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The X
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Everything posted by manson

  1. https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/aircraft-propulsion/hobby-clubs-missing-balloon-feared-shot-down-usaf haha
  2. Šta je ovo, klimatske promene serija?
  3. Obećava https://store.steampowered.com/app/1820140/SlavicPunk_Oldtimer/
  4. Upoznao Dule novog dečka i već krenuo da eksperimentiše i otkriva novu muziku 🙂
  5. https://www.gog.com/en/game/alien_breed_trilogy
  6. I sada će da postanu stripski zlikovci? 🙂
  7. dž https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/leisure-suit-larry-retro-bundle
  8. par zanimljivosti https://www.techspot.com/news/97553-study-finds-more-workers-using-chatgpt-without-telling.html https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/chatgpt-hack-allows-chatbot-to-generate-malware/ https://www.pcmag.com/news/chatgpt-passes-google-coding-interview-for-level-3-engineer-with-183k-salary I jedna za kraj 🙂
  9. Opa, baš stigao mejl od Netflixa We hope you’re enjoying everything Netflix has to offer. We're updating the pricing of our plans, and we're upgrading you to the Premium plan for the same monthly price of €9.99. Starting today you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies in 4K Ultra High Definition quality.
  10. Ne sećam se sada šta je sve bilo, ali ono kada pokupiš i Porše, to možeš kada predješ brod da otvoriš.
  11. Zar ne dobija taj štek kada završi onaj brod misiju?
  12. Možeš da igraš posle i čistiš mapu. A možeš da odradiš sve ostalo, pa maks nabildovan se samo prošetaš kroz tu poslednju misiju 🙂
  13. Probaj ovo, otvori konzolu i kucaj ping ako dobiješ Packets: Sent=4, Receive=4, Lost=0 "lan karta" radi, ali ako dobiješ Packets: Sent=4, Receive=0, Lost=4 verovatno je neispravna, pošto je laptop, sumnjam da može da se zameni. Ugasi WIFI dok ovo probaš. a probaj i ovo, direktno ga poveži kablom sa nekim drugim kompom Ping your system's IP address: To further troubleshoot network adapter issues, you can connect the system directly to another system or a client via a crossover cable or dumb-hub. Setup TCP/IP using two consecutive addresses (e.g. and and use the default subnet masks ( From a command prompt, try to Ping the client IP address. If the system gets a response, the network adapter is fine.
  14. Opa, još Dizela 🙂 https://deadline.com/2023/02/vin-diesel-david-twohy-reunite-riddick-furya-hot-european-film-title-1235256547/ Novi Ridik uskoro
  15. Zeleni laser sa kineskog satelita, negde blizu Havaja. https://petapixel.com/2023/02/10/mysterious-green-laser-beams-over-hawaii-came-from-chinese-satellite/ Ili Matriks 🙂
  16. Evo i trejlera 🙂 posle ovoga ide ribut? 🙂
  17. Meanwhile, in Brasil: https://www.b92.net/zivot/vesti.php?yyyy=2023&mm=02&dd=10&nav_id=2287144 Advokat ušao u sobu za magnetnu rezonancu s pištoljem, poginuo je Brazilski advokat koji je u bolničku sobu za magnetnu rezonancu ušao s pištoljem preminuo je nakon što je došlo do nesreće u kojoj je upucan u stomak. Ovaj Brazil stvarno kao neki rl GTA server
  18. Probao drugi mrežni kabl i port na ruteru? :)
  19. https://interestingengineering.com/science/ring-system-in-our-solar-system Astronomers from the University of Sheffield discovered a new ring system around a dwarf planet on the edge of the Solar System, according to a press release. The discovery calls into question current theories about how ring systems are formed since the ring system orbits much further out than is typical for other ring systems.
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