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[rur vest] Nacistički zombiji u Call of Duty 5


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ma dobro to je samo jedan vid coop igre, ne vidim nista preterano lose u tome, jos uvek ce da bude regularni team death match i dobra kampanja bez zombija.... ovo samo moze da bude mali bonus za izivljavanje sa ortacima ali nikako minus


neki ljudi ne razumu neke stvari!1!

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Just revealed this weekend, the zombie mode apparently unlocks when you complete the main campaign mode, and has four players battling against increasingly difficult waves of Nazi zombies. A bit like Gears of War 2's new Horde mode, then. Clearing waves of Nazi undead earns players cash to purchase weapons, equipment and even barricades to thwart the ghouls' attempts to clamber through the front door and chew your face off. It sounds excellent.

nemojte se lozhiti - ovaj mod mu dodje kao bonus coop zajebancija, poshto CoD5 forsira coop gameplay kroz kompletnu igru. Sama kampanja ce se drzhati istorije.

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