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Everything posted by Ivan~

  1. Pa vidis da nije do softwarea nego do isp-a tj. Beotela.
  2. \o/ Ladno izaslo kod nas.Ja sam ocekivao tek neku polovinu Novembra mozda cak i Decembar kako je pisalo na imdbu,lol.Moram da odem da odgledam!
  3. Story Board ti je samo da napravis pricu bez animacije koliko sam ja razumeo.Skidaj ovaj studio.
  4. Koliko je tesko searchovati pre nego sto se postuje topic.
  5. Nema potrebe da pravis 3 ista topica.
  6. Dolazim danas da vidim kakav je 3D.Juce bili ortaci 5 sati kazu da je 10 puta bolje od neta :s Moracu da se uverim u to. Jel i danas za dz ili ?
  7. Version -------------- Witch Slayer! Version 0.1.53 -------------- XFire Video Contest! - S2 Games is giving away free Heroes of Newerth accounts to select testers who upload HoN related XFire videos. For more information, check the Xfire Video Contest thread. General - The "No Stats" option when creating a game now works * The replay and stats are still remembered for viewing in the Stats Viewer * None of the stats seen there will be added to your account totals (PSR, Matches Played, total K/D/A, etc will not change at all). - A new Interface option is now available to turn on mouseover Selection Highlighting while ingame. Check it out! - Deathmatch is disabled temporarily - Server stability fixes - Spectators can now select dead heroes and do not lose their selection when a hero dies - Recommended items for most heroes have been updated where necessary due to past item changes New Hero - Witch Slayer, inspired by DotA's Lion Heroes Corrupted Disciple - Overload will no longer target Runes - Static Discharge will no longer trigger on any projectile-based offensive abilities (such as Armadon's Spine Burst) Devourer - Devour now acts as a stun, allowing players to queue up other spells and abilities while disabled * This also fixes an issue causing spells such as Torturer's Torment to be disabled Electrician - Fixed not being able to queue up abilities while gripping - Static Grip now acts as a stun, allowing players to queue up other spells and abilities while disabled * This also fixes an issue causing spells such as Torturer's Torment to be disabled Night Hound - Movement speed increased to 300 (from 295) Pandamonium - Smash Face now acts as a stun, allowing players to queue up other spells and abilities while disabled * This also fixes an issue causing spells such as Torturer's Torment to be disabled Pollywog Priest * Magical Bindings now act as a stun, allowing players to queue up other spells and abilities while disabled * This also fixes an issue causing spells such as Torturer's Torment to be disabled PuppetMaster - Level 1 armor reduced from 3.8 to 2.8 Succubus - Succubus' Hold now acts as a stun, allowing players to queue up other spells and abilities while disabled * This also fixes an issue causing spells such as Torturer's Torment to be disabled
  8. Igra se pomalo.Joinuj channel rur tu su svi.
  9. Version 0.1.52 ------------- General - Large amount of server stability fixes - Increased mana regeneration on Stormspirit from 125% to 150% to match its base components Heroes Corrupted Disciple - Range changed to 475 (from 550) - Projectile speed changed to 2000 (from 5000) - Electric Tide now grants clearvision around the Disciple for 4 seconds - Overload no longer hits units in the fog of war or stealth (or Kongor. That made him mad!) - Overload no longer instantly kills Arachna's Spiderling Electrician - The Grip animation will now break if it is dispelled off his target Glacius - Movement speed increased to 290 (from 280) Nymphora - Staff of the Master visual effect removed for now Ophelia - Nature's Wrath now increases damage taken as it's dealt, rather than when the state expires Torturer - Fixed night time sight, increasing to 900 (from 800) - Torment is now marked as responsive * This means that it will add charges to power supply (when toggled on) and remove Vindicator's Sage's Lore buff - Torment will ignore its cool down when toggled on, allowing players to toggle it off instantly without having to wait the 1 second. * Note: You won't be able to turn it back on until the full 1 second had elapsed Rampage - Background story increased by 100% Valkyrie - Fixed night time sight, increasing to 1200 (from 800) Vindicator - Background story increased by 100% Voodoo Jester - Attack impact time set to 0.4 seconds (from 0.55) Warbeast - Cool down of BattleCry reduced to 25 seconds (from 35) - Added unit walking to Warbeast and his wolves while metamorphosis is active
  10. Ja zivim 50 metara od carine i tek sad sam skapirao.Tamo kod gde je infostan. Jedva cekam :D
  11. Valjda me je ovaj sneg inspirisao da postavim topic.Gde cete za Novu Godinu ? Ja verovatno kod ortaka na zurku.
  12. Laka ja tastatura jako.Mene jedino onaj kao panel sa onim gore dole zajebalo inace bih presao dosta brze.A i ovo na kraju je lako bas.Ovo sa zicama.
  13. A gde je tacno ? Mislim izmedju Fontane i Genexa je opsiran pojam :o ?
  14. E Reki ovo se zove sneg a ne ono od pre 2-3 sata!
  15. Pada sneg.Ili bar sneg u pokusaju.
  16. Ima net+ ? @topic gl,moracu da dodjem na otvaranje.
  17. Nisam gajbi nisam stigao da proverim,sad sam pogledao hon forum i video patch 1.51. My bad.
  18. Sledeci patch ubacuju Razora \o/
  19. Meni iz Like caletov pradeda ili tako nesto.
  20. [roflmao] KALI CARE! \o/ Kez na kraju objasnjava!
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