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ja sam celo jutro slušao peščanik u kolima, latinka perović mi je objašnjavala koliko sam jadan, beznačajan i ostrašćen. naravno, obožavam b92.

nadam se da onaj topik nije nestao u ovom apgrejdu (a ne bi trebalo), nije mi nikad uspelo da tako na jednom mestu skupim toliko stvari koje mrzim u vezi sa tom kućom.

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nisam spavao cele noci i ne pada mi napamet da spavam sad cu malo da dotiram pa posle malo da se odmorim pa posle kod ortaka na viski sa guaranom i ledom i pijancenje celu noc...

Ma necu ni da trosim reci na jajare i funjare i na sve ove cave sto iza ledja su se sunjale

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danas nije nedel;ja, danas je petak :P

i ne zaboravi da ponesesh jadnom malom statoru yamato [:D]

jadni mali staor i jadni mali coka su malene sisice(by bole) koje je mrzelo da se jave u toku nedelje i preuzmu disk, iako sam im rekao da verovatno necu moci da dodjem na rhh veceras...tako da ono...


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jadni mali staor i jadni mali coka su malene sisice(by bole) koje je mrzelo da se jave u toku nedelje i preuzmu disk, iako sam im rekao da verovatno necu moci da dodjem na rhh veceras...tako da ono...

dule umreces u velikim mukama bez i jedne jedine protoske casti ako ja veceras ne dobijem taj disk!!!111

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ne nego francuzi kazhu blond, samim tim i njihove komshije nemci i englezi koji su im bili na gajbi onolike vekove, italijani kazhu biond...sve u svemu ovo nashe meni samo tako vuche na prevod sa nekog stranog ezika...mislim da korene treba trazhiti u fancuskom....mozda i u nekom od skandinavskih ali oni su specifichi, oni imaju blaatand (tj bluetooth ) za crnokosog sto je kod njih retko...ali opet...blue je tu....


... i ne bude koletu tesko pa ode do viki i pita sha ima

The word blond was first attested in English in 1481 and derives from Old French blont and meant "a colour midway between golden and light chestnut". The French (and thus also the the English word) has 2 possible origins. Some linguists say it comes from Middle Latin Blundus, meaning yellow, others say it comes from Old Frankish *blund which would relate it to Old English blonden-feax meaning grey-haired, from blondan/blandan meaning to mix. Also, Old English beblonden meant dyed as ancient Germanic warriors were noted for dying their hair. The linguists who support the Latin origins however say that Middle Latin blundus was a vulgar pronunciation of Latin flavus, also meaning yellow, the word was reintroduced into English in the 17th century from French and was until recently still felt as French, hence blonde for females and blond for males.[1] Writers of English will still distinguish between the masculine blond and the feminine blonde[2] and, as such, it is one of the few adjectives in English with separate masculine and feminine forms. However, many writers use only one of the spellings without regard to gender, and without a clear majority usage one way or another. The word is also often used as a noun to refer to a woman with blonde hair, but some speakers see this usage as sexist[2] and reject it. (Another hair color word of French origin, brunet(te), also functions in the same way in orthodox English.)

The word is also occasionally used, with either spelling, to refer to objects that have a color reminiscent of fair hair. Examples include dolls' hair, pale wood, and lager beer.

a kad sam vet bio tamo, lepa slika



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