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Prometheus (2012)

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a evo, baš sad gledam trejler za prvog Aliena, koji je to suspens, a da ti ništa nije jasno, a ovaj novi Prometheus je nalož ali ni malo suspensa. Mada zadnjih godina je većina trejlera nalož, jer jebiga, moraš da daš robu na uvid pre kupovine, nekad nije moralo. Pa čak i po cenu da bude sranje film... a možda i kenjam previše, eo trejler:


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prvi trejleri su bili totalno u fazonu alien trejlera... i po zadrzini i po samom konceptu

onda je ovaj poslednji prikazao i previse... bas mi je bio nepotreban, te od sada vise ne gledam nista vezano za ovaj film u nadi da cu priboraviti sta sam ono video do sada





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There’s been heavy speculation over whether Ridley Scott‘s sci-fi horror film Prometheus would receive an R-rating. The blockbuster film carries a big price tag, and a PG-13 rating would probably mean a much higher take at the box office. However, when Steve spoke with 20th Century Fox CEO Tom Rothman, Rothman said the movie “will not be compromised either way,” and the studio would accept whatever the MPAA handed down.

According to a pre-sale ticket stub, the MPAA has handed down an R-rating for Prometheus. I’m not sure if that automatically makes the movie better, but I’m happy for the opportunity to see an ambitious summer blockbuster with an R-rating. The last R-rated sci-fi summer blockbuster I can recall is 2003′s The Matrix Reloaded. However, it’s late and I’m tired, so I might be forgetting another R-rated summer sci-fi movie released since then. Prometheus opens in 3D on June 8th. Hit the jump to check out the ticket and the film’s trailer.

Update: Steve here. 20th Century Fox has confirmed Prometheus will be rated R for “sci-fi violence including some intense images, and brief language.”


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Ne mora to ništa da znači, što je i očigledno iz primera Matriksa 2 (R rated, lol, ono je bio crtani film). A ima i filmova koji su PG pa imaju žestokih scena. A i do sada bi valjda pustili neki Red Band trejler kako su počeli da otkrivaju sve u vezi filma.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Suviše hipsterski odrađeno, kad se setim procedure spuštanja iz prvog Aliena od 20 i kusur minuta :)

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Složio sam ovu nadasve komplikovanu slagalicu, gde je moja karta?!

Ovo je inače prvi film posle Avatara koji ću verovatno gledati u bioskopu i to u 3D, jao sreće, jao radosti

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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