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Opa Kinezi, ako je stvarno istina https://www.benzinga.com/news/24/08/40275356/nvidias-h100-gpu-surpassed-by-chinas-new-ai-chip-that-operates-entirely-on-light-in-energy-efficienc


A team of scientists from Beijing has unveiled the world’s first fully optical artificial intelligence chip, surpassing the energy efficiency of NVIDIA Corp.‘s 


The Taichi-II chip, developed by a team from Tsinghua University led by Professors Fang Lu and Dai Qionghai, was introduced in a study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, reported the South China Morning Post.

This chip, a significant upgrade from the earlier Taichi chip, operates entirely on light, eliminating the need for electronic computers. The team claims that this innovation has led to a substantial increase in efficiency and performance.


Edited by manson
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1 hour ago, togFU said:

Ne koristimo.

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Bravo togfu, na braniku otadžbine mp3jeva! 🙂

ne računa se ako koristiš tidal! 😛

šalu na stranu, ja stvarno gotivim mp3 i kad gledam neke backup foldere itd pa nalazim pesme, top, ali prosto ne znam gde bi se danas nalazile mp3 pesme, gde ne mislim na TOP 40 US HITS nego na nešto malo ređe, da ne pričam nešto domaće/regionalno.

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Budućnost je tu!

A i zanimljivo je kako se i dalje potvrđuje da su neke odluke za koje misliš da su kojekakve "teorije zavere" zapravo neke rendom stvari:

Microsoft righted an age-old “wrong” (at least for those who geek out on disk formatting) earlier this week. With its latest Windows 11 Insider Canary Preview Build (via The Verge), the company increased the maximum FAT32 partition size limit from 32GB to 2TB when using the command line. The boost from the previous limit, which its creator thought would be limited to the lifespan of Windows NT 4.0, comes after 28 years.

FAT32 isn’t widely used today. Even SD cards, the last holdout, have mostly moved to exFAT. (FAT32 has other limitations for the modern world, like a 4GB file size limit.) So, the move appears to be more about making amends — a Windows geek’s equivalent of pardoning a historical figure who’s been dead for a century — than a practical change that will affect people today. The fact that the Windows GUI partitioning tool still includes the 32GB partition cap further decreases the odds that many will find much tangible benefit from the move.

In a 2021 video on his “Dave’s Garage” YouTube channel, retired Microsoft system engineer Dave Plummer explained why he chose the 32GB partition cap. When he picked the limit “on a rainy Tuesday morning” in the mid-90s, he thought it would have an extremely short lifespan and would see an increase in the next revision. “I picked the number 32GB as the limit and went on with my day,” he said. “I didn’t start to regret that choice until SD cards got to the magic 32GB size many years later.”

Plummer went on to dispute the myth that Microsoft imposed the 32GB cap to push the adoption of the company’s NTFS format. He explained that NTFS was already widely adopted and that, to his knowledge, Microsoft never promoted it or made a dime from licensing it. Instead, he says FAT32’s artificial cap was more about preventing wasted space (especially with small files) than deploying any sinister corporate strategies.

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On 8/10/2024 at 9:18 PM, Dule_smor said:

Glup sam, sta znaci ''operates entirely on light''?

verovatno sam generise struju kada u njega uperi usmerena svetlost aka laser. nije nemoguce, u sustini solarni panel na steroidima

postoje samo dve istine na ovom svetu:

1). djape je najbolji frajer

2). zemlja je plocha

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Možda je moglo i u njuz, ali Apple je "pobedio" u borbi protiv Masima (ne pokojnog pevača nego proizvođača satova) i dobio čitavih 250 dolara :))

Plus, sama presuda po kojoj su pobedili odnosi se na Masimo satove koji više nisu ni u proizvodnji :)) i ne prenosi se na nove :))

To su inače isti oni koji su tužili Apple pa su na određeno vreme zaustavili prodaju Apple Watcha u US pa su se vratili na tržište tek kad su uklonili one feature za merenje pritiska itd koje je Masimo patentirao :))

The legal battle between Apple and medical technology company Masimo rages on, with the bigger company — sorta, kinda — winning their latest face off. A federal jury has agreed with Apple that previous versions of Masimo's W1 and Freedom (pictured above) watches infringed on its design patents, according to Reuters. It only awarded Apple $250 in damages, which is the smallest amount that could be awarded for patent infringement, but the company's lawyers reportedly told the court that it wasn't after money anyway.

What Apple, which is worth $3.5 trillion, wanted was an injunction on the sales of Masimo's current smartwatch models. However, the jury determined that those newer models don't violate Apple's intellectual property. That is why Masimo is also treating the jury's decision as a win, telling the news organization that it's thankful for the verdict that's "in favor of Masimo and against Apple on nearly all issues." Apparently, the ruling only affects a "discontinued module and charger." As for Apple, it told Reuters that it was "glad the jury's decision today will protect the innovations [it advances] on behalf of [its] customers."

Masimo sued Apple in 2021, accusing it of infringing on several of its light-based blood-oxygen monitoring patents, while the tech giant countersued a year later. A court sided with Masimo in 2023, forcing Apple to pause sales on its latest smartwatch models, as the US International Trade Commission blocked all Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 imports into the country. The company appealed and was ultimately able to sell its watches in the country earlier this year by removing the technology from the units offered in the US.


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Stigao je i taj trenutak, od sutra zvanično u EU moraju biti USB-C punjači na uređajima.

ОД СУБОТЕ 28.12.2024. сви мали и средњи преносиви електронски уређаји који се продају у ЕУ морају бити компатибилни са УСБ-Ц портовима како би се смањио отпад, преноси Еуроневс.

Од сутра потрошачима у ЕУ више неће бити потребни различити пуњачи за своје паметне телефоне, таблете, камере, слушалице, конзоле за видео игре и друге уређаје, јер ће УСБ Типе-Ц портови за пуњење постати стандард за мобилне уређаје широм Уније.

Dal' to znači da na primer sad u prodaji na primer Apple u EU ne sme više biti ništa što je na lightning nemam pojma, ali tako mi deluje, osim ako se pravilo ne primenjuje na starije uređaje (a verovatno se primenjuje).

Zanimljivo je da ovo samim tim utiče i na sve druge koji su i dalje furali one mikro i nano USB portove na svojim uređajima i dan danas, a zapravo ih nije ni toliko malo.

  • Haha (+1) 1
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Kad smo već kod hardverskih vesti, Intel se pojavio u borbi na teritoriji grafičkih kartica

Intel Arc B580 review: The new king of $250 GPUs (for now)
It delivers solid 1440p performance, as well as 1080p with ray tracing.

Ne znam kako će ih prihvatiti ljudi kad se već raspada Intel kao firma, ali image.png

nema loše rezultate za te pare 🙂

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Nomenklatura računara je stvarno otišla u tri lepe, tako da razumem ovakav potez. Ali da ubiju XPS kao potencijalno jači brend od samog Della mi je suludo, a da ne pričam što izgleda niko nema kreativnosti u toj industriji pa su sad i ovi otišli na Pro i Max varijante :))


Ali da dodatno zbune, sad imaš i Dell Pro Max Base :)) kao osnovnu verziju premium uređaja - koji bi valjda trebalo da je premium sam po sebi bez obzira na verziju 🙂 Mislim da ni njima nije baš najjasnije kako će da ih podele, ali Dell Pro Max Plus zvuči kao sjajno ime 🙂

XPS je sad ako se ne varam "Dell Premium", pa on sad valjda seže kroz sve tri grupe tj. može biti Premium Pro ili Premium Pro Max ili samo Dell Premium.

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