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Pa nije fora, rasprodato sve, bas kad sam hteo da narucim komplet od sedam komada.

Due to overwhelming demand, the panties have SOLD OUT. We will have new stock during the next 30 days. If you would like to be notified when the panties have been re-stocked, please email sales@forgetmenotpanties.com.

Thank you for your interest in this revolutionary new product.

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Ma za ovo su zakon oni mobilni telefoni preko kojih moze da se prisluskuje sta se dogadja okolo ako se pozove sa predefinisanog broja. S obzirom da su zenske osobe od samog pocetka ekspanzije mobilnih postale vezane za njega, definitivno je najbolje sredstvo za pracenje, jer ce ga verovatno poneti i u sobu za 'akciju'...

Naravno, ovo je bila cisto rasprava sa tehnicke strane, nije da imam nameru da primenjujem te metode :)

Btw, za prvu pomoc moze i onaj 'ortak lokator' :D

Dandy [RUR]

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When my daughter hit puberty I nearly had a heart attack. She started looking like a woman and suddenly she was wearing revealing clothing and staying out late with her friends.

Rather than become an over-protective parent , I decided to try forget-me-not panties™.

They work wonderfully. My wife and I bought our Sarah several pairs so we can watch her around the clock, and if we see her temperature rising too high, we intervene by calling her cellphone or just picking her up wherever she is. My only comment is it would be great to have a video camera, maybe you can work that into V.2.

Thanks forget-me-not panties™, now we have true peace of mind.



....Watch the master. Follow the master. Be the master....


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