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Бивши припадник ПВО ВЈ документовао све поготке А-10 изнад Србије, користећи јавно доступне изворе.


На почетку имају линкови о чланцима који покривају и поготке других летелица, попут другог Ф117 и потенцијално Б-1Б.

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joj https://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-globally/air-india-flight-from-chicago-to-delhi-makes-u-turn-after-toilets-clog-passengers-stuck-for-10-hours-watch-9878505/


Passengers on an Air India flight bound for Delhi had to return to Chicago after the pilot was forced to make an emergency U-turn reportedly due to clogged toilets, according to news agency ANI. ANI cited a spokesperson saying that alternative arrangements were made for the passengers who were stuck on the flight for 10 hours.

“AI126, operating Chicago to Delhi on 6 March 2025, air-returned to Chicago due to a technical issue. Upon landing at Chicago, all passengers and crew disembarked normally and have been provided with accommodation to minimise inconvenience. Alternative arrangements are being made to fly the passengers to their destination,” the airline said.

Air India flight 126 was over Greenland on March 5 when 11 of its 12 toilets got clogged. The working toilet was located in the business class section, with as many as 300 passengers using it.


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Ccc.. a i on, nema ni radio ni telefon kod sebe... https://www.b92.net/putovanja/aktuelno/aktuelno/110599/kontrola-leta-hitno-reagovala-ostao-zarobljen-na-minus-25-foto/vest


Radnik kompanije Turkiš Graund Servisa (Turkish Ground Services TGS) ostao je zatvoren u prtljažnom prostoru aviona Turkiš Erlajns na letu iz Istanbula za Atinu.

Njegovi kolege su ga slučajno zatvorili u kargo odeljku pre poletanja, nakon čega je proveo skoro sat vremena u vazduhu na visini od 11.000 metara, pri temperaturama do -25 stepeni Celzijusa, piše haberair.com.

Incident se dogodio 16. decembra 2024. godine, kada je radnik Ali Čelikten, zajedno sa šest kolega, bio angažovan na utovaru prtljaga na letu TK 1843. Tokom raspoređivanja prtljaga u prtljažnom prostoru, vrata su zatvorena spolja, a avion je poletio dok je Čelikten ostao unutra. U pokušaju da privuče pažnju, udarao je po unutrašnjosti aviona i dozivao pomoć, ali ga niko nije čuo zbog buke motora.


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3 hours ago, manson said:

Air India flight 126 was over Greenland on March 5 when 11 of its 12 toilets got clogged. The working toilet was located in the business class section, with as many as 300 passengers using it.

Kako baš Indusima to da se desi? 😄 Mada mi nekako deluje da je bilo logičnije da se "pritrpe" 😄 


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Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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On 3/10/2025 at 3:05 PM, manson said:

pa turci, šta si očekivao!

On 3/10/2025 at 12:13 PM, manson said:

Air India flight 126 was over Greenland on March 5 when 11 of its 12 toilets got clogged. The working toilet was located in the business class section, with as many as 300 passengers using it.


pa dobro, nije daleko otišao, šta od čikaga do grenlanda jedno 2 sata vožnje 🙂

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