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rekao je 10 necujno al nema veze :)

The Joker: I want...my phone call. I want it. I want it! I want my phone call!

Detective Stephens: That's nice.

The Joker: How many of your friends have I killed?

Detective Stephens: I'm a twenty year man. I can tell the difference between punks who need a little lesson in manners, and the freaks like you who just enjoy it.


Detective Stephens: And you've killed six of my friends.

The Joker: [faking interest, mouths "six"]

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Najjache je shto Ledgera ne mozesh da prepoznash u ovoj ulozi - toliko je od samog pochetka u ulozi da je to skoro neverovatno. Jedan od najjachih manira koji docharava Jokera je ono kada kao da lize nepce ili tako neshto, samo posle jednog takvog momenta odmah imash u glavi ono Joker = insane schizofrenic mass murderer [:D]

Svaka chast choveku...

Edited by ZerBah

А в чем сила, брат?

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I had a father...


-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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Ubedljivo najjači dilajog u filmu:

Harvey Dent: Your men, your plan.

Joker: Do I really look like a guy with a plan?

You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just do things.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Zashto bi rekao deset? Ako mu je ovaj rekao shest? :)))

EDIT: lol ladno nisam ni video da si napisao 10 :D

hm istripovao sam

a inace kontao sam da je u fazonu "ubio si mi sest prijatelja"

"gresis, ubio sam ih 10"

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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