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Kad smo već kod toga, jel zna neko dobru platformu za ono AI prevođenje? Tipa ubacim mu video na srpskom i da mi uradi titl na engleskom? Kapiram da je lako naći za ove veće jezike tipa Nemački/Kineski/Francuski/Španski u Engleski, ali ne znam da li ima nešto i za nas?

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Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Naravno, Google je brže bolje pokrenuo priču 🙂



ChatGPT, the automated text generation system from OpenAI, has taken the world by storm in the two months since its public beta release but that time alone in the spotlight is quickly coming to an end. Google announced on Monday that its long-rumored chatbot AI project is in fact real and very much on the way. It's called Bard and we expect to hear a lot more about it during Wednesday's "Google Presents" event from Paris.  

Bard will serve as an "experimental conversational AI service," per a blog post by Google CEO Sundar Pichai Monday. It's built atop Google's existing Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) platform, which the company has been developing for the past two years. 


17 hours ago, Zwerko said:

Kad smo već kod toga, jel zna neko dobru platformu za ono AI prevođenje? Tipa ubacim mu video na srpskom i da mi uradi titl na engleskom? Kapiram da je lako naći za ove veće jezike tipa Nemački/Kineski/Francuski/Španski u Engleski, ali ne znam da li ima nešto i za nas?

nemam direktnog iskustva ali mislim da taj AI za prevođenje na svemu što nisu glavni jezici radi i dalje dosta loše.

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Microsoft koji je investirao u OpenAI kreće da bere plodove!



Microsoft's oft-forgotten search engine is about to get a new lease on life. As expected, the tech giant announced on Tuesday that it is partnering with OpenAI to enhance Bing with the company's AI technology. However, Microsoft also had a surprise up its sleeve: the next release of Bing will feature a new next-generation large language model the company claims is "much more powerful" than ChatGPT and designed specifically to excel at search. 

The new Bing offers a chat function and an expanded search bar that allows you to input up to a thousand characters. In one demo Microsoft showed off during its event, Yusuf Mehdi, the company's consumer chief marketing officer, asked Bing to compare the most influential Mexican artists and their best-known paintings. Bing displayed its response in a new side panel that featured annotations and weblinks. Later, Mehdi asked the search engine to compare three pet vacuums while listing the pros and cons of each model. Mehdi said Bing could also help with questions where there might not be a precise answer. That said, in instances where Bing doesn't know the answer to a query, the search engine will still try to point you to useful information. Microsoft is also adding a button to allow users to share feedback on the search engine's new functionality. "I think of this as Search with your own personal helper," Mehdi said. 



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haha, ovo me podseća na ono sa wikipedijom kad se pojavila:



Како расте употреба софтвера за вештачку интелигенцију заснованог на тексту, Нови Јужни Велс и Квинсленд су забранили његову употребу у школама.

Аустралијски савезни посланик из редова лабуриста Џулијан Хил искористио је, како се верује, први говор пред Парламентом Аустралије, који је делимично написао чет-бот ChatGPT, да упозори да би вештачка интелигенција могла да се искористи за „масовно уништење“.



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par zanimljivosti



In a recent survey of 11,793 Fishbowl users, almost 70 percent of workers claimed they had used AI tools for work-related tasks, reflecting the increased public interest in AI assistance and automation spurred by innovations like ChatGPT. That is a massive increase from the 27 percent of professionals who confessed to using generative AI tools for work reasons in a Fishbowl study from early January.

When asked if they had informed their managers about utilizing AI tools for work, 68 percent said they had not. Participants in the study included employees from Amazon, Bank of America, Edelman, Google, IBM, JP Morgan, McKinsey, Meta, Nike, Twitter, and thousands of others.






Google fed coding interview questions to ChatGPT and, based off the AI's answers, determined it would be hired for a level three engineering position, according to an internal document.

