med advenchr skilllz...
Lex: check pm
You receive pm from Stija.
Lex: read pm
'Lexshe, poshto sam oholi lihvar morash da mi narezhesh bar 10 diskova stripova kako bih ti dao da dodirnesh Psychonautse... Muahahahaaa...'
Lex: write pm: ok, ne mogu se odupreti tvojoj nadmotji...
You lose 10 points of happiness.
Lex: google for hypnotic programs
You find a program which can hypnotize users.
Lex: go to hypnotically induced sleep
Lex: wake up
Lex: check pm
You receive another pm from Stija.
Lex: read pm
'Naravno da sam nadmotjan, muahahahaa... Vidimo se vecheras da pokupim harach.'
Lex: write pm: da motjni Stijo...
You lose 10 points of happiness.
Lex: travel to 'leet cd store'
You enter the store, it's filled with cheap verbatim imitation cds made in Novi Pazar.
Lex: give money to clerk
Ugly and nerdy clerk gives you 10 cheap discs.
Lex: insult clerk
You insult the clerk drawing laughter from other buyers.
You gain 10 points of happiness.
Lex: travel to bookstore
You enter the store, you can browse through various items.
Lex: look at markers
It's a bunch of cheap chinese magic markers, perfect for writing on cds and cd covers.
Lex: give money to clerk
Clerk (looks like a cliche librarian type - busty, blonde, glasses, ponytail) gives you a marker.
Lex: start interesting conversation
You start a conversation. Soon after that you get her phone number.
You gain 10 points of happiness.
Lex: travel home
You are now at home.
Lex: edit hypnotic program
You get hypnotizer.
Lex: write hypnotizer ond empty discs
You get h-discs.
Lex: use marker on cds
You write random comic names on h-discs.
You get fake comix discs.
You gain 100 points of happiness.
Lex: travel to stilgar's place
You enter a small and dark room.
Stilgar greets you and tries to charge you just for entering.
Lex: resist stilgar
You resist Stilgar, who goes searching for another victim.
Lex: talk to stija
You exchange formal greetings. Stija gloats and brags, but you ignore him and think about the bookstore clerk.
Lex: give discs to stija
You exchange cds.
You receive a copy of Psychonauts.
You gain 150 points of happiness.
Lex: travel home
You are now at home.
Lex: install psychonauts
You install the game.
Lex: play
You play the game.
You receive 200 points of happiness.
You receive a boost to all of your skills.
Lex: pm cali: imam robu, chujemo se sutra uveche...
Lex: phone bookstore clerk
Stija goes to his home to read comics.
Instead of comics - hypnotizer springs into action.
Hypnotized, Stija writes a note, and then commits hara-kiri.
Lex: wake up
Lex: check nba scores
Lex: check pm
You receive a pm from Lucky.
Lex: read pm
'Dragi Lexshe, moramo ti saopshtiti tuzhnu vest da je Stija (mislimo zbog toga shto je izgubio 32 dote za redom sinotj) izvrshio hara kiri, te ostavio papiritj sa testamentom kojim sve shto poseduje ostavlja tebi.'
You receive 100 points of happiness.
Lex: wake bookstore clerk; have a celebrating breakfast with her