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Fallout 3


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The Supermutants, we learn, have set up a camp in a place called Germantown

what the fuck? o_0 they are evil and they live in...Germantown!

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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robot -horse [roflmao] [roflmao] [roflmao] [roflmao]

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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zapravo postoji u drzavi merilend grad koji se tako zove... ali to ne znachi da nisu mogli nesto originalnije smisliti...

vas ne brine vertibird koji izbacuje enclave patrole naoruzane onim njihovim radiokativnim launcherom?? (da onaj isti enclave koji ste unistili, kako li se samo spushtaju u svojim PA iz vertibirda) ili sto pisac spominje toliko oblivion i to u kontekstu ako vam je on bio komplikovan bice vam i fo3, wtf da li postoji neko kome je oblivion komplikovan???

takodje se spominje da ce sex sa devojkama u megatonu da vam obnavlja health!!??!! gta anyone??... jbte zar svaki moguci segment prethodnih delova moraju da useru i ostete tako lepa secanja.... fu shithesda





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takodje se spominje da ce sex sa devojkama u megatonu da vam obnavlja health!!?

brate to je cista istina, meni puni health bar. ura za konja robota :D

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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pda, sta napravishe od legende, konzolno njesra koje ce biti inferiornije od action rpg-a kao sto je diablo

kad se setim rasprava i fo vs baldur vs diablo... od svega fo je josh najvishe izmrcvaren... mnjeh...





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robot-horse, joj

setim se spaceballs i 'what the hell, it worked in startrek' recenice, doduse ovde treba zameniti startrek sa saber rider :)

gravity gun, mini nuke laucher... svi preduslovi za solidan fps su tu, doduse cini mi se da ce stalker clear skies biti mnogo bolji postapoc fps nego fo3:)

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uskoro nam slede video snimci demo-a sa e3

u medjuvremenu http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=856489 fan intervju, u kojem mozemo saznati da traitovi vishe ne postoje, vec da su ostali samo perkovi :( nema ubijanja dece, odredjene npc-eve ne mozesh ubiti vec ih samo onesvestiti - omg imerzija! u baru ima rava ali ne da picke!!!1 lepo je sto ce municije biti malo i bice retka... sto moze i da znaci da cesh samo vishe koristiti onaj graviti gun dough... vec vidim situaciju kako punish pracku teglom za dzem i ispaljujesh na mutavog orka


Ok, time for some, perhaps, bad news. Traits have been rolled into Perks. That was a hard decision for us, and one that took, literally, years. We kept coming back to it, and re-discussing it, and once we were playing the game, found that the difference between the two systems was so similar that even half the entries in the community "design a perk" contest were actually traits. Take "Bloody Mess" for example, probably the most famous trait. Is the game really more fun if that can only be taken at the very start? Why can't you pick it at level 6? What's so important about having it only at the start? The perk choice is probably one of the most fun parts of the game, and to relegate certain ones to only be chosen when you first start, before you've even played the game and know how any of it feels, just didn't prove as fun to us. How do you know you want Bloody Mess if you haven't seen how bloody the current mess is? (did I just type that?) Anyway, trust me when I say this one was a debate, a long one, and a decision we're not naive enough to think will be understood or applauded by everyone.

upet ubijaju replay value, zar ne kapiraju da sto je veca kombinatorika to ce se igra duze igrati, ali neeeeee, to je ono sto pricam igre se prave da bi se odigrali jednom maximalno dva puta i to je to... fala lepo cekajte sledece 3 godine za nov naslov... budale... ako nista cini se da ima pomaka u odnosu na oblivion...



prvi utisci jednog poljskog "novinara"

... zanimljivo je zapravo...

The Polish CD-Action magazine was invited to Bethesda headquarters for a hands-on preview of Fallout 3 as the only representative of Poland, along with 15 other journalists from around the world. A summary:

* As far as locations and content go, the game is finished. Bethesda is mostly doing QA now. There are still some bugs and the game crashes from time to time.

* They had a predefined character - a strong male.

* They were told to steer clear of the main quest and were not allowed to talk about what they saw of it in the preview.

* To make escape from Vault 101 easier, guards were removed.

* The game can be saved at any moment, and saving is pretty quick.

* We leave the Vault with a PipBoy, a pistol, some ammo and a holotape with a message from the father.

* Ammo is scarce and it's best to fight weaker opponents hand to hand.

* They go to Megaton by following a sign in Springvale showing the way to the town.

