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Draenei to be new WOW race

For months, rumors have swirled about the identity of the new playable race of the Alliance, one of two factions in the wildly popular massively multiplayer game World of Warcraft. They began when WOW publisher Blizzard announced that the first expansion for the game, The Burning Crusade, would introduce the blood elves as a new race for the game's other faction, the Horde.

Conjecture has run the gamut of crazed fans' imaginings, from the fuzzy pandaren to the fishy countenances of the reviled and adored murlocs. On the first day of the Electronic Entertainment Expo, GameSpot editors descended upon the booth of Vivendi Games, Blizzard's parent company, to catch a first glimpse of the still officially unidentified new playable race.

The giant video display in the Burning Crusade area of Vivendi's booth clearly shows the demonic draenei piloting around a selection of forested zones. A huge wall display features a draenei in paladin trappings--complete with hammer, shield, spell tome, and lion-and-eagle armor--doing battle with a blood elf rogue. And if there were any further doubt left, the trailer goes on to show blood elves presenting themselves to orc warchief Thrall, a horde leader, followed by a draenei kneeling before the King of Ironforge, surrounded by a host of Alliance.

The new race carries the physical appearance of the Eredar demons. Fans of Warcraft III will remember the Eredar as otherworldly creatures controlling powerful magic, who served the cause of the evil titan Sargeras. The wicked Kil'Jaeden and the mighty Archimonde, who sought to topple the night elves' world tree, were counted among the very highest ranks of the Eredar and the forces of the Burning Legion.

The new characters are easily recognizable as hailing from the Eredar ilk--their huge stature, long tails, hooved feet, and snaking beards all paint an imposing picture. If the Alliance needed a "tough"-looking race, this is absolutely it. They also have an undeniably noble air, broad chests thrown forward and heads held high, and their eyes are a gleaming blue.

Despite their appearance, however, the hulking humanoids were revealed as draenei in an official Blizzard statement. Jeff Kaplan, lead designer, told The New York Times, "Lots of players have wanted to play demons, and Draenei are the closest you can get to looking like an Eredar." While the new race doesn't look like any of the draenei wandering around the current Azeroth, the draenei of the Burning Crusade are actually descended from Eredar, giving them their impressive new appearance.

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doh, uradili su ih skroz fensy, uopshte ne lice na prave Draenee... Razoracan sam.

a prica za one "zaostale" aka Draenee da su mutirali zbog spellova, aka lost ones i Broken truli... Broken ftw...

Edited by Immortalis

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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pa kapiram da ce biti warr, pala, hunt, prist,lock...

and the Azuremyst Isles, a grouping of islands off the northeastern coast of Kalimdor, where the remaining Draenei crash landed after fleeing Draenor

eto zna se i pochetna regija...nego, na onom filmicu se vidi kao neki world event, kada blood elfovi dolaze i zaklinju se thrallu na vernost...to moz biti cool :)

Edited by Sharulja

Arbeit macht Frei.

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Imaju protosovske noge i repove ... bice previshe kul .. opet niko nece igrati hordu ;))))


Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Kakvo djubre... a ja se nadao da ce biti pande.

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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znaju nelfice sta valja...sto nelfovima beshe do kolena, taurenuima po zemlji se vuche ;oP


Pande vetj jesu u warcraft svetu, warcraft RPG knjige ih lepo definishu

takodje, ko hoce mozhe da pimeti da debeli deo stonetalon monutainsa i to onaj priobalni koji je tachka kalimdora najpriblizhnija pandariji - u wowu nedostupan? zasto? ja ne iskljuchujem mogucnost josh jednog expansiona posle BC i ubacivanja pandi...problem sa pandama je sto nema u poznatoj mitologiji razloga da se prikljuche ijednoj strani...oni su solo lutalice koji se gotive sa bilo kom ko pravi dobru rakiju (extra za rp igranje ;o)) ali sumnjam da ce ikada organizovano da podrzhavaju neku frakciju ...

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ili sam ja nesto omasio (citaj: nisam pazljivo pratio ovaj topic) ili niko ne pominje koja ce rasa da bude za hordu. ma sigurno sam nesto pogresio ali mi se ne cita opet ceo topic pa ajd neko da mi kaze to. i kad ce ove nove rase uopste da ubace pa mozda i stari chale da se vrati wow-u (na kratko)

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heh lepo, samo mi wow neshto pochinje da vuche van one slike koju svi znamo alijansa-horda-zmajevi-undeadovi-itd. ne bi me chudilo da u jednom patchu ulete Laserske pushke ili shta vec :P

Pff blizz ce sve uraditi samo da masu drzi zabavljenu a kesh u novchaniku :P

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