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Everything posted by Ivan~

  1. Stats Reset and PSR Compressed In this patch we are resetting all player stats back to zero due to some significant changes. PSR is also being changed, you should see this reflected within the hour. Matchmaking This did not make it into this patch because it is not where we want it to be. You will see this coming to a game near you soon, just not yet. =] Version (This will be up in the next few hours) -------------- - Fixed Banning Draft not being on the game filter - Fixed Stats Screen close button so you don't have to hit the button twice to get the screen back - Fixed Behemoth's sight range and aggro range - Fixed Soulstealer's aggro range - Fixed Plague Rider popup when he gains mana Version 0.1.50 -------------- General - Happy Halloween! - New Post Game stats screen - Heroes will now be announced in the proper epic voice. Choose Wisely... - Cooldowns that are ready will no longer show 1s left on the cooldown in the ally info panel - Players can right click a CC panel notification to close them now - More restrictive map borders - Certain abilities will no longer miss stealthed allies - Hero effects now show up in their 3D portrait (Torturer has a head again) - Attacks per second now show the correct rounded value in the tooltip - Fog of war now updates every 400ms instead of every 500ms - Fix how stunned units affect pathing - Trees no longer block single target abilities that can't target trees - Items no longer block neutral creeps from spawning when dropped on the ground - Right-clicking an ability icon no longer activates non-toggle abilities - Fix Post Haste minimap ping - Fixed several abilities including Homecoming Stone and Pyromancer's stun so they no longer play effects in the fog - Added Darkwood Vale to icon key - Fixed Torturer pick sound - Units will no longer aggro when disarmed or can't attack OpenGL - mesh_color_andromeda and mesh_color_unit_reveal shaders are fixed - Fixed Arcade Text rendering behind the terrain Banning Draft - Set up like Random Draft, only with 24 heroes instead of 20 - Top players on either team (Blue or Pink) alternate banning 1 hero each until 4 heroes are banned - Picking proceedes like a normal RD match after bans, everyone picks their own heroes Items - Totem of Kuldra renamed to Kuldra's Sheepstick - Ring of Sorcery's radius increased to 600 (from 400) - Slayer's damage increased to 46 (from 36) - Insanitarius now takes a Steamstaff instead of a Punchdagger. Recipe cost lowered to 500 (from 900) - Void Talisman no longer lowers Magic Armor - Bound Eye now only grants the Reveal Sight when held by a hero - Mana Battery and Power Supply cooldown is lowered to 17 seconds (from 25) - Charged Hammer cooldown reduced to 35 (from 45) - Symbol of Rage cooldown reduced to 35 (from 50) Enhanced Marchers: - Cooldown time increased to 15 seconds Steamboots - Now grants +6 to all attributes and +6 to the active attribute (from +5) New Heroes - Vindicator, inspired by DotA's Silencer - Rampage, inspired by DotA's Spiritbreaker Heroes Accursed: - Cauterize range increased to 600 (from 300) Andromeda: - No longer mute Arachna: - No longer mute Blood Hunter: - Hemmorage can no longer be removed Chronos: - Attack impact time set to 0.5 seconds (from 0.6) Devourer: - Any enemy hero killed in a 400 radius of Devourer will grant him the +0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 strength that he normally gains from killing a hero - Strength gained from creep kills reduced to +0.03/0.05/0.07/0.09 (from +0.03/0.06/0.09/0.12) Electrician: - Static Grip's area damage now deals 30/45/60/75 Magic damage per second, increased from 30/40/50/60 - Energy Absorption now deals 40/75/115/150 True damage to nearby enemies, from 75/100/125/150 Magic damage - Energy Absorption will now hit Magic Immune units - Energy Absorption now returns 12/16/20/24 mana per charge, from 