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Everything posted by dovlagsi

  1. Pa, uvek bude jedna tekma sa vise delija, a ako i takve gubimo, onda i nije bas presudno ko je domacin..
  2. ^ ma nije, nego nije znala gde je CAPS LOCK na tastaturi omg lolol :)
  3. Pa dobro, opet ce se finale igrati samo u Pioniru.. bitno je samo zbog navijaca, jel.
  4. dovlagsi

    (Srpski) Tenis

    Treba definitivno da uvedu jos neke varijante onog dubla, kako bi Zimonja povecao svoje sanse za uzimanje nekog pehara. Ono, u sto vise disciplina igra - veca je sansa da ce uzeti trofej! Recimo, mesoviti dubl ljudi i zivotinje, ili teniseri i poznate licnosti or so.. :) Steta za anu, ali super je i ovako!
  5. Jbte, Antic iza ledja, iz odbojke u poslednjoj sekundi dade svoje prve koseve i odluchi tekmu. :) ura! Stvarno bezveze za Milosevica, to je verovatno bilo poslednje sto smo od njega videli u Zvezdi. Naravno, povredio se u duelu sa Bojanom Bakicem. Taj decko nije normalan, koji je ovo vec igrac u nizu koga je on sjeb'o??
  6. Hehe, Ivan Miljkovic vozi Smart! :) Btw, ocigledno se nije nesto potresao sto smo izgubili od Kube sinoc... cak nije ni prenos gledao, jer sam ga bas u vreme prenosa snimio u gradu.
  7. Nema prenosa. Ja hteo da odem do Vrshca, al me sada nesto ipak mrzi. Koliko kostaju karte, jel zna neko?
  8. dovlagsi


    F430 cambio manuale btw, uzasan mi je enterijer F430.
  9. Koliko bi se samo ja iznervirao da sam navijac Partizana u ovom trenutku! (igra se u Zelezniku, a na rts2 skupstina traje li traje... i to kakva skupstina!:)
  10. dovlagsi

    (Srpski) Tenis

    Ma ne mozh bolje u ovom trentuku, jbg. Ono sto je bitno je da mi rulamo u Francuskoj! :)
  11. Kako te samo lako skrenuo sa teme.. :) Shlitz!!
  12. dovlagsi


    GSI is not dead!! Opel Corsa GSi - 1,6 turbo 150 KS (dobre presvlake:)
  13. omg ovo me podseti na jedan mail koji sam napisao nedavno... :)
  14. dovlagsi


    Jesi siguran da je to za menjac? Nije za vesanje? Ako pak jeste, 'bmliga, vervatno su to ostavili jer je to jos uvek pre-production, pa ce ukloniti kasnije...
  15. dovlagsi


    Ohoho, ode devojchica odma na Babe Of The Day sekciju! :) Evo jedan mali task, ali nemojte da varate. :) What's wrong with this picture?
  16. dovlagsi


    Zapravo, nece vise proizvoditi WRX imprecu, sada ce biti samo najjaca STi, al kapiram da si na nju mislio. Ne bih ja bas odmah otpisivao subaru.. zajebani su oni, ja da ti kazem. :) Nisu, kinezi su Roewe. Ovo cak nije ni Rover, vec bas MG. Pazi, jedno su ukusi a drugo je kad neko kaze da ne gotivi Alfe. Jbt, moj cale je hteo da kupi Alfu omg! :)
  17. dovlagsi


