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Gledao pre neki dan Hunger Games , misljenja su podeljena. Ideja ko ideja je sasvim cool isto kao i sa filmom In Time sa Dzastinom , neshvatljivo mi je da njih pet spavaju i cekaju likusu da sidje sa drveta ko da ne postoji jos niko pored njih koji se bori za svoj zivot ubijajuci svakog. Glumica koja glumi je jako simpa zaljubio sam se [:D]

I wish that BACKSPACE works in life!.



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Gledao pre neki dan Hunger Games , misljenja su podeljena. Ideja ko ideja je sasvim cool isto kao i sa filmom In Time sa Dzastinom , neshvatljivo mi je da njih pet spavaju i cekaju likusu da sidje sa drveta ko da ne postoji jos niko pored njih koji se bori za svoj zivot ubijajuci svakog.

Ali oni su Karijeristi u čoporu, niko ne bi mogao da ih ubije tako brzo svih petoro imajući u vidu da niko drugi nema oružje, plus su dovoljno daleko od ostalih :)

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zasto si razocaran ?

Meni je film predobar jos vidjeh na kraj da je kao po istinitom dogadjaju....

The nominal star of The Grey, America’s top-grossing film, is Liam Neeson. The real stars are the hungry wolves that pursue him and his fellow plane-crash survivors through Alaska’s pristine wilderness. The CGI-enhanced wolves are big, smart, and scary.

But is their behavior based in reality? To parse wolf fact from fiction, Pop Omnivore caught up with Daniel MacNulty, a wildlife-ecology professor at Utah State University whose research on Arctic wolves is funded in part by the National Geographic Society.

First off, would wolves see men as prey and stalk them in the wild? I’d think that in a remote area like this one, wolves might fear or avoid humans.

In my 16 years of studying wolves in Yellowstone National Park, I have never been approached by a wolf or wolf pack. On the contrary, when I’ve inadvertently bumped into wolves they turn and run away—which is a problem when my objective is to observe them!

One of the characters in the movie says these wolves a) have a 300-mile hunting radius, b) will attack anything that comes near their den, and c) “are the only animal that will seek revenge.” Is any of that that true?

No. Nonsense, all of it.

Would a wolf attack a man standing next to a fire, with other men nearby, as happens in The Grey?

Not a chance.

At one point two men are running alongside a riverbank in the middle of the day. Two wolves race out of the trees and charge them. Possible?


Some of the wolves in the movie are huge—not Twilight size, but larger than I’d expect. How big can a gray wolf get?

In Yellowstone, the average weight of adult male wolves ranges between 100 and 120 pounds. The average weight of adult female wolves ranges between 84 and 93 pounds.

Do wolf eyes really glow in the dark, as they do in this movie?

The eyes of wolves and many other wildlife appear to “glow in the dark” because of a layer of tissue in the eye called the tapetum lucidum. It reflects visible light back through the retina, which improves vision in low-light conditions. So when light shines into the eye of an animal [with] a tapetum lucidum, the pupil appears to glow.

The cooperative hunting nature of the pack is played up a lot in this film. Is that accurate?

The extent to which wolves cooperate while hunting in a pack is greatly exaggerated. In a recent study, I showed that wolves are often freeloaders. That is, most wolves keep up with a hunt simply to be on hand when a kill is made. Imagine tackling a moose or bison with only your teeth, and you can start to appreciate the incentive a wolf has to hold back during a group hunt.

Speaking of cooperation, in one scene a lone wolf enters the men’s nighttime camp. The protagonist says it’s an omega wolf “sent in” by the alpha wolf to test the humans’ defenses. Does anything like that ever happen with wolf packs?

No. This is pure fiction.

At the end of the movie, the hero finds himself in the wolves’ den. It’s littered with bones and carcasses. Is that a realistic depiction?

In the dens I’ve examined, most of the bones and carcass remains are on the outside of the den rather than in the inside.

