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Fallout 3


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Na Strategy Informeru pojavio se još jedan intervju sa Bethesdom o Falloutu 3, koji po ko zna koji put pretresa teme kao što su razlog za otkupljivanje licence i pristup celoj stvari. Pročitajte ga ovde.


Naaaw! Get the fuck out! >:(

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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pojavio se novi trejler http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/251221.html

moze se videti izlazak iz vaulta i ti prvi momenti igre, i nesto novog napucavanja sa rajderima u zatvorenom mrachnom prostoru

MA DAL JE OVO MOGUCE ?! Najjace je ono sa bejzbol het haahahaha... koj li ce mi to kurac ?! I gde nasli bejzbol het kada je sve "postapokaliptichno" hahhhaha...

joj majko moja ovo je definitvno najveci promasaj SVIH VREMENA !

Ovima treba da se da orden, u falloutu ides i pucas batke ki da je Quake :)hahhahahaha. Da mi je neko pricao ne bik mu verovao :).


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izlazak iz volta je kao iz obliviona malte ne :|

ne vidim zasto su morali i vrata vaulta da menjaju

inache navodno se baca roll to hit, sto opet moze dovoditi so smesnih situacija da lika pucash bukvalno u glavu sa metar i da ga omashish (kao u deus exu)... zato lepo rpg nije za fp izvodjenje

one kuce po gradu su sve c/p ako malo bolje pogledate, imaju iste rupe na zidovima, i iste bele ograde... zvuk pucanja iz 9 mm pistolja je ochajan


itd itd itd





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Mogu oni da bace spin na to. Nekoliko. Radijacija koja magicnim putem pretvara 9mm municiju u Sabot runde za sacmaru. Imas i enchant koji cemo radi verodostojnosti da nazovemo "izlozenost odredjenoj vrsti radijacije" koja daje neki bonus na to. Garant.

**Fathers SMG

SMG my father used and modified.

"There are 2 things I trust. This gun and you"


+ 10% faster reload

+ 5% penetration


+ "X1000 Live-metal Alloy Barrel" by Vault INC.

"Low on ammo? Pocket full of 9mm but no gun to use it on?

No more problems for you!!! With our X1000 Live-metal Alloy Barrel

you get to use any ammo on any gun!!! Order now and recive this

set of knifes!!! By Vault INC. your family friend"

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Fallout 3 Available October 28

Major Launch Planned for the Winner of E3 2008’s “Best of Show”

August 20, 2008 (Rockville, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company, announced today that its highly anticipated title, Fallout® 3, will be available on store shelves and online in North America on October 28, 2008 and in Europe on October 31, 2008. Developed at Bethesda Game Studios – creators of the 2006 Game of the Year, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® – Fallout 3 is slated for release on the Xbox 360®video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, and Games for Windows.

“We are very excited to let gamers get their hands on Fallout 3, the latest chapter in this beloved and highly acclaimed franchise,” said Vlatko Andonov, president of Bethesda Softworks. “To meet the huge demand for this title by our fans worldwide, we are planning one of the biggest launches of any game released this year.”

Fallout 3 features one of the most realized game worlds ever created. Set more than 200 years following a nuclear war, you can create any kind of character you want and explore the open wastes of Washington, D.C. however you choose. Every minute is a fight for survival as you encounter Super Mutants, Ghouls, Raiders, and other dangers of the Wasteland.

Hailed as one of the most anticipated games for 2008, Fallout 3 has already won numerous awards including Best of Show from the official Game Critics Awards at E3 2008, a selection voted on by an independent group of journalists from 36 leading North American media outlets that cover the videogame industry.

Fallout® 3 has not yet been rated by the ESRB.

The European version of the press release has one significant difference at the end:

Fallout® 3 is rated PEGI 18+.





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"I chose a different path, a path that left me securing my very own house in Megaton with my very own robot butler. I could get a haircut from this butler. Or I could get amusement. That’s what I selected, and he/she/it told me a joke. It was about two electrons walking into a bar. One saying it lost an electron. The other asking: “Are you sure?” Response: “I’m positive.”

I asked my robot butler to tell me another joke. The robot butler replied: “My humor emitter ray needs recharging.”

And then I — accidentally — shot my robot butler, who chased me out of my own house, shooing me with his/her/its small flamethrower.

Theoretically, when you accidentally misfire into their torso or their two-headed cow, you can calm the people who shoot back at you if you holster your weapon. This didn’t work against my robot butler. He ran me out of town.


On the other side of the river I found myself in a gun battle between two factions, armored humans and some scrappy, muscular Super Mutants. The fight took place near a radio station — a station whose frequency I had tuned into and was listening to the whole time I was playing the game. If I ran ahead of the human forces, I got shot a lot. When I waited for the humans to advance, they picked off most of the mutants. They used rifles and machine guns. I just had a pistol.

When the battle seemed to be over, I proceeded to the radio station’s doors. That’s when a Super Mutant Behemoth showed up. This double-tall enemy easily killed me as he rampaged to the front of the building. After I revived from a checkpoint I tried fighting him again. I found a Fat Man mini-nuclear-weapon launcher. I used VATS and aimed for the torso. He survived the awesome shot, barely. And he killed me again. I reluctantly tore myself from the game."






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poenta je da se nikom odavde nece fo3 svideti jer ste omatorili i ne zanimaju vas vise igre, samo to necete da priznate.

Inace neka moja zapazanja :)

system shock2 ima super grafiku.

trziste igara za konzole je uvek bilo jako ili jace od pc trzista.

od 2001 (warcraft3) nije izasala ni jedna VELIKA igra za PC. Bilo je codova, warhammera, lotrova, bioshokova (e ajde on jeste mega :) ) ali ostalo je bulja. E u stvari bio je RTCW sjajan je :). A POSEBNO neki dobar MP nije izasao.

Sad svi cekamo na veliki blizzard za sc2 i diablo 3, ali opet :

Recimo sting i dule nece igrati sc2 sa zarom kao sc jer prosto sad imaju brucke. (dobro dule se brije al ipak)

A bulja je zato sto su svi koji porede recimo <2000 i >2001 zaboravili da uzmu faktor odrastanja u razmatranje. velika je razlika izmedju 13 i 19 godina.

Tako da, vratimo se na temu makar fo3 bio najbolji G-u ce smrdeti jer je igrao fo2, a vudu ce bar opet na par dana dobiti da testira brzu karticu i bice happy :)

inace, ima igara kojima cak ni faktor godina ne pomaze.

FEAR, Crysis, far cry, i slicna ostvarenja, boze kakva govna

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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