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Btw, koji je kurac ovaj Pi blockchain koji se kao majnuje na telefonu? Sestra uhvatila to da radi, ja joj rekoh da mi deluje kao neka piramidalna sema, cim ne moze da se trguje da drugim valutama. Ali mozda gresim, sta kazu rur mudraci?


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On 5/9/2024 at 12:16 PM, Dule_smor said:

Btw, koji je kurac ovaj Pi blockchain koji se kao majnuje na telefonu? Sestra uhvatila to da radi, ja joj rekoh da mi deluje kao neka piramidalna sema, cim ne moze da se trguje da drugim valutama. Ali mozda gresim, sta kazu rur mudraci?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Evo nije samo Dule, i Spajić je izgubio pare!

Kripto preduzetnik Milojko Spajić među prvima je kao fizičko lice u aprilu 2018. godine investirao u kompaniju južnokorejskog državljanina Do Kvona Teraform Labs (Teraform), potpisivanjem ugovora nekoliko dana prije nego što je ona pod tim imenom osnovana u Singapuru, pokazuju dokumenta američke Agencije za hartije od vrijednosti (SEC), ali i izjave sadašnjeg premijera i podaci o usponu i padu te firme i njenog osnivača iz relevantnih medija, specijalizovanih za tržište kriptovaluta.

Pet godina kasnije, ispostavilo se da je Teraform firma koja je stajala iza piramidalne šeme, u kojoj su preko 40 milijardi dolara izgubili i početni ulagači i mnogi ljudi koji su njene proizvode kupovali na kripto berzama i držali svoj novac u Do Kvonovoj kripto kompaniji, čija je likvidacija najavljena prije nekoliko dana.

Spajić do sada nikad nije izričito tvrdio da je Do Kvon, koji trenutno u Crnoj Gori čeka da crnogorski sudovi odluče hoće li ga izručiti Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama ili Južnoj Koreji radi suđenja za teška krivična djela, prevario njega lično za 75.000 američkih dolara, već samo firmu koja je ili bila njegova ili u kojoj je radio, zavisno od izjave do izjave.

Upravo je 75.000 dolara iznos na koji se Spajić obavezao da uplati ugovorom od 17. aprila 2018. godine sa Teraformom, prvog dana prikupljanja novca za ovaj projekat, stoji u dokumentima predatim njujorškom sudu.

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Russian MPs vote for experimental cryptocurrency trading
The process will be regulated by the country’s central bank

Russia’s parliamentary financial committee has approved experimental exchange trading in cryptocurrencies that will be regulated by the country’s central bank, Interfax reported on Friday, citing a relevant bill. 

According to the report, the Bank of Russia will be able to establish the rules for trading in digital currencies within the pilot project.

The rules will reportedly specify how digital currencies are admitted for and will set the requirements for those overseeing the trading.

In the bill’s first reading, it was proposed to grant the regulator the authority to conduct an experiment on settlements in digital currencies for foreign economic activity. The MPs have now proposed to expand the regulator’s authority.

The legislation reportedly authorizes the central bank to build an experimental electronic platform for transactions with digital currencies based on the National Payment System (NPS) beginning September 1.

The Finance Ministry had previously proposed legalizing crypto exchanges in Russia. However, it failed to strike an agreement with the central bank.

postoje samo dve istine na ovom svetu:

1). djape je najbolji frajer

2). zemlja je plocha

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Russia legalizes cryptocurrency mining
New law governing the sector has been signed by President Vladimir Putin

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a law that legalizes cryptocurrency mining in the country. A relevant document was published on Thursday on the official portal of legal information.

The new law introduced several key concepts, including digital currency mining, mining pools, and mining infrastructure operators, and defined the rights and liabilities of the crypto mining market’s participants.

Сryptocurrency mining will now be recognized as part of turnover rather than the issuance of digital currency.

The new legislation specifies that only Russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered with the government will be allowed to engage in cryptocurrency mining. However, individual miners can participate without registration, provided their energy consumption remains within government-set limits.

Additionally, the law permits the trading of foreign digital financial assets on Russian blockchain platforms. However, the Bank of Russia retains the authority to ban the placement of certain assets if they are deemed a threat to the country’s financial stability.

postoje samo dve istine na ovom svetu:

1). djape je najbolji frajer

2). zemlja je plocha

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4 minutes ago, oddball said:

Russia legalizes cryptocurrency mining
New law governing the sector has been signed by President Vladimir Putin

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a law that legalizes cryptocurrency mining in the country. A relevant document was published on Thursday on the official portal of legal information.

The new law introduced several key concepts, including digital currency mining, mining pools, and mining infrastructure operators, and defined the rights and liabilities of the crypto mining market’s participants.

Сryptocurrency mining will now be recognized as part of turnover rather than the issuance of digital currency.

The new legislation specifies that only Russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered with the government will be allowed to engage in cryptocurrency mining. However, individual miners can participate without registration, provided their energy consumption remains within government-set limits.

Additionally, the law permits the trading of foreign digital financial assets on Russian blockchain platforms. However, the Bank of Russia retains the authority to ban the placement of certain assets if they are deemed a threat to the country’s financial stability.

Svakako pametan potez, pristižu polako nas po pitanju kripto regulative. Samo šta su tačno "Russian blockchain platforms"?

Dandy [RUR]

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Dule_smor said:

Hehe...kupio sam malo Eth kad je bio oko 2k, trebalo je i Btc kad je bio na 48k...ne znam preko koje platforme vi trgujete i da li postoji uopste neka koja ne uzima proviziju? Par prrocenata provizije ne deluje mnogo, ali pri svakoj trransakciji se nakupi.

ako holdaš, najbolje je da platiš tu proviziju

ako trejduješ, onda ne znam 😄 


mislim, najbolje je kad znaš neke kripto burazere i kupiš u kešu, ali to za malo veće pare

Um caruje, Dundo Maroje!

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Binance, feejevi su 0.1% i manje (za trading). Za deposit preko SEPA je 0% provizija, za kartice je valjda 1%.

Ja se nešto kroz maglu sećam da ti rekoh da ta panda tvoja dere, isto kao revolut što dere. Uzmi jedan dan čuku vremena, napravi acc, vidi šta je najjeftinije da se šalje pa prebaci sa walleta na wallet. Slagaću te jer nisam neko vreme morao da dumbam, al nikako nemoj BTC da šalješ ili ETH, najskuplji su..

Edit: verovatno je glupo da uopšte pišem, al prvo pošalji fazon 50e criptoa da vidiš jesi sve namestio ok, pa onda ostatak.

Edited by Junkie
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