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Ne mogu da se vratim normalnom zivotu od exita...

Navikao samo da legnem da spavam u 08 h i spavam do 19 pa idem na exit i tako cetiri dana , i evo sada ne mogu da spavam jer sam spavao ceo dan , zato imam plan da danas ceo dan ne spavam kako bih uvece legao oko 23 i lepo se vratio u normalu :)))

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Ustao ko vampir, pre sunca, odradio par zahvata na DC-u, da mi se sknu filmovi dok se ne vratim sa posla. Obukao svetle lone, izbegavao bare i kretene od vozacha da me ne isprskaju.. Ne popih kafu danas, ali kao da mi nije ni potrebna. Nishta pametno da se radi danas, shto i nije tako loshe... blagostanje.

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...topik koji je posvecen cemu god hocete...

...pricajte onome sta osecate sada...ili ste doziveli sada...

...evo meni je sad do jaja...




...PRICAJTE, PISITE o cemu god 'ocete...


Edited by AyS
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spavao sam od 5 do 14, nije loše.. lepo je bilo zabosti udoban i DOVOLJNO DUGAČAK krevet posle 4 noći na hotelskom kršu.. mada, falio mi je tamošnji jastuk.. ;)

sad dovršavam kafu, preslušavam happy corner prinove i čekam nešto iz kevine kuhinje.

nego, kratki krevet me je podsetio na jedan tekst koji mi je sinoć ulepšao veče.. vredelo je trpeti nažuljana kolena i lupanje glavom, zarađivaću više od prosečno visokih.

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Do pretty people earn more?

Research, reality can be at odds over the ugly truth

By Kate Lorenz


Friday, July 8, 2005; Posted: 10:16 a.m. EDT (14:16 GMT)

Studies show attractive students get more attention and higher evaluations from

their teachers, good-looking patients get more personalized care from their

doctors, and handsome criminals receive lighter sentences than less attractive

convicts. But how much do looks matter at work?

The ugly truth, according to economics professors Daniel Hamermesh of the

University of Texas and Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University, is that plain

people earn 5 percent to 10 percent less than people of average looks, who in

turn earn 3 percent to 8 percent less than those deemed good-looking.

These findings concur with other research that shows the penalty for being

homely exceeds the premium for beauty and that across all occupations, the

effects are greater for men than women.

A London Guildhall University survey of 11,000 33-year-olds found that

unattractive men earned 15 percent less than those deemed attractive, while

plain women earned 11 percent less than their prettier counterparts.

In their report "Beauty, Productivity and Discrimination: Lawyers', Looks and

Lucre," Hamermesh and Biddle found that the probability of a male attorney

attaining early partnership directly correlates with how handsome he is.

Size matters, too. A study released last year by two professors at the

University of Florida and University of North Carolina found that tall people

earn considerably more money throughout their careers than their shorter

co-workers, with each inch adding about $789 a year in pay.

A survey of male graduates of the University of Pittsburgh found that the

tallest students' average starting salary was 12 percent higher than their

shorter colleagues'. The London Guildhall study showed that overweight women

are more likely to be unemployed and that those who are working earn on average

5 percent less than their trimmer peers.

According to Dr. Gordon Patzer, who has spent more than three decades studying

and writing about physical attractiveness, human beings are hard-wired to

respond more favorably to attractive people. Even studies of babies show they

will look more intently and longer at prettier faces.

"Good-looking men and women are generally judged to be more talented, kind,

honest and intelligent than their less attractive counterparts," Patzer says.

"Controlled studies show people go out of their way to help attractive people

-- of the same and opposite sex -- because they want to be liked and accepted

by good-looking people."

These conclusions may not sound too pretty to those of us who were dealt a bad

hand in the looks department. But don't rush off to try out for the next round

of "Extreme Makeover" just yet.

Despite what the research says, some of the world's most successful people have

been ordinary looking at best, and you would never mistake the faces in Fortune

for those in Esquire or Entertainment Weekly. Business legends are often of

average height (Bill Gates at 5 feet 9 inches) or even diminutive (Jack Welch,

5 feet 8 inches, and Ross Perot, 5 feet 7 inches). What's more, many folks who

are lovely to look at complain that they lose out on jobs because people assume

they are vacuous or lightweights.

How does this reconcile with all the research? Hiring managers say it is the

appearance of confidence they find attractive, not the presence of physical

beauty. And they contend that attractiveness has more to do with how you carry

yourself and the energy you exude -- rather than having perfect features or a

great physique.

According to Gordon Wainright, author of "Teach Yourself Body Language," anyone

can increase their attractiveness to others if they maintain good eye contact,

act upbeat, dress well (with a dash of color to their wardrobe) and listen


Wainright also stresses the importance of posture and bearing and suggests that

for one week you stand straight, tuck in your stomach, hold your head high and

smile at those you meet.

Based on many such experiments, Wainwright predicts you will begin to be

treated with more warmth and respect and start attracting more people to you.

Kate Lorenz is the article and advice editor for CareerBuilder.com. She

researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring

trends and workplace issues.

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