Bwwwahahahahaha da li je gledao neko ovaj dokumentarac o "shampionima" iz Shutke? =) Ja sam umrEo od smeha.. josh uvek ne mogu da verujem da sve ovo nije nameshteno, a nije. Zabava za celu porodicu.. obavezno nabavite!
Jedini "glumac" u ovom dokumentarcu je onaj lik iz filma "Crna machka, beli machor" (glavni lik Matko), mada i on ima "kutju" u Shutki.
"The inhabitants of Shutka, the Romany capital of the world, all share one common passion: being a champion. Shutka thrives on achieving records in songfests, goose fights and vampire hunts, in wearing Sunday best, collecting Turkish music or exterminating evil Genies. Through a number of intertwining stories, this playful, humorous film takes us into a world that is generally closed to outsiders. As the mosaic of Shutka unfolds, we are led to ask ourselves: Where lies the secret of joy? Aren't the smallest things in life often those that make life such an unforgettable experience? Don't look for Shutka on a geographical map. Shutka is a state of mind."
"No one has ever succeeded in putting the infectiousness of a mood on screen as Manic does, with his exhilarating and original documentary capturing the essence of Shutka, the Roma capital, where every man claims to be a champion. The documentary is a unique book of records, which tells us the story of people who fight with vampires, collect Turkish tapes, spend a fortune on circumcision of young boys just for show and, of course, party. The characters that Manic depicts in his documentary may be described as a very democratic group, where everyone is accepted the way they are: straight, gay, sane, insane. The documentary is highly charged with emotion, but is witty and funny at the same time. Must see!"
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