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Dragon Age Origins


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I agree ne moze da dovoljno da se odzumira i ne moze kamera da se pomera gore dole, da nije toga izometrija bi rulala. Sa druge strane izometrija je totalno dobra za nisanjenje aoe spellova, a sa obzirom da su magovi 3 puta bolji od svih ostalih klasa to mnogo znaci!

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Da malo ozivim thread, zavrsio sam da drugi put, ovog puta sa dw warriorom. Moram da kazem da sam prijatno iznenadjen kolicinom bola koji moze da izbaci za kratko vreme :) Opsti utisak je da sam sabijao stvari brze i lakse od maga, ali sa druge strane nisam imao nikakav crowd control, tako da mora pazljivo.

Specijalizacije berserker i reaver i u ekspanziji spirit warrior. Spirit warrior je inace bolesno dobra specijalizacija posto pretvara sav damage u spirit koji ignorise armor.

Razmisljam se da obrnem jos jedan krug sa rogueom cisto da vidim i trecu klasu u akciji :)

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Mislim da su to otezali sa zadnjim DLC-om jer je otpor neprijatelja na vecinu magija koje onesposobljavaju povecan ili popravljen. Cone of cold nema nikakvog efekta na boss a umnogome umanjen efemat na lieutenant neprijatelje.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Da ali sa dlc-om je stigao i wardens armor sa bruka stamina bonusa, i onda ako si arcane warrior stavis armor i puf, pun mana pool sa 4-5 sustainables on, pa onda stavis onaj mac i uzmes shield koji isto daje mana bonus, pa stavis mana regen iteme, na kraju ispadne da przis sve najace magije stalno i jedini problem je docekati cooldown na najbolje.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Izasao novi DLC


"Never follow me." With these words, Morrigan vanished into the shadows. Her plans and her whereabouts have remained a mystery... until now. But whether you seek answers, revenge, or reconciliation with your lost love, you may find more than you bargained for.


The dreaded Archdemon has been slain and the advance of the darkspawn halted by a lone, heroic Grey Warden. The kingdom rejoices, but at least one question remains: what happened to Morrigan? The sorceress joined the Wardens cause, but it is said her true purpose was not revealed until the eve of the last battle. She vanished into the shadows, and while rumors claimed she crossed over the mountains into Orlais no trace of her path could be found. She was never heard from again... until now. Nearly a year has passed since the Archdemon's death, and word has reached the Wardens that Morrigan has returned to Ferelden. She has been sighted in the southern wilderness where she was first encountered. Is it truly her? If it is, then why is she here and what secret does she carry with her? The Warden heads into the forest to find out and tie up this last loose end once and for all.

Key Features:

•Confront Morrigan in this dramatic conclusion to the Origins storyline

•Earn powerful rewards that transfer into your Awakening and Origins campaign

•Import your character from Origins or Awakening or create a new, high-level hero

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Moracu da skinem :D Jedva sam zadnji put presao normalni DAO ,zbog sejva za 2,ali ako ovo bude bas hardcore,mozda me natera da opet sve iz pocetka picim...

Samo mi nije jasno ovo u vezi Key Features... Ako se radnja ovoga desava GODINU dana posle bitke sa archdemonom,zar nije radnja awakeninga smjestena POSLE ovog dogadjaja,kako moze da se ubaci charr iz awakeninga tu:o?

U svakom slucaju,ako neko ima neki DL link,nek' izbaci,i nek objavi kakav je DLC

Havarija bracoooo

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Koji je sada DLC spisak - Leliana's Song, Witch Hunt, i ima li još koji?

Darkspawn Chronicles = ) I takodje je Awakening 'kao' DLC ... i DLC su ono Wardens keep i Stone keeper ( takodje za blood dragon armor,i jos neke iteme )

~ @ Sinistral, kapiram da ide samo prica na foru ako je uzela dusu archdemona... a kako su zamislili ne znam,skinucu to sad negdje i prenijet utiske :p

Havarija bracoooo

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