so -- and this ispurely a guess -- it's possible that the MMO side of things,particularly WOW,has actually helped the single-player side of RPGs. With more peopleaccustomed to, understanding the ins-and-outs, and not seeing RPGs assomething just for geeks, there is more of a chance they might give asingle-player RPG a shot.

MI: What we are all fighting for is the gamer'stime, so yes, MMORPGs do take players away not only from single-playerRPGs but also other kinds of games. If you commit hundreds of hours todeveloping your character in, let's say, WOW, there must be a reallygood reason for you to stop playing and move to something else -- let'ssay, The Witcher.

At the same time the experience is different -- single-player RPGsare all about the story and your immersion and the way you experienceit. It's like a good book or a movie you can't wait to read or see.MMOs are more of a social-interaction experience, and where they fallshort is the story.

Theoretically, then, it should be possible [for both] to happilycoexist, but looking at it from the market's perspective, it means morecompetition-- MMOs are a whole new genre, with many different titlesdriving gamers attention away [from single-player games] -- andultimately more marketing money to spend in order stand out from thecrowd if you are going mass-market or finding your own niche.

With The Witcher we successfully established ourselves as the PC RPGfor the fall of 2007, and it did work very well for us. The key was toaddress the needs of the quite-often forgotten PC gamer and deliver[them] a true PC role-playing experience. It's worth adding that themarketing budget could not stand up to any of the big cross-platformlaunches.

AM: If players only have a finite amount of time ontheir hands to play games, and they are offered the addictive core ofthe challenge/reward/level up aspect of an RPG, then I think it's quitepossible that players are pulled away from single-player RPGs toMMORPGs. However, the advantage of a single-player RPG is that it is amore tailored experience for a player and superior with regard tostorytelling. So it offers something different from an MMORPG, and ifit were down to simply player tastes with unlimited time, then I don'tthink one would negatively impact the sales of the other -- those whoalso like single-player RPGs would always make time for them.

smorio me c/p ostatak na gorenavedenom linku :)

Fallout 3 mozda dodje i na iphone kaze John Carmac http://www.kotaku.com.au/2009/11/carmack-on-iphone-fallout-quake-live-elves-and-orcs/





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:) to nam je sto nam je

Screenshotovi iz Fallout Online aka Project V13




fotke su dokazni materijal u sudjenju izmedju bethesde i interplaya, kao dokaz da se na fo mmo radilo i da se radi, sto bi trebalo da ide u prilog interplay-u

smrt bethesdi i zenimaxu, interplay-u bi bio dovoljan kolac u dupe

iako rani radovi, deluje mnogo vishe falloutish nego fo3, vidi se i drugaciji pravac art design-a koji je po meni bolji (da znam, da su vault-suit je baggy style al jebga, bar mutanti deluju normalnije)

a engine mora biti neki priprost, ipak je mmo u pitanju

e da, mutant chachka nos na jednoj fotki, sto svakako podseca na originale :)

e da najnoviji koncepti





power armor definitivno nije ono sto bi trebao da bude sa nekim sitnicama, ali svojom velicinom i proporcijama deluje mamojebachki i pravi je pogodak, tako nesto terba da izgleda hodajuci tenk, za razliku od fo3 varijante koji je imao solidne detalje ali defitivno su omasene dimenzije pa si delovao kao klinac sa Helloween partija





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Sto je najsmesnije konstantno se javljaju ljudi koji se zale kako im se resetuje jedan ili oba veca DLC-a. Ili Shale odjednom krene da se ponasa kao da ste se upoznali prvi put ili Solders peak se vrati u predjasnje stanje i ne mozes da udjes. Plus sto sam primetio da su lazno reklamirali onog patuljka u kampu, "sve sto vam ne treba sad a trebace vam posle, prodajte njemu pa posle kupite" a nisu rekli da mali kepec ima finitivan broj slotova u inventaru tj. 125 pa kad mu to napunis sve sto mu prodas se ni ne pojavljuje u prodaji.

Kome je palo na pamet da razvija DLC za RPG igre treba da izvadi mozak i baci ga u neki kontenjer. Ma koliko same ideje o tome sta moze novo da se ubaci i kako mogu da produze zivot nekog RPG-a nikad nece moci da to tehnicki isprate. Pametni ljudi su pravili ekspanzije. Sta je tome falilo? DLC nek ostane FPS/RTS sistem obogacivanja sadrzaja.

2 pare

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Elders Scroll MMO !!

At this point, we know that Zenimax Media, Bethesda's parent company, opened up an MMO division headed by Dark Age of Camelot's Matt Firor and have been working on an unannounced game. What we didn't know was that Bethesda let slip some information in the court case against Interplay, and now they have filed to redact those statements so their competitors can't find out about it.

A trusted source who wishes to remain anonymous informed DAC of these actions being taken by Bethesda. The deadline to file for redactions of testimony was yesterday, 19 January 2010. As we learned from previous transcripts leaks, there are 218 pages of transcripts from the preliminary injunction hearing between Interplay and Bethesda. We've only been able to get our hands on a few pages, but what we've seen has been enlightening. What Bethesda doesn't want us to see is information about their in-the-works MMO.

The big trade secret?: Bethesda has "tens and tens of millions of dollars" and "close to a hundred people"working on a "secret" "World Of Warcraft" type MMO and they don't want their competitors knowing about it. They've been working on it pretty heavily since 2007 after assigning the team in late 2006. According to testimony given by Bethesda, the development timetable for an MMO is 4 years, so that would mean they would be releasing this game next year.

Bethesda also does not want their competitors, whether Interplay or big MMO competitors like Blizzard, to know whether it's Fallout MMO or not. Based on testimony released on DAC, they are not working on a Fallout MMO and they cannot start working on one until they win the rights from Interplay. Technically speaking, that means no Fallout MMO from Bethesda until 2014 at the earliest if the court case gets settled soon and in Bethesda's favor. However, if they are working on a Fallout MMO anyway, which would mean perjury and therefore highly unlikely [edit:And just so people aren't confused, I am in no way suggesting Bethesda committed perjury], next year might see a Fallout MMO from Bethesda.







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  • 5 weeks later...

Jeeee!!!!!! Pored fallouta 3 koji su uradili, angazovanja Obsidiana sa bivsim BISovcima koji rade na falloutu new vegas, i kupovine id soft.-a sa postapokaliptichnom igrom koja samo sto nije - Rage, Zenimax/Bethesda je maznula i inExile sa sve Brianom Fargom koji je pre dve godine najavio rad na Wasteland 2 (ko ne zna fallout je nastao iz ideje Wasteland-a)

Sta je sa njima, odlepili su totalno i pokupili malte ne sve moguce dobre licence za bilo sta postapokalipticno... to mozda generalno ne bi bio preveliki problem sve dok se Bethesda ne umesha u razvoj samih igara....





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Oni su bre genijalci ... iskreno provalili su da mogu da se bukvalno udave u parama praveci na brzinu sve te stare dojaja igre ... skidam im kapu :) 

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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  • 2 weeks later...

ova vest nema mnogo veze sa rpg tematikom a mozda i ima

anyway par sajtova je postom dobilo misticni usb sa odredjenom audio porukom, bez povratne adrese

proverite pricu i sami :D




anyway sta god da je, sjajna je reklama i dobro izgleda, i mene je zainteresovaloi ima neki fallout vibe :P





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