    Ah da, zaboravih: - MG7 Coupe:
  18. dovlagsi


    Dobro, mislim da ona projekcija previse lici na A5 i ne verujem da ce zaista to uraditi. Inace, ona prednja svetla i uopste, citav prednji deo A5-ice uzivo izgleda potpuno retardirano.. ITON: - Subaru Impreza STi (EU) "This is how the new Subaru Impreza STi will look when it is unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September. CAR Online’s exclusive artist's impression is based on the styling of the standard new hatchback Impreza, with input from Subaru insiders who have shaped the new STi. And yes, it’s a hatchback. In an attempt to capture more Golf buyers, Subaru will only offer the Impreza as a five-door in Europe. The US saloon version won’t be offered here, and the estate dies. As our images show, the STi version loses its hallmark rear wing but will keep the huge bonnet air scoop and blistered wheelarches that made the old car so distinctive. Dinner-plate foglamps, gold wheels and world-rally blue paintwork will all be options and should help appease die-hard Impreza nuts disappointed with the new car’s styling. And of course, add a few stickers and you’ve got Subaru’s next WRC car. At the rear is a venturi and a small lip spoiler over the rear screen, ice-effect lenses on the rear lights and vents for the uprated brakes. Under the bonnet will be a development of the current car’s 2.5-litre turbocharged flat-four making close to 300bhp and launching the STi to 60mph in 4.5 seconds. Unlike the Mitsubishi Evo due to be launched at the same time, Subaru is sticking with a six-speed manual transmission; its rival will offer the option of a paddle-operated twin-clutch automated manual, similar to Volkswagen’s DSG system. But the changes to the Impreza’s bodyshell are more significant and bode well; the firm claims that the hatchback is lighter, stiffer and has a lower centre of gravity than the outgoing car as the engine sits lower in the chassis. The new rear double-wishbone suspension will improve handling and boot space. And the stronger structure is claimed to give improved crash performance." - Volkswagen Tiguan: "Here’s an unusual scoop – officially sanctioned photos of VW’s Tiguan hot-weather testing in Namibia. It’s still in pre-production form, but these shots reveal the finished look aside from the fake grille to fool ‘real’ spy photographers. The Tiguan has changed little since it was unveiled in concept form at the Los Angeles show last November and save for a bit of disguise around the lights VW isn’t leaving much to the imagination..." - Jaguar rotary transmission "Jaguar is desperately trying to fast-forward into the future with its new XF, and leave behind the brand's pipe 'n' slippers image that has so damaged sales in recent years. And what better way to dump the olde-worlde image than axeing the conventional gearstick? Earlier this month CAR Online was first to publish spy photos hinting at a rotary dial gear selector on the new XF, Jaguar's 2008 replacement for the S-type. Today we can bring you the first definitive proof - an unobscured photo of Jaguar's radical new selector. In place of a conventional gearstick comes an alloy dial reminiscent of BMW's iDrive controller, which pops up about three-quarters of an inch when the ignition is turned on. The driver twists it to change gear on the six-speed ZF auto, and the P, R, N, D or S indicator above lights up to show which gear is selected. A red start button sits prominently above the gear selector. Below the dial on the alloy plate of the JaguarDrive Selector are four buttons to control the traction and stability control, plus 'Sport' mode signalled by a chequered flag and Jag's ASL speed limiter. Finally, an electronic parking brake button nestles near the armrest, absent on this prototype. Gimmick? Or gearlever evolution?"
  19. dovlagsi


    Mislim da onakva BMW trojka moze da ispadne okej.
  20. dovlagsi


    Mazda 3 MPS i Alfa 147 GTA! :)
  21. dovlagsi


    hehhe, "dinamicnoj sportskoj voznji". :) Realno, ovaj mali nece moci da ide kao bilo koja m-trojka, a ruzan je i niko nece hteti da ga kupi. Zaista, prava formula za uspeh u SAD. :)
  22. Ok, vidim da ova tema nikad ne jenjava. Naime, u jednom trenutku svake godine se javi ova spika, a poslednjih godina se ponavljaju oni "predlozi" koje je Ale stavio. Jos '93 mislim da je zapoceta... Meni je najbolje ono srednje resenje, ali sa drugacijim resenjem grba. Nadam se da ce konacno usvojiti nesto, ako nista, bas zbog one Lakijeve price o trenutnom priblizavanju 999 999.
  23. Da, ovde zaista deluje kao da je montirano.. ali ja sam ovo gledao uzivo (OMG) i izbaceni su neki delovi. Ovo mora da je snimak neke reprize ili tako nesto... dakle, nije namesteno - decko je stvarno debil! :)
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