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Iz Obsidiana stize novi RPG, ali sa sasvim novom idejom, bar sto se price tice.

Igrac je stavljen u ulogu Michaela Thortona, wonna-be-James-Bond-a, jedinog u mogucnosti da spreci internacionalnu katastrofu. Bice kao dosta lokacija, inoventan dijalog sa NPCovima itd itd

Meni ovo lici na hitmana sa rpg elementima, tja skillovi itd, pozdravljam ideju pa "cemo vidimo"... najavljuje se za 2009tu...







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meni ovo lichi na mass effect u sadashnjosti, po izvodjenju... jeste da nisu pravi screnovi ali svaka fotka me asocira na ME

ali siguran sam da ce svaki rpg element biti na vishem nivou od biowareovog :) za ostalo ne znam

e da, sjajan potez jer trziste vec godinama kuka za rpg-om u sadashnjosti

oni pored ovoga rade i rpg sa Alien tematikom zar ne





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FPS RPG-ovi su buducnost gaming-a :). Shto je najgluplje cini mi se su FPSRPGMMOG-ovi jebeno velika prilika da se zgrnu nenormalne kolicine novca, samo kad bi neko uspeo to da izvede kako treba. Flashpoint, Battlefield like MMO-vi sa RPG elementima bi pokidali najverovatnije.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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A moguce, izlejmovao sam samo googlov img search, i dok sam se akao da nadjem pravu - sve su bile fotke iz filma. Kad sam se smorio, iskocilo ovo, pa rek'o aj rokni ovu.

Ima li kakav info ili ss za RPG varijantu? nista nisam nasao, a mrzi me vise da trazim i citam :)

ps. sta fali slici, nabudzeni combat iz Kotora ;)

ps2. G!!! on his Holy Fallout Crusade! :) Pa ne mora sve izometrija :P


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A moguce, izlejmovao sam samo googlov img search, i dok sam se akao da nadjem pravu - sve su bile fotke iz filma. Kad sam se smorio, iskocilo ovo, pa rek'o aj rokni ovu.

Ima li kakav info ili ss za RPG varijantu? nista nisam nasao, a mrzi me vise da trazim i citam :)

ps. sta fali slici, nabudzeni combat iz Kotora ;)

ps2. G!!! on his Holy Fallout Crusade! :) Pa ne mora sve izometrija :P


pa sad sta je tu SVE ? :) ima samo dragon age da je iso kamera..... sve ostalo je fps ili ne daj boze tps [puke]

meni bash bi chudno da rade fp izvodjenje za alien rpg, jer je izuzetno teshko odraditi kvalitetan fp a da nemas iskustva u tome kao sto obsidian nema





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  • 1 month later...

neki prvi utisci gejspaja o demou igre

"Obsidian Entertainment is a very well-known developer thanks to its contributions to great RPG series like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Neverwinter Nights. Obsidian recently announced its own new franchise that will bring the dark and dangerous world of espionage into the RPG genre. We're talking about Alpha Protocol, the game that will see you in the role of a young spy involved in a twisted conspiracy, with a story that resembles that of the James Bond and Jason Bourne movies... with a touch of Jack Bauer, of course!

During the first day of the Leipzig Games Convention, the developers at Sega's booth showed us a detailed and interesting demo of the game, running on Xbox 360, in which some more elements of the gameplay were revealed.

The demo started in the main character's safehouse, where he can interact with the environment in different ways. For example, he could choose his weapons from a locker, weapons that will range from very traditional to high-tech gizmos like electrical or venomous grenades. But the most interesting part of the safehouse is actually the bathroom, where you will be able to fully customize your character, simply making him look into the mirror without any special interface. The developers said that they chose to leave Michael Thorton without a particular characterization because they wanted the player to make him their own personal alter-ego via the game's many customization features.

After this exploration of Thorton's lair we were showed a new level of the game, a place our young spy needed to infiltrate and take out various foes. The enemies have a red circle over their heads, which will decrease in color whenever you hit them with your ranged or close-combat attacks. Yes, there's also the possibility to beat them up, with spectacular combos and acrobatic martial arts-style hits. Of course, if you like the "stealth espionage" model, you can avoid jumping into action at breakneck speed, using stealth instead of brute force.

Whatever way you bring your missions to a successful end, you will be rewarded with points to spend in your various abilities in a way that closely resembles BioWare's Mass Effect. So, at the end of the game you will have your personal Michael Thorton, with his own skills and his own face and accessories. Oh, as far as the end of the game is concerned, when questioned about it, the developers mentioned the presence of multiple endings. Of course, it will be the choices that you make during the game as Thorton that will change your fate and the story that you will experience.

