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The X
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Everything posted by Ivan~

  1. Toga se nisam setio :/ Taman sam mislio da popravim ocene do kraja polugodista.
  2. http://www.pressonline.rs/sr/vesti/u_fokusu/story/91125/Raspust+u+školama+od+ponedeljka+zbog+svinjskog+gripa.html Sta bih dao da press ne laze ovaj put.
  3. Ja sam za rur cuo iz neke price u igraonici,proverio i od tad sam ovde.
  4. Smanji bandwidth na broj koji bi odgovarao tvojoj konekciji.
  5. Ivan~

    SP 2010

    Au Portugal,Brazil,Obala Slonovace i Koreja.Kakva grupa.
  6. Ivan~

    SP 2010

    Nemacka,Gana,Australija i Srbija.Do jaja.
  7. Sad sam pitao na official lockerz forumu i kazu da se ne placa shipment,vez porez koji varira od drzave do drzave.Odprilike 10 eura nije vise.Bar su mi tako rekli.
  8. Valjda ne kosta nista,meni su doneli majcu nista nisam platio,al' dobro to je samo majca,mozda za ps3 naplacuju.Nije scam btw.
  9. Version 0.1.58 -------------- New Heroes Engineer, Legion Ranged Agility Forsaken Archer, Hellbourne Ranged Agility - Updated Recommended Items - Deflection from items now happens before combat type adjustment - Fixed Scout to apply the attack speed buff out of Vanish right away instead of 1 attack later - Behemoth's Fissure can no longer target trees or allies, just enemies or a position - Soul Reaper's Judgement will no longer heal or damage gadgets - Demented Shaman's voice was tweaked a bit - Sand Wraith now has the voice of death itself - Corrupted Disciple has the voice of... a very evil guy - The Pre-Query filter checkbox now remembers the previous state it was in and defaults to "On" unless set otherwise. - Updated filter list to support USC, USE, USS, USW, and DE server locations - Fixed "Assign Host" feature so you can pass host of a game to someone else in the lobby - Moved around the Base and Advanced Team options to provide for more room - Updates to Icon Key and various other outdated tooltips. - Added a new game option "Auto Balance", available in the main lobby and game setup screens. * If "Shuffle Teams" option is selected, the server will use the "Auto Balance" over the "Shuffle Teams" option. * Once the host clicks start game and the timer finishes counting down, all team slots will be unlocked and the server will perform an autobalance. Upon showing the hero selection screen the new teams will be displayed. - Added a /roll command that users can use to simulate a dice roll. Usage: /roll 1 32767. This is broadcast to all players in the channel it is used in. - Added an /emote command that users can use to emote their actions. edit: lol promenili patch name u 1.58
  10. Translate.google.com Urose idi svetli na Desert Rats serveru.
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