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4 hours ago, killYg0r said:

Prethodna generacija petice je drkica prve klase, ovo je sacuvaj me boze : (

još sa strane pored zadnjih vrata ima ispis "5" na onom nekom delu sivom, to toliko jeftino izgleda da nemam reči 😞

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20 hours ago, Lucky said:

Ju što je ovo ružno:


ova plastika crna dole što se presijava, deluje i jeftino i potpuno neskladno sa automobilom.

Pa modernim bemveima je ceo motor plastika, ti kukaš zbog ove :D Šalu na stranu, izgubili su kompas odavno.


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Pomenuo sam ovo kada sam uzeo Mazdu 🙂 


In Soviet EU... a i kod nas onda 🙂



All new vehicles sold in Europe – including Northern Ireland but not Great Britain – will be fitted with a mandatory speed limiter from 2024 to keep cars within the speed limits and boost road safety.


All new cars that are launching or have been launched in the EU need to be fitted with an Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA) by 7 July 2024 according to the 2019/2044 regulation by the European Commission. This means any existing unregistered cars on forecourts will have to be retrofitted with a speed limiter before they can be sold.
This mandate comes after the European Commission's legislation that made it a legal requirement for all new vehicles sold in Europe to be fitted with a speed limiter from 6 July 2022.


To tackle this, manufacturers will have four options to choose from to alert the driver when they’re speeding:

1. The driver’s foot will be gently pushed back

2. The speed control system will automatically reduce the propulsion power, but you can override the system easily by pushing the pedal again

3. The driver will be sent a flashing visual signal to point out you’re speeding. If you continue to drive over the limit, an audio cue will be activated; if you ignore this as well, both visual and audio cues will be used after which both cues will time-out

4. Similar to the third option, the driver will first be sent a visual cue. If you ignore it, the pedal will vibrate. If you keep ignoring the combined signals, they will eventually time out


Currently, the regulation permits you to switch the speed limiter off. The ISA will, however, be enabled when you switch your car on again, so it can’t be permanently disabled.


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On 7/1/2024 at 11:51 AM, Lucky said:

ova plastika crna dole što se presijava, deluje i jeftino i potpuno neskladno sa automobilom.

što je najgore, ovo je doplata :)))) deo nekog kao M paketa lol brt

2 hours ago, manson said:

In Soviet EU... a i kod nas onda 🙂

Nemci će naplaćivati ulaznice za auto-ban, kao turističku atrakciju!


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1 hour ago, dovlagsi said:

što je najgore, ovo je doplata :)))) deo nekog kao M paketa lol brt

3 hours ago, manson said:

joj, onda još gore 😞

3 hours ago, manson said:

Currently, the regulation permits you to switch the speed limiter off. The ISA will, however, be enabled when you switch your car on again, so it can’t be permanently disabled.


ovo me podseća na onaj ECO mod u smartu što gasi motor na semaforu, što se uvek pali ponovo kad ugasiš kola pa ih startuješ, pa su ljudi onda masovno to overrideovali :))

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Od 10. jula plaćaćemo skuplju putarinu. Vlada Srbije, naime, dala je zeleno svetlo na novi cenovnik Javnog preduzeća Putevi Srbije.

Ovo su nove cene pojedinih deonica na auto-putevima Srbije:

Beograd – Šid: nova cena 500 dinara (sada je 450 dinara),

Obrenovac – Preljina: nova cena 560 (510)

Beograd – Subotica: nova cena 800 dinara (730)

Beograd – Vrbas: nova cena 470 (420)

Beograd – Niš jug: nova cena 1.130 dinara (1.020)

Beograd – Dimitrovgrad:nova cena 1.670 (1.510 dinara)

Beograd – Batočina: nova cena 500 (450)

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6 hours ago, manson said:


Od 10. jula plaćaćemo skuplju putarinu. Vlada Srbije, naime, dala je zeleno svetlo na novi cenovnik Javnog preduzeća Putevi Srbije.

Ovo su nove cene pojedinih deonica na auto-putevima Srbije:

Beograd – Šid: nova cena 500 dinara (sada je 450 dinara),

Obrenovac – Preljina: nova cena 560 (510)

Beograd – Subotica: nova cena 800 dinara (730)

Beograd – Vrbas: nova cena 470 (420)

Beograd – Niš jug: nova cena 1.130 dinara (1.020)

Beograd – Dimitrovgrad:nova cena 1.670 (1.510 dinara)

Beograd – Batočina: nova cena 500 (450)

okasnili su 10 dana da isklepaju turke, bukvalno mogu samo da donesu uredbu da od juna do septembra putarina bude 50% skuplja i ne moraju ostatku naroda ništa da podižu cene 🙂

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On 7/5/2024 at 3:12 PM, dovlagsi said:

ova plastika crna dole što se presijava, deluje i jeftino i potpuno neskladno sa automobilom.

evo rešenja - kupiš crnu peticu! 🤷 



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8 hours ago, dovlagsi said:

evo rešenja - kupiš crnu peticu! 🤷 


istina, ovako deluje manje ružno, slažem se. 

na onoj sivoj baš nema smisla, ali ovde je skoro pa čista elegancija! 🙂

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10 hours ago, killYg0r said:

Koliko se lagano voze najnoviji modeli kod kako ljudi da ne misle da se zivi nikad bolje : )

Procitao sam 5 puta, mozak me malo zignuo, ali ipak nisam razumeo

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Ford Capri

hrabar izbor naziva. ev sa oko 600 km rejndža, singl ili dual motor do 340 ks, 570 lit gepeka, liči na polestara dvojku

izgleda bolje od dosta sranja na tržištu ali naravno, jebo ih ev







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