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The X
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Everything posted by Ivan~

  1. +1 Al` u svakom sluchaju PWNT :)
  2. ^ Eh,koliko je samo lep dan danas.Bash lepo vreme,nigde oblaka na nebu .Napokon pravo leto :)
  3. Kakve to veze ima sa zivotom,objasni mi molim te?!GTFO VELIKI OFFTOPIC ae malo rezultati?
  4. Pft,da mu vidish sve postove zachudio bi se..
  5. Jedna od najboljih obrada ovog klipa :)
  6. Ae prochitaj topic pre nego shto postujesh,a ne chim vidish ime topica pitash retardirane stvari koje nemaju veze sa mozgom!
  7. Ko da je fb neki imperativ,pa kao "Ko nema fb ovih dana"?!
  8. Haha?Vidim da si ti odavno zahvacen tom aurom..
  9. Red bi bilo chitati neshto drugo osim WoW podforuma :)
  10. Sve jedno morash da platish update accounta..Bolje da kupish dobijesh i diskove i sve.. :)
  11. Imash 2 nachina placanja: 1. nachin je Gamecard Gamecard ti je kao dopuna za telefon.Traje 2 meseca,znachi kupish,ukucash kod i tvoj acc je uplacen na 2 meseca igranja..Gamecard koshta ~3k al` ovde mozesh da nadjesh jeftinije.. 2. nachin je placanje putem kartice,koshta 13.5 eura i traje mesec dana.. :)
  12. Najmasovniji patch je,kao shto reche Prota,21..Ujedno i najbolji..
  13. Dobar je film,gledao sam ga pre oko nedelju dana,takodje u ushcu..Dosta vrhunskih fora..Al` su zato malo preterali sa onim Kinezom/Japancem ali ipak je vrh..Topla preporuka svima :)
  14. Jedina razlika izmedju ovoga shto si ti napisao je u keshu,kol`ko sam ja skapirao?Mozesh da kupish prvo vanilu,pa tbc,pa wotlk a mozesh i sve u isto vreme..Mada kad stignesh do 60 trebace ti The Burning Crusade (tbc) da bi lvlovao do 70,kad stignesh do 70 trebace ti Wrath of The Lich King (wotlk) da izlvlujesh do 80..Gl :)
  16. Ae bre shta se prozivate?Chill :)
  17. Meni spao lanac sa bicikle :(
  18. Best seller dokumetarac National Geographic je Earth; The Biography. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Earth: The Biography Examining the great forces that shape the Earth—volcanoes, the ocean, the atmosphere and ice—the program explores their central roles in our planet's story. How do these forces affect the Earth's landscape, its climate, and its history? CGI gives the audience a ringside seat at these great events, while the final episode brings together all the themes of the series and argues that Earth is an exceptionally rare kind of planet—giving us a special responsibility to look after our unique world. This is a series that shows the Earth in new and surprising ways. Extensive use of satellite imagery reveals new views of our planet, while timelapse filmed over many months brings the planet to life. Offering a balance between dramatic visuals and illuminating facts, this ground-breaking series makes global science truly compelling. Tako da ne bi trebalo da bude losh.
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