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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2022 in all areas

  1. Isplatilo se samo zbog toga što su prvi put celu jednu halu posvetili oldtajmerima, bar da se ja sećam. Ne bi mi bilo žao karte i da su samo ova tri bila 🙂
    4 points
  2. Ni ja nisam znao, bilo je to prijatno iznenađenje 😄
    1 point
  3. mozes da se ozenys, ali ne i da se ozenyys
    1 point
  4. vudu, the misadventures of married almost middle-aged man !
    1 point
  5. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/netflix-will-show-off-its-cyberpunk-edgerunners-anime-series-next-month/
    1 point
  6. Doplati dodatni prtljag u avionu za felne ;)
    1 point
  7. Bukvalno je neophodno da se oženiš
    1 point
  8. Ma sipah 10 litara, koliko su im glupi oni kanisteri jbte. Elem, niko se jebeno nije javio za stare felne i gume iako sam stavio smesnu cenu od 400 evra...jel treba nekome da doteram u Srb kad budem dolazio [emoji1]
    1 point
  9. Ahaha, ovo je sve bolje i bolje :D The international scandal at Eurovision is gaining momentum with the raking of ratings in favor of Ukraine. It turned out that the National Jury of Romania voted completely differently and gave the maximum rating to Moldova, not Ukraine. [emoji3502]At the time of the announcement of the results, Romania was simply not released on the air. Instead, the organizers independently read out the scores, which did not correspond at all to those given by the National Jury in Bucharest, reports @romania_ru. The head of the Romanian delegation, Juliana Marchuk, is perplexed.
    1 point
  10. odgledao munfol, no-brain zabava u pokretnim slikama, nakon sto sam istrenirao 1.5h posle 15h na poslu, uspavao decu, iskljucio 80% preostalih mozdanih aktivnosti i dobro zapamtio da se lakiju nije svideo 😄
    1 point
  11. našli nemce! iz Iron Sky! I naravno ovu legendarnu scenu: na koju se nažalost smejalo samo nas pet ljudi sa interneta celoj sali 😞
    1 point
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