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tek sad provalih :(


Fallout 3 je dobra igra i jedinstveno igračko iskustvo. Usisaće vas u sebe a da toga niste ni svesni, barem dok ne krene da zvoni budilnik za školu/posao. I tako satima, danima, a onim upornima i nedeljama. Ali je mogao da bude mnogo više, nešto što ćemo za života pamtiti i čemu ćemo se rado vraćati kad god nostalgija zakuca na vrata. Fallout 3 pati od istih dečijih bolesti koje su tresle četvrti deo Elder Scroll serijala. Zanimljiv je na prvi pogled, držaće vas neko vreme, ali će nepostojanje dubine, razvodnjenost zapleta i egzistencija očiglednih nelogičnosti unutar same igre učiniti da posle par meseci zaboravite da ste ikada posedovali kutiju sa DVD-jem Fallout-a 3 unutra.

Kolko nelogican pasus :(

A kao FO zadrti fan, necu da komentarisem dalje :(

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igracete nedejama iako je zanimljiv na prvi pogled nema dubine i zapleta i sa krsom nelogicnosti zbog kojih ga nikada vishe necete drugi put igrati

sta ti znachi bethesdin marketing, svaka im chast, govno bi svima prodali i svi bi govorili kako dobro mirishe iako je sranjkastog ukusa ako se usudish da ga probash





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bas uzivam ovih dana, vucaram se po pustarama, ubijam zablejale robote, i odradjujem neke leve kvestove. ali da, stice se blagi osecaj plasticnosti tu i tamo. moglo je da bude uverljivije.

E to, to, setam danas oko tenpenny towera, naletim na neku garazu, nadjem neki switch na zidu aktiviram ga i otvori se podrum, sidjem dole nadjem vrata i pise "Door to Vault 112" :D Odusevim se maximalno, ali kad-kad izgleda kao da se radnja desava na silu i gubi se taj madmax osecaj ali generalno ne smeta puno.

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Must be at least this tr00 to commend the game!

Ovo je neki naš lik :)


Ovaj je lik iz mog grada, inace zovu ga Mikica ili MIka tako nesto ... jednom bile go go plesacice u diskoteci, i vidis jedna dolazi do njega i pocne ga skidati i plesati sa njim [:0]

There are no miracles, there is no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be.

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modovi mozda mogu da poprave balans skillova, i da isprave nelogichnosti, ali vecina glavnih stvari su nepopravljive

svashta sa mnom, ja mislio da su jedini zaista bitni problemi FO3 storyline, atmosfera i interakcija sa svetom.

Neshto shto zavisi od ljudi, a ne enginea.

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sta bi sa (ne)ocekivano expanzijom i modovima? kakva je situacija? jel tu ima sta novo

generalno igra je bolja i od obliviona i sad vec starog morrowinda...ko je ocekivao vise od BETH...hm sta reci [8D]

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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Nemoj da se ljutis, ali reci da je Fallout 3 i Oblivion ispred Morrowinda u bilo kojoj kategoriji a da nije grafika/engine je uvreda za mozak. Oblivion ti je dumbdown verzija Morrowinda a Fallout 3 ti je sci-fi verzija Obliviona. Jedino sto nisam igrao su ekpanzije za Oblivion pa ih ne pominjem i ne sudim po njima.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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ja licno nisam odusevljen ni morrowindom, sve je to isto njesra sto se tice svega i kvestova i price i mehanike.... naravno ob;ajvion i fuckout3 su pojednsotavljene u odnosu na morrow ali to je trend danashnjice... samo znam da nisam bio odusevljen ni sa tadashnjeg aspekta morrowindom, a koliko vidim zajebao sam se sto nisam

a modova za fo3 ima koliko hoces i ima bash dobrih

recimo ovaj http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1410

a na istom sajtu mozes naci na gomile solidnih modova

btw izasao je F.A.L.L.O.U.T. za pocket PC i PC evo ga zvanicno saopstenje

"On January, 29th, 2009 the long-awaited release of project Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T Has taken place!

Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. is a unique project allowing the user to plunge into the boundless world of the burnt out wasteland, to feel full freedom and to enjoy the claustrophobic atmosphere of the classic RPG Fallout, on which this project is based. And it is completely free on your handheld computer and the personal computer!

Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. is a role playing game (RPG) for mobile devices on the basis of Windows Mobile 2003, WM5, WM 6.x, and also desktop personal computers on the basis of Win9x, WinXP, Vista. Game process is realised in the form of an isometric projection with turn-based combat, with the possibility to create and develop your own character having unique characteristics and skills.

The game uses cross-platform resources which allow to work equally both on a handheld computer and on the personal computer. It is completely optimised to work on a handheld computer of average specifications. In game the most significant features you will find the main features similar to Fallout 1 and 2.


• Management of inventory of the player and interaction of things of inventory with objects of a location

• Dialogues between the character of a location and the player

• Messages to the user

• Larceny

• Barter/sale

• Special skills of the character (ability to training, ability to breaking, ability to address with a cold steel etc)

• Adjusted step-by-step fights

• Adjusted algorithm of detour of obstacles, behaviour of units on a location

• Worldmap with placing possibility on it of cities, random encounters, etc.

• Saving/loading games for Project Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T.

Additionally, to all who wish, the game offers the possibility to create a part of the postapocalyptic world and to share the work (a city, village, quest lines or the character) with all community of admirers and thus to expand the existing game world. And key feature of the project is the almost improbable simplicity of working with the program code. Almost all mechanisms of game are easily adjusted by means of built in programming language PFSL! And at last, the most important, all interested persons can download free of charge game on January, 29th, 2009 on site Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. http://www.pocketfallout.net."

download linkage http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php...mp;file_id=1245

ne podrzava simbian :|





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