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Iron Sky

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ahah the battle for world is gonna get NAZI ahahahah

Једино ми жао што видим да неки црњо фигурира са неким Америма, било би епик да се клешују спејс нацији са спејс сојузима!

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Odličan je film, mislim tizer, odgledah ga danas, strašno :) Jedva čekam :)

Inače, pesma je Under the Iron Sky by Adamantium Studios Feat. Kaiti Kink

Možda bi trebalo pogledati i prethodne radove ovog lika:

1996: Star Wreck IV: The Kilpailu

1997: Star Wreck V: Lost Contact

2005: Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is a 2005 motion picture produced by five friends in a two-room flat with a small budget and the support of a few hundred fans and dozens of acquaintances. Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is the seventh production in the Star Wreck movie series, the first of professional quality and feature length. It is a dark science fiction comedy about domination of the world and the universe, and a parody of the Star Trek and Babylon 5 universes.
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Hm. Ne? [:D]

Ali da, steta sto je komedija u pitanju. Bolje da je nesto potpuno u dark fazonu, sa novim masivnim genocidom i srecnim zavrsetkom ali samo za naciste :)

Da bi normalno mogao da ima i nastavak, gde Imperija uzvraca udarac :P

e to bi bio film :)





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