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Dungeon Siege film


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gledao njegov bladi rajan...

znachi... gledao sam prvih 10 minuta malo ubrzao i iskljuchio

Far Cry (2008) (pre-production)

Postal (2007) (pre-production)

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) (post-production)

Seed (2007) (post-production) (attached)

BloodRayne (2005)

Alone in the Dark (2005)

joj, sad neshto razmishljam i retzi on uzme npr. da pravi fallout film...

otishao bi tamo u holivud i sasuo bi mu olovo u glavu...

( [;)] )...

Everybody's got a right to be a sucker once.

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Uwe Boll je nesreca koju je iznedrila kobinacija faktora...

sa jedne strane je holivudska uchmalost i odsutnost inspiracije da se prave novi scenariji vec samo trazhe ljude koji ce da adaptiraju bilo sta...i onda naidje frik koji oce da pravi po igrama...

tu su i nemachke pare, ko je chuo zna o chemu se radi, nemachki kapital se "pere" u holivudu, tacnije izbegavaju porez kroz produkcijske fondove - zbog toga sto fondovima upravljaju nemci imamo situaciju koju imamo, da chovek pravi komercijalno neuspeshnu dreshinu za dreshinom i da ga i dalje niko nije ubio

ono sto ostaje kao trachak nade je da ce neko od ljudi koje placa da rade sa njim da ga za 5+ godina nauchi kako se prave filmovi...ono sto niko ne mozhe da ga nauchi je da prenese atmosferu igre, a sumnjam da ima ljude iz gaming zajednice kao konsultante =o)

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izrod, treba osnovati drustvo za zastitu igrica da kerina ne moze vise da upropastava ideje

pogledajte samo rejting


The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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jebote gledao sam bloodrayne film i muka me uvatila od naive i onaj doom je ...


bas je dobra glumacka ekipa, sve hitici, nadam se da ce nesto ispasti od ovog ... mac i magija rulz :D

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Robert A. Heinlein

God is subtle but he is not malicious. Albert Einstein

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brate, bloodrayne je isto imao glumachku ekipu...

odlichan citat:

"You know the problem with Hollywood? They make shit. Unbelievable, unremarkable shit. I'm not some grungy filmmaker-wannabee searching for existentialism through a haze of bong-smoke. It's easy to pick apart bad acting, short-sighted directing, or the purely moronic stringing together of words many of the studios term as prose. No, I'm talking the lack of realism. Realism. Not a pervasive element in the modern American cinematic vision."

Naravno i film iz koga je ovo uzeto nije realan, ali ima dobre fore i odlichne citate [:D]

А в чем сила, брат?

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samo sam premotao blood rayne i izbrisao sa hdda. Ovog tipa treba osuditi da snima sapunice, zauvek !!@!@, ili ga poslati da radi za halmark :P

Edited by Immortalis

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Razumem ja Uwe-a,covek je fanatik i totalno netalentovan...ali ne razumem glumce kao sto su Madsen,Liotta,Statham (OMG? :( ) koji se prodaju ko najgore drolje.Ne verujem da ne dobijaju druge ponude,jednostavno im je vazno da uzmu jos malo $,po cenu glumackog kredibiliteta.

Aj da ne bude sve tako crno,nekako imam osecaj da ce Postal da bude prvi Uwe-ov prihvatljiv film,iz prostog razloga jer igra nema pricu :)

Let me tell you the tales of your life of

your love and the cut of the knife

the tireless oppression

the wisdom instilled

the desire to kill or be killed.

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  • 1 year later...

- trailer


uwe boll ispunjava nasa ocekivanja jos jednom kesom djubreta

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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za pravo uweovo hc ostvarenje gledajte bloodrayne 2

haha, da, billy the kid, vampir, sa losim evropskim naglaskom, ne mozh' bolje od toga

cekamo treci deo trilogije :) koji bi trebalo da se desava za vreme ww2, kao i prva igra

Edited by manson
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Film je uzas ... steta zbog dobre glumacke ekipe ... ovaj sto ga pravio da se razapne na krst.

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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