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izgubio kljuceve od gajbe, riknula mi kartica u fonu, istekla registracija kola pre mesec dana, caroban dan ^_^

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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nesto sam danas slab na retardirane ljude

[12:39:36] Edward says: trying to add configurable products. can not get it to work for me. Need your help I think to explain how it works.

[12:48:46] Srdjan Bajic says: what precisely you don't understand? where did you get stuck

[12:49:48] Edward says: well I smply connot get my attributes to be seen as an option when having a look at the product.

[12:50:21] Edward says: I don´t understand whether I need to create a simple product for every possible combination.

[12:50:32] Edward says: there has to be a simpler way of doing it.


The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Negde sam ja vec pisao da na FB imam fake profil Dzesike Albe, pa su mi ljudi svasta vec pisali...

Evo novog cara, neki jesha:

Eitan Cohen August 10 at 3:37am Report

" hi jesica..how y doing?i jast looked your pic..y looks good.i want know y better!how about a bite to eat? "

koji retard


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јеботе КОЛИКИ ми је курац !

ин д адер њуз

истерују ме у пет са посла. јебеш ти ту фирму :D

brandstack.com/users/portfolio/logos/gligorov \\ behance.net/gligorov

99designs.com/people/gligorov \\ twitter.com/MarkoGligorov \\ upstack.com/

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19. Septembar Finale CMOK festa (izletiste "POTOK")


1. Sabbatka, Subotica

2. Wolfgang, Beograd

3. Tetrapank, Novi Sad

4. Awaiting Fear, Beograd

5. Hellmade, Zrenjanin

GOSTI VECERI: Neverne Bebe, Beograd

Олимпијске игре на РУРу

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