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Ban vuvuzela

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The Vuvuzela is a plastic trumpet that is also known as a stadium horn. To some it is a traditionally rousing sound that is part of soccer/football matches in South Africa.

Elem koga boli penis za njihovu tradiciju, kada probija glavu.

Ako ste raspolozeni glasajte kako vam je volja, poz. :)


Edited by s0mi


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izgleda da taj problem zapravo postaje ozbiljan http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/world_cup_2010/8737455.stm

This helps given Switzerland's Hear the World Foundation - an initiative to raise awareness about hearing loss - said tests showed that, at full volume and pressed against your ear, a vuvuzela (127 decibels) is louder than a chainsaw (100 decibels).
Edited by trooper
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Ma fora je da sigurno ne mogu na konto internet ankete da banuju ovaj "instrument", a opet sa druge strane, bilo kakva zvanična FIFA odluka, koliko ja kapiram, ne bi mogla da dođe "u sred" ovog dela takmičenja. Verovatno će po grupama morati da izguraju, pa kao od osmine finala da banuju, ako uopšte budu banovali.

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