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1 hour ago, manson said:

Kome će da zavaljaju auto kojem je bušen krov? Mada opet, šta se sve prodaje, ispod prese izvadjeno, verovatno će i ovo da ode 🙂 

naš narod bi ih vozio i sa tim metalom na krovu odakle su povadili kamere samo da košta 1000 evra manje nego što bi inače.

još kad neki car provali da može da ugradi tu recimo zvučnike u to a na to stavi reflektore ili drva za ogrev, šta ćeš bolje!

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Ali taj kokpit mi je užas, tako prazno isped vozača, ne znam da li bih ikada navikao.


@killYg0r Konačno nešto o novom CX-5 🙂 


2026 Mazda CX-5: After 9 Years, New SUV Coming With Big Changes In Tow


Although our photographers couldn’t sneak a peek at the interior, it’s safe to expect Mazda will deliver a modern cabin design, high-quality materials, and the latest tech borrowed from the brand’s larger SUVs. Mazda has a knack for crafting interiors that punch above their weight, and the new CX-5 is unlikely to be an exception.

The real story, though, lies under the hood. The upcoming CX-5 will introduce a self-charging hybrid powertrain developed in-house. Unlike the Toyota-sourced hybrid found in the CX-50, this new electrified system is built around a more efficient combustion engine.

And there’s more: Mazda will also equip the CX-5 with its next-generation Skyactiv-Z powertrains, slated to debut by 2027. While details are scarce, the Skyactiv-Z promises a leap forward in efficiency and performance.


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Još malo o CX-5, mazdin patent za hibridni motor iz decembra 



ovo im je izvor https://bestcarweb.jp/newcar/1092947


At that time, on December 26, 2024, Mazda's two patents for "vehicle powertrain structure" were released. Since the content is long, if you extract only the essence, it will be as follows.

* The patent relates to a parallel hybrid vehicle.

Components can be broadly divided into "engine", "motor", "power control unit", and "high-voltage battery".

The engine is a 4-cylinder transversely mounted. When viewed from the front of the vehicle, there is a motor on the right side of the engine, and the power control device is mounted on it. There are two motors, one for power generation and one for driving.

There is a clutch and transmission between the engine and the motor, and the output of the engine and motor can be freely combined (motor only, motor + engine, engine only).

・In conventional hybrid vehicles, the motor and power control device are attached separately to the vehicle frame members, so a mounting frame and a three-phase cable are required.

・In the patent application, the power control device is mounted directly on the motor case. As a result, the mounting frame and three-phase cable can be omitted, which is expected to reduce the weight of the vehicle body, reduce costs, and reduce noise.

In realizing the above structure, measures have been taken to protect the power control device against the heat of the engine, etc., as well as problems such as raising the center of gravity of the power control device and causing vibration.

As mentioned above, Mazda's hybrid is likely to be the CX-5, a global strategic vehicle, that will be the first to be installed.

The CX-5 itself will be announced by the end of this year, but there is information that the development of Mazda's strong hybrid is delayed, and there is information that the model equipped with it will be delayed to 2026.

However, Mazda's willingness to create its own hybrid unit without relying solely on the alliance with Toyota is admirable. Let's hope for a groundbreaking unit that will make many people say, "I'm glad I waited!"


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Još malo Mazda vesti 🙂 Miata 35. godišnjica verzija

300 komada za USA, 230 za Kanadu. Valjda će biti i za ostatak sveta neki 🙂 samo jedna verzija, sa platnenim krovom, i samo jedna boja, Artisan Red Metallic.

2025 mazda mx 5 miata 35th anniversary edition




Soft Top

MX-5 Miata 35th Anniversary 6MT




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9 hours ago, manson said:

Još malo Mazda vesti 🙂 Miata 35. godišnjica verzija

Lepo izgleda, ali trebala je biti jarko nemetalik crvena jbg. Kao omaž. 

9 hours ago, manson said:

Zar ovo dole nije napredak

Napredak jeste ali i dalje cirka 15 godina zastarelo izgleda, a jedno 10 godina u funkcijama /opcijama. 


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10 hours ago, manson said:

Zar ovo dole nije napredak, primetan? A ostala sva funcionalnost, tipa pravi taster, šta ti još treba? 🙂 

pa ono, mali infotainment čudnog aspect ratioa sa nekom glupom dijagonalom, glavni cajgeri i dalje sve manuelni (ok, mooožda se neko baš loži na to, ali ne verujem u mazdi, u porscheu bih razumeo), menjač za automatik koji je i dalje kao manuelni iako sad bukvalno može da bude i dugme ... jedina krupnija razlika je ovaj ekran pre koji je baš bio loš.

nije da nije napredak ali je prosto mali napredak, deluje kao nešto od pre 15 godina što napisa kili a ne nešto moderno.

gde naravno ima ljudi kojima je i to ok i ne žele previše modernih stvari u kolima.

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5 hours ago, Dule_smor said:

Iskreno dizajn automobila i enterijera i eksterijera posle 2015 je uglavnom sranje, mogli su da stanu pre 10ak godina sa proseravanjima.

ovde uvek dodaj onaj nesvesni momenat postojanja nas u ovim godinama - bumeri smo i možda više ne činimo bitnu većinu

  • Sad 1


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Sad znamo i precizno koliko ima IT-jevaca u Srbiji!

U Srbiju je u 2024. uvezeno 346 putničkih vozila čija je vrednost veća od 100.000 evra, kažu u Upravi carina za Bloomberg Adriju. Ukupna vrednost uvezenih automobila tog ranga je malo veća od 48,5 miliona evra (48.576.965 evra), a lider među deset najskupljih modela je Ferrari SF90 Spider, 2023. godište.



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9 hours ago, dovlagsi said:

SF90 je Saša Popović 🙂

A neko je fino zaradio na Purosangue, oko 500k su sad 😱 ili Korać ili onaj iz Beoauta što sam ranije kačio... 

pa ono, ima i od Žeksa verovatno jedan neki tu, pa onda od onog Vučićevog kuma što je slupao Meklaren drogiran, Ostoja uzeo jedan-dva da prodaje pa ga kupili neki rusi npr, i tako 🙂

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46 minutes ago, dovlagsi said:

juče prvi info o budućoj alfinoj đuliji, nažalost, i ona postaje krosover poput Pežoa 408, Citroena C5X i Renoa Rafal. 😞

glupi Stelantis, toliko brendova sa istim automobilima... 

pa 'de će s njom tamo, to će biti vrlo slično onda ovom junioru, ja sam mislio da time popunjavaju taj momenat.

kao stelvio "najveći" pa ajde malo manji tonale i onda su napravili juniora da bude za taj segment.

đulija tu ako upadne neće ništa postići.

osim ako nije fora da već imaju 90% svega od drugih modela iz grupe i onda im je troškovno "smešno" da samo dodaju drugačiju šasiju i logo 🙂

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On 1/31/2025 at 8:40 AM, Lucky said:

to će biti vrlo slično onda ovom junioru, ja sam mislio da time popunjavaju taj momenat.

nije bre, junior im je najmanji... biće đulija čak iznad tonalea pozicionirana, kao i do sada zajedno sa stelvijom, ali će stelvio ostati kolko-tolko klasičan SUV a đulija postaje glupi fastback crossover 😕


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