* In Springvale, the Sputnik Eyebot was hovering over the street, broadcasting a speech of the Enclave president.

* Megaton looks like a Wild West town. We have a good sheriff, and an evil saloon owner. The saloon has a prostitute, but she tells the player character that he's too young to use her services.

* We are informed that our Karma has changed after the fact. We also don't see any numbers - we just see e.g. a Vault Boy with angel wings and a "Saint" description. The developers intentionally hid the numerical value of your Karma.

* If we are caught trying to steal something, the person we tried to rob will first chase us, trying to recover his property. He won't be happy, but usually it won't end with a shootout, unless we already have a bad reputation. Well, it was enough to cause some trouble in Megaton for everyone to turn against us. What then? We can try putting our weapon down - if we didn't kill anyone, the situation will calm down.

* If we, however, do have blood on our hands already, the best way out is to quickly evacuate. Fortunately, a return is possible. After a few days the emotions drop down, and entering the town does not end with bloodshed. But still, people will know about our deeds and if we cause trouble again, they won't give us the benefit of a doubt this time.

* At first glance, it looked like they'd wander around aimlessly. But only at first glance, thanks to the compass. Directions where we can find something interesting are marked with little triangles. We'll learn what it is when we get there (it can be a school taken over by bandits, a cinema with car wrecks, a baseball pitch with dead bodies hanging from the fence, a small settlement at an overpass or a normal town). The compass can also show the place where we have a quest to do or a navigation point we put on the map ourselves.

* At first glance, Fallout 3 looks like a typical FPS.

* You use stimpaks on specific parts of the body, as hit points are divided among them.

* When throwing grenades and during hand-to-hand combat, while you can use V.A.T.S., you can't aim at specific parts of the body.

* Choice of gender has been marginalized and its importance will be minimal.

* Lots of blood and profanity.

* Body parts can be disintegrated or vaporized, depending on the weapon.

* The PC version has the same interface as the X360 one, but adjusted to the use of mouse and keyboard. It works much better than Oblivion's. Both the PipBoy and the V.A.T.S. work well with the mouse.

* You can assign hotkeys to items - e.g. weapons or stimpaks.

* Even with standard settings, the game looks better on the PC than on the 360 - better textures and longer line of sight.

* The lockpicking minigame is similar to the one from the Thief games.

Conclusion: "Is it Fallout? If you expect the same experience as before, it's safer to just play the previous games. But if you just want the brutal, post nuclear world, freedom and atmosphere, what I was shown is no worse than in the first Fallout. And it's the best recommendation I can give after a few hours of playing."





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cekam mmo hehe

Jedino extra je

* You use stimpaks on specific parts of the body, as hit points are divided among them.

Doduse i to je relativno. Ko zna kako ce da odrade taj deo. Malo je zaebana to tema, ovo planiraju i za afterfall.

* Ammo is scarce and it's best to fight weaker opponents hand to hand.

Kao sto si rekao, ovo je uvek super, vise taktiziranja ako nista drugo.

Ostali su me il smorili il su toliko ocigledni da ne treba ni da se spominju.

Lots of blood - hahaha, mogu da mislim.

Ono za kurvu isto je extra, kad sam citao imao sam utisak da su zeleli da se obrate igracu, a ne karakteru iz igre. Kao fora eeeeee deco ovo ne valja. Ne bi me cudilo da poslednja linija dijaloga sadrzi broj fona one americke help linije za trgovanje ljudima itd. "Ako imate slicna iskustva ovom u realnom zivotu pozovite 0800 - HELP - ME - I - FFM"

Mogu slobodno da kazem, da sam se previse drkao kad sam cuo da su uzeli licencu, kad je to bilo. Uglavnom mozda je izgledalo i neopravdano i sve, baziralo se naravno na mom poznavanju njihovog stila i proslih igara. Redovno sam se nervirao za svaku novu vest, koje su bile mizerne u odnosu na ono sto sam video u poslednja 2 meseca. Uglavnom toliko sam se istrosio u pocetku da mi je sve sad kulijana. Doduse i dalje mi nije jasno kako nesto ovakvo mogu da urade i da napisu fallout3. Svi vi koji obozavate oblivion itd, necu nista da vam kazem, nego samo sagledajte realno. Da li je ovo u redu ili su ipak preterali ovog puta? Toliko krupnih gresaka, koje se dopunjuju gomilom manjih gresaka, ubili su sve lepo iz fallouta. Iskreno mislim da bi mi bilo bar malo glupo da cujem da je npr neki EA uzeo da pravio elder scrolls 5/6, koji je vec sledeci po redu, i da pocnu da menjaju sistem igre i atmosferu itd.