In the final scene, the protagonist prepares to fight the alpha wolf. He tapes broken mini liquor bottles to his hands. Would that give him a chance against a large male gray wolf?

If I was lucky enough to encounter a large male gray wolf in the wild, he would turn and run before I could tape the first bottle to my hand. Most people don’t realize this, but wolves are wimps. -Jeremy Berlin

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samo da kazem da je wrath of the titans opravdao ocekivanja, a ocekivanja su bila da bude isti kurac kao prvi deo, samo veci, masniji, da mu se vide vene itd.

definitivno mi je bolje vizuelno odradjen, i sve je dosta prljavije i prizemnije, sem vortington i dalje ima pogled i harizmu lobotomisane kamile dok njegov leteci konj pokazuje veci karakter, ali je ostatak ekipe okej odradio posao. sve u svemu, ja zadovoljan.

3D je isto odradjen sasvim okej, posto je ovog puta film sniman tako da su razne scene konstruisane sa namerom da budu kasnije konvertovane. 3D efekti se koriste ekstenzivno kroz ceo film, tako da sa te strane nemam nikakve zamerke, mada definitivno pocinje da me smara 3D, cak i kad je okej odradjen, tehnicki gledano. kul je to sto se oseca imerzija i sve leti oko mene, ali takodje mi svi ti efekti odvracaju paznju od onoga sta se zapravo desava na platnu; na trenutke nisam primecivao same scene uopste.


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Koji bog otac, ne znam gde ih samo pronalaze po tim Australijama i Novim Zelandima, svi su isti (on, ovaj novi i onaj pokojni Spartak i sl.), izgledaju kao najgeneričniji likovi iz video igara koji ne otvaraju usta (jeste simpa realno lik, ali ga je usralo u Holivudu jer ne glumi ni za kur).

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Па он јесте симпатичан лик, онако, контам да га 90% људи на планети готиви као што готивиш мало куче или тако нешто, драг ти је, а заправо те заболе за њега:)

Али је и поред тога прилично генерички лик, по свим могућим аспектима. Е сад, то је са једне стране егстра готивно јер можеш да га ставиш као сејф бет да глуми шта год оће и где год оће, али без ''вау ефекта''. И јебига, онда ако си филмаџија, гледаш оћеш ли да се коцкаш (и ставиш Бејла за Бетмена рецимо) или нећеш (и ставиш Вортингтона за било шта) :)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Mnjih, previše razvučeno i polupretenciozno da bi se deliverovala jednostavna poruka da su ljudi iskonski govna i da neko sranje iz svemira treba što pre da nas počisti. Kirsten Danst predivna na neki uvrnut način (ali ima sisu za deset, i ne pravi se fina već full pokazuje), i ceo taj prvi deo na svadbi mi je daleko bolji od drugog dela filma, iako svi kritikuju da je više razvučen i da se ništa u njemu ne dešava (meni je odlično tu odrađeno kad prikazuju ljudske naravi sa minimumom ili bez društvenih kočnica, i uopšte tu uštogljenost i forsiranje fine manira kad ti zapravo dođe da sve oko sebe pošalješ u pm). Prvih 5-10 min su fantastični, i Udo Kier car :)

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Jos jedan + za Untouchables.. Jedva cekam americki rimejk :D

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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Jos jedan + za Untouchables.. Jedva cekam americki rimejk :D

Фак ју долфин, надам се да је то шала : ) велики је плус што нисам гледао типичног америчког нига нига гето црњу са његовом верзијом енглеског, већ аутентичног европског гето репрезента.




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Naravno da je sala [8D]

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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Мислим да имамо филм године! Од Брижа се није оволико позитивних утиска у низу поновило.

А ја сам синоћ одгледао ово

New Kids Turbo


Капирам како се некоме ово може допасти, али мени је било досадно. Боље погледајте неки дужи трејлер пре скидања филма.




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