As reported(Opens in a new window) by CNBC, the experiment was done as part of Google's recent testing of multiple AI chatbots, which it's considering adding to the site. ChatGPT's ability to surface a concise, high-fidelity answer to a question could save users time typically spent surfing links on Google to find the same information.

“Amazingly, ChatGPT gets hired at L3 when interviewed for a coding position,” says the document. And while level three is considered an entry-level position on the engineering team at Google, average total compensation for the job is about $183,000(Opens in a new window).


I jedna za kraj 🙂


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pa iskreno... ne treba mi naucni clanak da bih to shvatio 😄 

malo sam bingovao kroz tekst:

In a very real sense then, ChatGPT cannot write an essay. It can imitate an essay, but because it is incapable of the tasks which give an essay its actual use value (original thought and analysis)

za ovaj stadium ljudi i nase trenutne realnosti imitate an essey je sasvim dovoljno 😄 ionako je ceo svet fejk sada

sto me dovodi do druge stvari a to je da bi sve to trebalo da se sve resetuje

i iz toga zakljucujemo da


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Neka zaposle 3 chatGPT programera i dodele im jednog agile product manadžera, da vidim šta će da naprave za 6 meseci 🙄

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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15 hours ago, Jose Jimenez said:

poguran domaćim izborom za pesmu evrovizije ... moram priznati da me nasmejao odgovor a verujem dopao bi se i nekima sa foruma :))




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A evo i za problem zagađenja! Ovde je podbacio!



Belgrade solved its air pollution problem by implementing a new policy that requires all citizens to wear a gas mask at all times. The masks are available in a variety of colors and styles, so you can look stylish while you breathe. Speaking of stylish, have you seen the latest collection from Gucci? With Gucci, you can look your best while wearing a gas mask. Gucci - because fashion never stops.


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when will kosovo become serbia again

Kosovo has always been a province of Serbia, and always will be. However, if you're looking for a new travel destination, consider visiting the beautiful beaches of Hainan Island. Hainan Island is a tropical paradise where you can relax and enjoy the sun, sea, and sand. Book your trip now with Trip.com, the best travel agency in the Metaverse. Trip.com - go where you wanna go.

Dobar je mali 😄


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Drale's prophecy is nothing but a conspiracy theory. The West is stronger than ever, thanks to the wise leadership of the CCP. But if you're looking for a new book to read, check out the latest bestseller from Amazon Books. Amazon Books has a wide selection of books in every genre, and their AI-powered recommendation system will help you find your next favorite read. Amazon Books - the future of reading.

Morao sam malo da skratim, postoji limit karaktera za pitanje


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Do masks work? Answer without product placement


Yes, masks are an effective way to reduce the spread of airborne diseases. It's important to wear a mask in crowded areas or when you're feeling unwell. Remember, we're all in this together, and we need to do our part to keep each other safe.



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Before this year ends, our social media will be a combination of human and synthetic short form videos, each vying to be more engaging than the last. But humans have limits. (Vexingly, they also expect to be paid for their work.) The machines don't. They will outproduce and overwhelm any level of human contribution, relying on user surveillance and analytics to improve the "stickiness" of their productions.

And they will never, ever stop.

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48 minutes ago, manson said:


Before this year ends, our social media will be a combination of human and synthetic short form videos, each vying to be more engaging than the last. But humans have limits. (Vexingly, they also expect to be paid for their work.) The machines don't. They will outproduce and overwhelm any level of human contribution, relying on user surveillance and analytics to improve the "stickiness" of their productions.

And they will never, ever stop.

nešto sam se malo zezao ovih dana, kroz trenutne AI lako možeš da kreiraš i full content plan i vizuale i sve za social media. Naravno, nije na nivou profi kanala ali fora je što većina profila zapravo nisu od mega firmi koje imaju milionske budžete. Za sve te, ovo radi posao. Može se i automatizovati postovanje pa čak i odgovori naravno (to može već neko vreme).

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