15/20/25/30 Glacius: - Reworked Glacial Downpour to be more consistant (It's so cool now) Hammerstorm: - Galvanize radius increased to 500 (from 350) - Movement speed bonus increased to 14% (from 12%) - Armor bonus lowered to 3,5,7,10 (from 3,6,9,12) Jeraziah: - Righteous Strike bonus damage reduced to 10/20/30/40, from 12/24/36/50 - Righteous Strike now deals 75% splash damage, decreased from 100% Madman: - Fixed a bug allowing the Madman to activate items without breaking his stealth from Stalk Maliken: - Hellbourne Zeal provides a maximum of +100 attack speed Night Hound: - Can now Pounce 200ms faster Nymphora: - Nymph's Call no longer shares a cooldown with Teleport Ophelia: - No longer mute Pandamonium: - Increase based str gain from 2.5 to 2.7 - Flurry speed increased by roughly 40% - Mana cost of Flurry reduced to 30 per hit, from 40 - Cannonball mana cost set to 100 at all levels (from 95/110/125/140) - Flick mana cost reduced to 65 at all levels - Smash Face mana cost reduced to 100/175/250 from 100/200/300 - Smash Face can no longer be evaded Pestilence: - Stun ground effect is now a bit more accurate to the range Pharaoh: - Wrath of the Pharaoh no longer hits mechanical units Plague Rider: - Plague Carrier will no longer bounce to the Well structure Pollywog Priest: - Issuing a move order to the wards will no longer cause them to do nothing - Voodoo Wards duration increased to 45 seconds (from 30) - Pollywog's evil cousin, Pollygon Priest, should no longer make an appearance Predator: - Armor reduction reduced to -2/-4/-6 from -4/-8/-12 - Attack speed bonus for attacking a debuffed enemy set to +20/40/60 from +30/50/70 - Mana cost reduced to 50/75/100, from 100/150/200 - Cool down decreased to 60 seconds, from 120 seconds - Predator will now automatically attack the target of his Venomous Leap after the leap completes PuppetMaster: - Fixed a bug preventing Puppeteer's Hold from being dispellable Soul Reaper: - Strength gain increased to 2.0 (from 1.5) Treant: - Root will no longer root gadgets such as Pollywog's Wards Valkyrie: - Yet another great voice added Wildsoul: - Base movement speed increased to 315 (from 305) - Base movement speed while in Bear Form decreased to 270 (from 305) - Armor bonus from Bear Form increased to 4,6,8 (from 2,4,6) - BooBoo can no longer attack when more then 925 range away from Wildsoul. He no longer instantly teleports back. - BooBoo's Root can now be removed Wretched Hag: - Flash of Darkness cast point changed to 0.33 (from 0.5) - Has gained a voice
  2. Kako je objasnio lik,kao sto kaze Lale simpatican je.Cak i da nije tacno,ne znam da bi iko mogao ovako nesto da uradi napamet,makar i promasio za 2-3 cifre.
  3. Hahahaha sva tri sabijaju! edit : Sve su iste!
  4. ^ :( Ryzeer posalji mi link na pm.Plz and tnx :)
  5. Neo sto si nervozan :( ? Da mislio sam na provereni link ako je RyZeeR postovao temu,trebalo bi da ga je skinuo i da radi - trazio sam link.
  6. Imagine that http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780567/ Pravi porodcni film,dosta smesnih scena i sve sto bi se od Marfija ocekivalo.Oraspolozilo me :)
  7. Sto je najgore ovaj Nole trenirao sa mojim burazerom fudbal.Nesreca ljudska :(
  8. Profile Information Show X latest visitors on my profile Select Your Birthday Entering your birthday is optional Ili nema il' sam ja glup :/
  9. Kako se menja ova custom titula?
  10. Au boze sacuvaj,sva sreca pa je beba prezivela.Tako pre neki dan prelazim ulicu i kola udare kolica sa bebom.Sva sreca pa nije bilo pri velikoj brzini inace...
  11. Patch v42 http://cs-akademija.net/download/download.php?fname=./Patchevi/CS_16_v42_patch_by_KGB_Protocol_48_-_CSA.exe Ovo ti je sada aktuelan patch sa Kgb GUI-jem i prebacen je na protokol 48,sto znaci da na starom patchu ne mozes da udjes na Kgb hosting servere a uskoro neces moci na sve.
  12. Da,sto nece da otvara stale spoilere ?
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