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Atmosfera je u TES4 dovoljno promenjena u odnosu na Morrowind da ne bih imao šta da im kažem povodom toga, prosto serijali igara se menjaju vremenom, na bolje ili gore. Meni se recimo uprošćavanje TES-a u četvrtom delu nije svidelo kao ni to što Oblivion ima riplejabiliti nula čim očistiš sve quest grane, a čitam na recimo SK forumu gomilu 15-godišnjaka koji smatraju da je Oblivion u svakom pogledu bolji od Morrowinda. Jebiga, svaka roba ima svoju publiku, a ja ću ionako da igram bilo šta samo da se zove RPG i da nije preterani grind fest.

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zapravo postoji u drzavi merilend grad koji se tako zove... ali to ne znachi da nisu mogli nesto originalnije smisliti...

vas ne brine vertibird koji izbacuje enclave patrole naoruzane onim njihovim radiokativnim launcherom?? (da onaj isti enclave koji ste unistili, kako li se samo spushtaju u svojim PA iz vertibirda) ili sto pisac spominje toliko oblivion i to u kontekstu ako vam je on bio komplikovan bice vam i fo3, wtf da li postoji neko kome je oblivion komplikovan???

takodje se spominje da ce sex sa devojkama u megatonu da vam obnavlja health!!??!! gta anyone??... jbte zar svaki moguci segment prethodnih delova moraju da useru i ostete tako lepa secanja.... fu shithesda


ti si glup jer si rekao da ti se neshto ne svidja

igra ce biti super i josh bolja je od ranijih

jer tako kole i vudu kazhu (a verovatno i josh neki)

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Oblivion Lead Designer Emil Pagliarulo believes that we have delivered the promise of virtual reality that was often discussed and hyped in the '90s. Through first-person visuals, realistic physics and simulated time and weather, game developers have brought about the visions of immersive VR, but without the bulky headgear and excessive wires.

When you play an MMOG, a game like Oblivion or Bethesda's current big project, Fallout 3, "you're not controlling that character, you are that character," Pagliarulo says. "You get a sense of control over the world that you can't find anywhere else."

A fellow Bethesda world-builder, Executive Producer Todd Howard, describes these virtual worlds as existing in two layers, the believable world and the game world.

"The allure [of the believable world] is that players can imprint themselves," Howard says. "Players think 'I want to be this person, I want to do this thing!' and it's our job to fulfill as many of those ideas as possible."

To do that job, Howard believes in one principle above all others: "Great games are played, not made." He explains that if you don't approach the development of games as a gamer, then you're all about the process and not the product. "It's pure entertainment you can tweak. You have to know constantly 'What's the vibe? What does it feel like?' in order to tweak the story and the world and get them to highlight each other. ... And the simpler everything is, the better it all works together."

brate minli pa ovi pojma nemaju sta je rpg :|

u rpg si sve ono sto nisi ili sto neces da bude... to je poenta sto je to tvoj alter-ego to nisi ti... raditi neuobicajene i nesvakidashnje stvari koje ne radish i ne bi nikada radio... koji kurac treba da igram samog sebe???? da li je moguce da su oni toliki retardi i da toliko pojma nemaju o rpgu ... fucktards





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Upravo tako, mozda hocu bash da igram kao da sam ja u toj situaciji. To je Role-play isto koliko i nacin koji je G-i naveo.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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A post apokaliptichno mora da ima iskljuchivo braon/crnu/sivu/rdja boju?

To me malo nervira, kao da nisu mgli da nalete na neku karoseriju crvene/svetlo plave/zute boje i da od toga sastavljaju svoje post-ap gadzete.

Mislim svidjaju se meni vishe tamne atmosfere,ali je jebano neprirodno zamishljati sve tako.

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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A post apokaliptichno mora da ima iskljuchivo braon/crnu/sivu/rdja boju?

To me malo nervira, kao da nisu mgli da nalete na neku karoseriju crvene/svetlo plave/zute boje i da od toga sastavljaju svoje post-ap gadzete.

Mislim svidjaju se meni vishe tamne atmosfere,ali je jebano neprirodno zamishljati sve tako.

slike su nevezane za fallout, tako da slobodno odlozhite svoje hejt paketice za uzhinu..

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