Choices comes in how you interact with the game's NPCs. When talking to a character, as happened during the Leipzig demo, you can choose between four different answers, from the kindest to the more aggressive. Depending on which you choose, the situation will evolve consequently, and the NPCs will interact with you in different ways. And if sometimes the more aggressive "Jack Bauer" answer is called for, in other occasions it's better not to be so rough, or you will lose useful allies.

The visuals were better than in the E3 demo, but still need to be polished a little more. Alpha Protocol will be out next year in February on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. "





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  • 8 months later...

ova igra se sve interesantnije oblikuje

naravno bice negde u rangu ME sto se tiche gejmpleja, ali po pitanju rpg sistema ima potencijala da ga daleko prebaci

interesantnih tu momenata ima, vredi pogledati

Alpha Protocol Dev. Diary list




Fryda! OM NOM NOM [:D]





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ali opet kad pogledas, deus ex je radio po sistemu cyberpunka, tako da je samo bilo pitanje da li ce dobro uskladiti sve, sto i jesu.

dok kod ove nove igre pretpostavljam da krecu od nule, sto znaci da moze da bude go'no, a i ne mora

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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  • 3 months later...

da podsetimo i ovo nam stize u oktobru pored Risen-a, a odmah u novembru dolece Dragon age... majku mu valjda ce valjati bar jedan naslov

nesto utisaka na http://www.gameon.co.uk/game/preview/xbox-...om-2009-preview

With a story rivalling the best spy-thriller novels and an immersive, ultra-realistic espionage world, Alpha Protocol will redefine the RPG genre for the next-gen gamer. The title is being developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Sega.


All of this is played via a 3rd person perspective in a gritty modern day realistic backdrop taking you to locations all around the globe. Combat is frantic and action packed with the entertainment value set for approximately 30+ hours of gameplay. Keep an eye out during October for this spy thriller, arriving on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.

i http://palgn.com.au/playstation-3/15120/al...otocol-preview/

Looking at the current build of the game, it looks to be quite similar to BioWare's Mass Effect in that it feels more like an action title than a traditional run of the mill RPG. Though, unlike Mass Effect, you can’t control what your character looks like. In Alpha Protocol we are given rookie CIA agent Michael Thorton, and that’s it. Obsidian believes that the fun of Michael lies in the fact that he is a blank canvas, with gamers given the opportunity of moulding his personality according to the way that they have Michael interact with other characters in the world as he uncovers the conspiracy behind those that have betrayed him.


Like any good RPG, there is always a 'hub', a base of operations for your player to work out of.





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Gledao sam ovo na GC-ju sada na prezentaciji, i nekako imam pomešana mišljenja, jer ...

Kreće sve, i sad lik dolazi na neki brod, fajta se sa nekim tipovima, neke ubija, neke onesvešćuje, onda ide neka borba sa "bossom" onda u skladu sa tim da li je rokneš ili ne ona ti postane prijatelj a njen mentor ti da pristup svojem black marketu za oružja, tralala. Onda postoji razvijeni sistem email komunikacije sa ostalima, postoji mogućnost da se prerušavaš kako hoćeš pred svaku misiju itd. Ima zanimljvi skill tree i napredovanje u tom smislu, ima nekoliko mini igara, a dizajneri rekoše da će imati 7 završetaka različitih.

I sve je to ok, i ja se mislim - super, taman dok sve ispoliraju, biće kul, kad pitam baju, kad izlazi, on kao - sredinom septembra. Ako je i dalje to datum, to znači da su ovih dana već morali da je pošalju na štampu, a meni to ne pije vodu jer je igra onako, solidno bagovita. Baš taj pomenuti boss se zaglavio i trčao u mestu u jednom trenutku bez pucanja na glavnog junaka, to prilaženje tj. šunjanje protivnicima nema veze sa životom jer je moguće prišunjati se praktično spreda nekome (ne baš direkt ali sa strane opušteno) itd itd.

Malo me je smorilo i to što su otišli suviše u neki SF fazon, pa imaš opciju da uključiš stelt pa te niko ne vidi dok prolaziš pored njih, šta ga znam. Imaju još i fazon da pauziraš vreme pa naciljaš više meta odjednom pa ih onda ubiješ, kao onaj, sad mi stade mozak, iz Fallouta, i tako.

Eto, to su neki utisci. Priča inače deluje dosta zanimljivo, barem ovo malo što sam imao prilike da isprobam.

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