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King's Bounty: The legend


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Ima milion svetiljki u tom cryptu, sto bi hugolina rekla "moras odabrati pravu" :D


1. Feanora - Marshan Swamps

You have to agree to help the Frog princess during the quest given you by Earl *** in Arlania.

* Human Form - +3 Intellect

* Frog Form - +100% to the Attack of Snakes and Spiders

SLOTS: 1 Head, 1 Belt/Artifact, 2 Artifact

POSSIBLE CHILDREN: Ajven, Ambrella, Angelika, Anna, Gavrill, Googlik, Gendalf, John, Laura, Neiron, Serg, Elly

2. Mirabella - Eastern Islands of Freedom.

You must defeat both her fiance and the Kraken. You need this fix to marry her.

* +100% to Attack to Pirates and Robbers

SLOTS: 1 Weapon, 1 Boot, 1 Belt, 1 Regalia

POSSIBLE CHILDREN: Adamus, Alexsander, Gomer, John, Dmitry, Janna, Richard, Laura, Neiron, Robbert, Serg, Elly, Emmanuel

3. Rina - Greenwort.

Must finish the quest with the Zombie Miller. After that you can buy her from the pirate chief.

* Human Form - +1 to the Speed and Initiative of Robbers and Pirates

* Zombie Form - +1 to the Speed and Initiative of Undead creatures

SLOTS: 1 Armor, 1 Belt, 1 Artifact, 1 Boots

POSSIBLE CHILDREN: Adamus, Angelika, Gavrill, Gomer, John, Dmitry, Laura, Robbert, Serg, Elly

4. Gerda - Lower Haddar

You must save her from the Cyclops who kidnapped her.

* +1 to the Morale of Dwarves

SLOTS: 1 Armor, 1 Shield/Regalia, 1 Regalia, 1 Boots

POSSIBLE CHILDREN: Alexander, Ambrella, Angelika, Gavrill, Gomer, John, Dmitry, Janna, Laura, Robbert, Serg

5. Xeona

* +1 to the Morale of Demons

SLOTS: 2 Weapon, 1 Boot, 1 Belt/Artifact

POSSIBLE CHILDREN: Alexander, Adamus, Angelika, Gomer, John, Dmitry, Janna, Laura, Richard, Emmanuel

6. Neoka

You must free the castle she is under siege. Then do the Quest for the Tree of life. She can't have children due to a bug in version 1.6b47.

* +1 to the Morale of Elves

SLOTS: 2 Regalia, 1 Regalia/Belt, 1 Artifact

POSSIBLE CHILDREN: Ajven, Adamus, Angelika, Googlik, Gendalf, Janna, Neiron, Elly, Emmanuel


Notes (Thanks to spamm):

* The child is born 10 Battles after you ask your wife about it.

* Each wife have a pool of children from which the children is chosen.

* Which child will be born to certain wife is determined at the start of the game.

* Adamus +20% Attack

* Ajven +30% Mana

* Alexnader +10% Leadership

* Ambrella +4 Scrolls

* Angelika +10 Mana

* Anna + 8 Scrolls

* Dmitry + 10% Experience in combat

* Elly +20% to Mana

* Emmanuel +20% to rage

* Gavrill +5 Defence

* Gendalf +20% Intellect

* Gomer +3 Attack

* Googllik +5 Intellect

* Janna +10% Leadership

* John +10 Rage

* Laura +10% Mana

* Neiron +5% XP from combat

* Richard +5% Leadership

* Robert +5% Leadership

* Serg +20% Defence

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taj fazon, mislim, regalia koja daje 800 leadership, +4 defense, 10 magic cristala posle svakih 50 pobeda, ili dete sa +4 scrolla ... hmmm tough one :P

Konacno sam uhvatio malo slobodnog vremena i presao igru, i dobio sam listu na kojoj sam 5ti, i nije mi jasna.

To je neki genericki highscore ili web lista ili sta?

Edited by Demian
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Nekom logikom, ako je web lista, morao bi da ispunis par stvari:

1. imas original

2. presao si na impossible

3. leze ti potezne strategije (ili rpgovi, kako ko voli) kao kurvi 5k din, za razliku od svih ostalih na planeti koji su ispunili prethodne dve stavke, osim njih 4

nesto ne stima, a? :P

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Jbte, evo proce cev mesec dana i dalje igram ovo :)

Vec treci put sam poceo na impossible da bih nasao neku dobru kombinaciju sta i kako, i cini mi se najzad uspeo.

Trenutno sam skoro 100% ocistio prvo ostvro, piratska i dwarfovsko.

Kombinacija trupa mi je sad : cursed ghostovi, ancient vampiri, cannoneers, inkvizitori i shamani. Igram kao pali. Kad god ponudi pri skoku lvla uzimam leadership zbog bolesnog broja trupa protiv kojih se borim na ovom lvlu tezine. Onslaught i taktika, u ovoj kombinaciji trupa je extra stvar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Igra je bolesno dobra! Igram na hard naravno, a ne kao neke sisice ovde shto cujem da igraju na normal!

Nego, jel moguce da samo ovoliko zena u igri ima koliko je navedeno u postu iznad? I jel vredi praviti decu, ili je bolje cepati Iteme u te slotove? Kao to ide uopshte? Dete ti zauzme Item slot?

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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  • 4 weeks later...

Zavrsih pre neki dan ovu extra igru, pa mi sad doslo da pitam par stvari koje su mi ostale nejasne malo...

1. Mass Bless, Weakness, Haste, i slicno-vidjao sam da to enemy heroji bacaju, a ja kao mag nikad niasm dosao do toga... Kako se to radi? imao sam sve shkole magije na lev 3, igrao kao mag, imao preko 30 inelect...

2. Lina's gizmo mi je do kraja ostao samo u stajnju da leci i napada, i nista vise, a pise da moze jos gomilu drugih stvari da radi, a kod mene nije mogao, a Lina mi se bas ekstra izlevelovala. Ima li to neke veze sa mesto u Mehgardu koje se zove Thunder Can, i koje dostaa podseca na ono gde se Lina prvi put aktivirala, samo sto ovde uvek pise da je neispravan... What about that?


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aha, izgleda da je fazon u tome sto ne moze bas svaka buff/debuff da postane mass, a od ovih koje imam samo bless i moze:-) ali opet bih se mogao zakleti da sam jednom sve to upgradeovao, i opet je bila single target, ali ko ce ga sad znati, evo je, radi:-)

ovo za linu je verovatno stvar levelovanja, jer ipak sad vidim da mi je svega lv18 pred zadnji fajt... ostaje misterija onog thunder can-a i Mehgardu, ima liko pojma sta je to, cemu sluzi, tj. sluzi li cemu?


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Koliko sam izvalio, pishe da mu fali neka rucka. Nikada nisam nashao tu rucku, tako da je moguce da neshto moze da se uradi ako se ta rucka prvo donese.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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