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Dragon Age Origins


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"This is our new name, and our new logo. Even more importantly, it marks the official relaunch of Dragon Age, now to be known as Dragon Age Origins.

We know we have had many fans who've waited quite a long time for BioWare to star talking about this game and we're happy to finally start talking about Dragon Age Origins.

We have a lot of things to talk about over the coming months. The first big news will be the exclusive video shown this Friday night on Spike TV (check your local station for times) and then we are taking Dragon Age Origins to E3 to really get the ball rolling.

We have a massive amount of Dragon Age Origins stuff in teh works. Make sure you sign up for the DAO newsletter and Stay Tuned for more Dragon Age Origins coolness. "





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* Epic Party-Based Combat – Dragon Age: Origins will introduce an innovative, scalable combat system, as players face large-scale battles and use their party’s special abilities to destroy hoardes of enemies and massive creatures.

* Powerful Magic – Raining down awesome destruction on enemies is even more compelling as players apply “spell combos,” a way of combining together different spells to create emergent unique effects.

* Deep Customization – Players will develop their characters and gain powerful special abilities (spells, talents and skills) and discover ever-increasing weapons of destruction.

* Your Story, Your Way – With its emotionally compelling story, players choose with whom they wish to forge alliances or crush under their mighty fist, redefining the world with the choices they make and how they wield their power.

* Origin Stories – Players will select and play a unique prelude that provides the lens through which the player sees the world and how the world sees the player. The player’s choice of Origin will determine who they are and where they begin the adventure, as they play through a customized story opening that profoundly impacts the course of every adventure.

q1 2009



odem na action trip i kao aj procitam komentare, i ima retarda koji udaljenu kameru iz 3 lica (tzv izometrijski pogled) zovu "retro kamera" ... kakav "retro retard"...






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samo dok jos nauce da reci "epic" i "powerful" u feature listi ne postizu nista drugo sem da im PR department deluje retardirano

inace moze jos i da ispadne da valja, iako grafika deluje uzas zivi (mislim na ovaj jedan jedini gameplay shot, posto kontam da su ovi ostali iz spica jer izgledaju 5 puta bolje)

Edited by viljuska
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onaj trejler je zapravo cinematic trejler i prikazuje koriscenje engine-a u ingame varijanti... posto je to bioware kapiram da su ostavili rotirajucu kameru sa velikim mogucnostima zumiranja i manipulisanja.... tako da kada sagledas u glavi onaj trejler sa neke udaljene perspektive grafika ce biti dovoljno dobra :)

meni je najinteresantnije kako ce resiti "large-scale battles" i ima li tu sta novo i inovativno :)

u ostalom bioware je poznat sa komunikacijom sa svojom fan bazom od oko 4 miliona ljudi (lol) i da ce se sigurno potreuditi da nadju zajednicka reshenja, bar su tako najavili

u ostalom ovo je spiritualni naslednik BG-a, ne vidim zasto ne bi uradili to valjano, ipak jedna bethesda je dovoljna ovoj industriji





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pa igra je point and click party based rpg... ono sto malo pecka je najavljena konverzija na konzole... sto ce reci postojace nekakav tradeoff sigurno za nas na "pici" [:D], pitanje je samo koliko i kako ce da boli :P





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Auhh ovo fino izgleda :). Cim je kamera iz polupticije perspektive ne moz da omane :)eheheh.

Lepo ce moci da se selektiraju likovi, mapa fina, status bar gore nije prenatrpan sve sto treba izgleda ima, dole za potione ime da se ubacuje, tako da sa ovog skrin shota moze se ocekivati lep rpg... vreme je da se pojavi nesto ljudski :)hehehee.

Edited by Frubi


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dva n0ova trejlera!!

malo fajta

malo dijaloga (dijalozi u trejleru? da jebena bethesdo to postoji)


generalno atmosfera je nekako chudna, u stvari deluje jefitno i vec vidjeno... onaj carevic u zlatnom oklopu prica kao fegetic sa krastavcicem u guzi, mada nekako to je a must u biowareovim igrama pa se i ne uzima kao minus...

ali recimo sama muzika je totalno out of place...

i podseca malo na nekakav ripoff lotra sto ne mora uopste da bude lose, jer i onako svi kukamo da ne postohi pristojan lotr rpg

sve to nema nikakve veze ako igra bude dobar rpg, za sada mozda i previse podseca na nwn ali sve je bolje od podsecanja na mass efect kada je rpg zanr u pitanju...





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Meni ovo izgleda sve bolje i bolje. One animacije su extra, jeste da je dosta nasminkano (sto G reche lichi na LOTR), ali to i jeste normalno za jedan epski fantazi rpg. Bar se pre one masovne borbe vidi kako su se vojnici ukenjali [:D]

Po ovome do sada izgleda da BG dobija pravog naslednika.

p.s. Ako lichi na NWN2 to uopste nije loshe, samo da ne lichi na NWN1 [:D]

p.p.s. Voleo bih da u bioware-ovim igrama vidimo malo ozbiljnije dijaloge, a ne samo crno-belo opcije, ali sumnjam da ce po tom pitanju ista da promene...sta da se radi, navikli smo se vec :)

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