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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2014 in all areas
7 points
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5 points
http://instagram.com/p/vZQZJsiytY/ Šeki u epizodi Sletanje na aerodrom.5 points
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DARK STAR – HR GIGER'S WORLD dokumentarac prikazan na festivalu u cirihu pre mesec dana nema josh na "uobicajenim mestima" ali trebalo bi soon2 points
Posto nisam primetio topic, a imali smo isti za sve prethodne igre iz TW serijala, steta bi bilo ne pozdraviti i Atilu na isti nacin :) Ako sam lepo ispratio pricu, najavljen je za mart, videcemo :) Prvi trejler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDVybaCiVWc Trejler "Beli konj": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnqs4zXK0fQ Do sada prikazani gameplay iz Londona: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWya9q6RhyI CA je pre par dana poceo da najavljuje i frakcije koje ce biti igrive, za sada znamo sledece: Istocno Rimsko carstvo (ono sto mi vicemo Vizantija) Vizigoti Vandali + interaktivni SS - bitka za London (ium) :) http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/The_Battle_of_Londinium Toliko od mene, ako je kojim slucajem ovo vec negde istaknuto (zaista nisam video), prebacite ovaj sadrzaj tamo :) Poz za sve :)1 point
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IeSF Serbia - Vietnam http://www.viagame.com/channels/iesf-hearthstone/4831331 point
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2iUGfURqyhs Sve od ovog lika je priceless1 point
Dutch artist and designer Daan Roosegaarde has created a beautiful and innovative glowing bike path that, when illuminated at night by glowing pebbles and LEDs, looks like Van Gogh’s famous Starry Night painting. The kilometer-long bike path, which was created using both glow-in-the-dark technology and solar-powered LEDs, is located in Brabant, the Dutch county where Van Gogh was born and raised. The swirling, glowing forms on the path’s surface will help bicyclists stay on track when they ride at night. https://www.studioroosegaarde.net/info/ http://imgur.com/a/QwdhM1 point
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Super kewl clanak procitajte, http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/nov/14/dont-let-me-buy-warlords-of-draenor-please?fb_action_ids=10152795484509043&fb_action_types=plashfacebook%3Ashare-1 points
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da li ti uopste razumes kako DDoS funkcionise? ukoliko ne razumes, ne bi trebalo previse da pricas i flejmujes vec da se raspitas kako rade ddos napadi i kako je moguce da sve osim woda radi.-1 points
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liii ovo je onaj sto je radio na dune sa jodorovskim i posle kreirao silne stvari, jedva cekam da se pojavi. mada deluje bas mracno-1 points
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