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hoce li mi neko reci da li ce biti verzija za PC i kada treba da se pojavi !

OMFG !!!!



i GILETA !:)



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U da, ovo će baš biti zanimljivo.

Videh i takođe da je Mikica kao distributer Capcoma ili tako nešto, pa je krenuo u oglašavanje Street Fightera IV, pa će igra barem moći da na se nabavi predpostavljam nešto lakše, ako neko želi original.

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Da ali igrati tuche na Xbox-ovom kontroleru je jos veca nepravda (tj mazohizam)

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Govorim o raspalom D-Padu koji koristi Xbox , secam se da sam igrao Soul Calibur 4 na kutiji i proplakao sto nisam mogoa najobicniji potez da izvedem bez neke random akcije prouzrokovane losim dpadom

A ti si lucky druga osoba od koje sam cuo / procitao kojoj Xbox kontroler dobar za igranje tucha :D

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Nemam pojma, peglao sam svojevremeno sa društvom Dead or Alive "onoliko" i baš nisam imao problema sa kontrolerom. Čak mi možda i malo više odgovara što je tako "chubby" u odnosu na recimo onaj sa PlayStation-a. Sta znam, izgleda da je sve stvar ukusa. A pored toga, Xbox kontroler mi baš deluje izdržljivo onako, tj. dobro napravljen.

btw, simpa je ovaj novi kombo sistem u Street Fighteru 2, samo se možda malo previše oslanja na "čitanje" protivnika, ali je still good.

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Ja uzeo sebi kopiju... dobra igra samo specijalni potezi su relativno teški.

Evo kako se otvaraju skriveni likovi:

Cammy - Beat Arcade Mode with Crimson Viper.

Fei Long - Beat Arcade Mode with Abel.

Gen - Beat Arcade Mode with Chun Li.

Rose - Beat Arcade Mode with M. Bison (Dictator).

Sakura - Beat Arcade Mode with Ryu.

Dan - Beat Arcade Mode with Sakura.

Akuma - First, unlock Cammy, Fei Long, Gen, Rose, Sakura, and Dan. Start up another Arcade Mode, get 2 or more Perfect Rounds and get 2 Ultra Finishers. Beat Akuma when he challenges you (after the Seth battle). You cannot use continues.

Gouken - You must have all the unlockable characters unlocked that are available up to this point, including Akuma. Restart Arcade Mode and get 3 Ultra Combo Finishes and 2 Perfect Rounds. Gouken will challenge you after the battle with Seth. Win the match to unlock him. You cannot use continues.

Seth - Clear arcade mode with all the characters (including Akuma and Gouken). If you managed to unlock Seth with different criteria, it might be a bug (but the unlock is still valid for your profile).

Edited by abohac
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