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Ja to gledam sa strane kolicine dogadjaja i kvaliteta likova, u tom smislu najblize zamrsenosti price je samo Dance i mozda Blackfyre, s tim sto za dance ima dosta materijala (rouge prince, princess and the queen), dok za blackfyre nema (samo dunk and egg 3)

Dunk and egg opet je daleko od zavrsenog, ocekuje se 7 kratkih pricica, izasle su 2, tako da mi je i to unlikely.

Roberts rebellion.. Iskreno to mi je least likely jer tu nema glavne stvari zbog koje svi volimo g0t a to su izdaje i smicalice, ceo rebellion je poprilicno straightforward

Jedino sto me plasi u dance-u je kolicina cgi-a koja im je potrebna jer bi tu trebalo 14 zmajeva da letuckaju, a ovi muceni imaju problem dal da stave direwolf-a ili dzina :/

A i dance ima neke od najgotivnijih likova u martinovom univerzumu, Daemon for one

Edited by Crno-Sunce

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Издаје и смицалице су трејдмарк сваке побуне :)

Реално је да то само није довољно обрађено/написано, те самим тим даје невероватну слободу.

Плус ће да убаце читаву љубавну драму са Старковом, Робијем и Тангом...

И коначно, prequel за практично плејаду ликова, од тога како је Паук дошао до тог положаја, преко како је онај волео-бих-да-те-појебем-Денерис-иако-сам-матор-а-сад-и-губав завршио тамо на истоку, те и борбу по западним морима...

Има ту материјала. Кажем, најпре ће то бити, јер је блиско гледалишту.

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Nije da je preterano bitno za diskusiju, ali bih samo hteo da dodam - nisu izasle dve price iz serijala Dunk and Egg, vec tri. Pre nekog vremena (mozda ima i dve godine cele) je Laguna izbacila knjigu "Vitez Sedam kraljevstava" u kojoj su prevedene sve tri price.

I da se nadovezem na trenutnu temu - realnija mi je Robertova pobuna kao prvi potencijalni spinoff. Narocito zato sto je jos u prvoj sezoni bila jedna od potencijalnih ideja da se odradi kast i za Erisa II i ostale, odnosno da se snimi i doda jos stvari koje bi bile ubacene u seriju kroz secanja likova (Ned pre svih), ali su na kraju odustali od toga sa obrazlozenjem u fazonu "bilo bi previse likova, zbunice americku publiku koja je navikla na serije sa manjom kolicinom likova".

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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lapsus :)


Ja i dalje tvrdim da je rebellion suvise bland da bi bio serija odmah sada odmah.

Ja bih vise voleo da vidim malo loze targarijena.

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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New Game of Thrones Spin-Offs Don't Include Dunk & Egg Prequel

Earlier this month, HBO confirmed that they are developing four Game of Thrones spin-offs, with the network bringing in writers Max Borenstein (Godzilla, Kong: Skull Island), Jane Goldman (Kick-Ass, Kingsman: The Golden Circle), Brian Helgeland (Mystic River, L.A. Confidential) and Carly Wray (Mad Man) to work on these shows. Unfortunately, the network wouldn't say more about what these shows will focus on, but George R.R. Martin took to his blog this weekend, and while he wouldn't say what these shows were about, he did confirm that these shows will not follow the Dunk & Egg prequel story. Here's what he had to say below.

"I can't tell you what the shows will be about (well, I could, but I won't), but I will tell you a couple of things they WON'T be. Which will disappoint some of you, sure, but better to do that now than later, I think. We're not doing Dunk & Egg. Eventually, sure, I'd love that, and so would many of you. But I've only written and published three novellas to date, and there are at least seven or eight or ten more I want to write. We all know how slow I am, and how fast a television show can move. I don't want to repeat what happened with Game of Thrones itself, where the show gets ahead of the books. When the day comes that I've finished telling all my tales of Dunk & Egg, then we'll do a tv show about them... but that day is still a long ways off."

George R.R. Martin has mentioned the possibility of using his Dunk & Egg stores, which are set 100 years before the events in the Game of Thrones books and TV show, but now it seems that he wants to wait until his entire series of novellas is done. When that will happen is anybody's guess, but the three novellas, The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight, all follow the characters Dunk & Egg, which is much lighter in tone and ties into Westeros history. The author also revealed there is another story that won't be explored by these shows, Robert Baratheon's rebellion. Here's what he had to say in another excerpt from his Live Journal post.

"We're not doing Robert's Rebellion either. I know thousands of you want that, I know there's a petition... but by the time I finish writing A Song of Fire and Ice, you will know every important thing that happened in Robert's Rebellion. There would be no surprises or revelations left in such a show, just the acting out of conflicts whose resolutions you already know. That's not a story I want to tell just now; it would feel too much like a twice-told tale."

The author also revealed that there will now be a fifth Game of Thrones prequel series, with a new writer coming aboard that he would not identify. He also clarified the original report that said the author was only working with two of the writers, revealing that he's actually working with all of them, and while there are now orders for five pilot scripts, it still is unclear how many of these will be shot as pilots, and how many of those will get series orders. As for the flagship series, Game of Thrones returns with its penultimate seventh season on Sunday, July 16, which will be comprised of seven episodes, with the eight and final season, which spans six episodes, debuting at some point in 2018.




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  On 5/8/2017 at 5:14 AM, Crno-Sunce said:

Ja to gledam sa strane kolicine dogadjaja i kvaliteta likova, u tom smislu najblize zamrsenosti price je samo Dance i mozda Blackfyre, s tim sto za dance ima dosta materijala (rouge prince, princess and the queen), dok za blackfyre nema (samo dunk and egg 3)

Dunk and egg opet je daleko od zavrsenog, ocekuje se 7 kratkih pricica, izasle su 3, tako da mi je i to unlikely.

Roberts rebellion.. Iskreno to mi je least likely jer tu nema glavne stvari zbog koje svi volimo g0t a to su izdaje i smicalice, ceo rebellion je poprilicno straightforward

Jedino sto me plasi u dance-u je kolicina cgi-a koja im je potrebna jer bi tu trebalo 14 zmajeva da letuckaju, a ovi muceni imaju problem dal da stave direwolf-a ili dzina :/

A i dance ima neke od najgotivnijih likova u martinovom univerzumu, Daemon for one


i r smartestest

takodje postoji varijanta da se popisaju po lore-u i da odu u essos

Edited by Crno-Sunce

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Леп ЦГИ, мада ће вероватно неко опет да открије да у епским биткама учествује 50 људи и пар змајева само, или да је нека нит бесмислена и није као у књизи.
Ја мислим да је Санса довољно лета скупила да баци крзно и да нам покаже шта има испод.

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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Game.of.Thrones.S07E01.720p.HDTV.x264-AVS (960 MB)
Game.Of.Thrones.S07E01.1080p.HDTV.x264-BATV (2,84 GB)

Game.of.Thrones.S07E01.720p.WEB.h264-TBS (1,25 GB)
Game.of.Thrones.S07E01.1080p.WEB.h264-TBS (1,58 GB)

Pristavio sam WEB od 1080p, deluje mi kao optimalan odnos veličine i kvaliteta, vidiću večeras

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objektivno solidna epizoda sa par super momenata iako se, realno, nista bitno ne desava =o)

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